stupido Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 Are you expecting anything good? Or just 6 junk pokemon?
Aarux Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 It's a free service, but hey, if you want to do something special, go ahead. But I'm not expecting anything good, no.
stupido Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 I really appreciate it...I don't have much to offer anyway haha. What time is good for you? I'm in EST time zone
Aarux Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 I'm in CST, and my times are about 6 PM to 6 AM. I'm a night owl, you know? Since you're online right now, how about... now? So we don't need to schedule something.
stupido Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 Sounds good to me. I have your FC from your sig. Mine is: 4469 3525 5840 I'll be waiting on Wi-Fi EDIT: Thanks so much aarux!
Aarux Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 Hope you like them. Also, I forgot to mention before, thanks for making them as .pkm files and posting those. You wouldn't believe how much faster it is when people post files they need.
red707 Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 i never make mistakes o manual i have done manual codes for over 5 years and made only a couple mistakes but for about 3 years i did long codes that took hours and no mistake so i think it was just hacked up
Aarux Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 Five years, huh. So... does AR Code Manager not work on your computer? Or are you using a Mac? Did you test the code yet?
Aarux Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 Oh yeah. The disc. I lost that, too... but I bought another. Six ARs, anyone? Have you tried downloading the software off the Internet?
red707 Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 no because my parents don't want me downloading anything
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 Post the code that was Hacked Up, maybe I can fix it for you.
red707 Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 here rasn Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 E001AE64 00000088 306CE1F7 CD650000 E971C1B8 4F32B59B EB2DABBC 16129F4A C2EE7817 C48FCA40 3D45EEDF C058CAC6 4320F819 9135764A C652697B F704C767 98728D41 3050DB86 1150D8E1 ECC33053 8EC4723B C3EB475E 13A2C0BD 8CFBAF8A EDBB540B 2E7C0D30 7B9DBA99 FD9DBEF8 823D8E1E A5EF113A B346D5D8 683987F5 88D899E0 B77A288A 739BC98F 9CC4464F D2000000 00000000
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 I have converted the code for HG/SS and here are the results. [shinysprite]334[/shinysprite] ALTARIA Lv.70 Ability: Multitype Nature: Adamant Ev: 255 Hp/255 Atk/255 Def/255 Sp. Atk/255 Sp. Def/255 Speed Iv: 31 Hp/31 Atk/31 Def/31 Sp. Atk/31 Sp. Def/31 Speed Stats: 250 Hp/184 Atk/196 Def/151 Sp. Atk/217 Sp. Def/182 Speed Jul. 4, 2010 Route 32 Apparently met at Lv. 5. Likes to trash about. OT: master ID No. 26434 - Draco Meteor PP 0/5 - Ice Beam PP 0/10 - Draco Meteor PP 0/5 - Blast Burn PP 0/5
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 Altaria: Press Select Pick up via Box 18 Slot 1 Reveal hidden contents 94000130 FFFB0000 B2101D40 00000000 E001DE34 00000088 306CE1F7 CD650000 E971C1B8 4F32B59B EB2DABBC 16129F4A C2EE7817 C48FCA40 3D45EEDF C058CAC6 4320F819 9135764A C652697B F704C767 98728D41 3050DB86 1150D8E1 ECC33053 8EC4723B C3EB475E 13A2C0BD 8CFBAF8A EDBB540B 2E7C0D30 7B9DBA99 FD9DBEF8 823D8E1E A5EF113A B346D5D8 683987F5 88D899E0 B77A288A 739BC98F 9CC4464F D2000000 00000000
shh631 Posted July 14, 2010 Posted July 14, 2010 Hi I posted this a long time ago, don't think anyone responded or forgot or were but I would greatly appreciate if someone could trade me these. Please list the OT for all of these as Ao Quan Reveal hidden contents Pokemon Species: Bulbasaur Held Item: Masterball Level: 10 Ability: Overgrow Nickname (If wanted): Shindong Trainer ID (If specific): 23853 Secret ID (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): No Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: Quiet Pokérus Status: Pokéball Captured In: Pokeball EV Stats: Any IV Stats: Any Moveset: Leafstorm, Tackle, Leechseed, Vinewhip Ribbons (If any): None Location/Date Met: Goldenrod 4-13-2010 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon Species:Charmander (Female Please) Held Item: Masterball Level: 10 Ability: Blaze Nickname (If wanted): Hebe Trainer ID (If specific): 23853 Secret ID (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No):no Egg (Yes or No):no Nature: Mild Pokérus Status: Pokéball Captured In: PokeBall EV Stats: Any IV Stats: Any Moveset Scratch,Flare Blitz, Ember, Smokescreen Ribbons (If any): None Location/Date Met: Goldenrod 4-13-2010 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon Species: Squirtle (Female Please) Held Item: Masterball Level: 10 Ability: Torrent Nickname (If wanted): Selina Trainer ID (If specific): 23853 Secret ID (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No):no Egg (Yes or No):no Nature: Mild Pokérus Status: Pokéball Captured In: PokeBall EV Stats: Any IV Stats: Any Moveset Tackle,Yawn, Bubble Withdraw Ribbons (If any): Location/Date Met: Goldenrod 4-13-2010 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon Species: Eevee (Female Please) Held Item: Masteball Level: 15 Ability: Run Away Nickname (If wanted): Yoona Trainer ID (If specific): 23853 Secret ID (If specific): Shiny (Yes or No): No Egg (Yes or No): No Nature: Hasty Pokérus Status: Pokéball Captured In: PokeBall EV Stats: Any IV Stats: Any Moveset Yawn, Tackle, Helping Hand, Tail Whip Ribbons (If any): None Location/Date Met: Goldenrod 4-13-2010 HeartGold Friend Code: 3825 0821 4835 Please respond or PM me when ready and THANK YOU in advance
Aarux Posted July 15, 2010 Posted July 15, 2010 I don't respond to older requests since I don't know if half of them got finished or not. Reposting them helps, thanks. They're ready to trade. Tell me whenever you're ready.
Jonesy Posted July 15, 2010 Posted July 15, 2010 I posted this one month ago, but got no response, so I decided to repost. Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Growlithe Held Item: none Level: 5 Ability: Intimidate Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Jonesy Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 14878 Secret ID (If specific): 03557 Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): yes Egg (Yes or No): yes Nature: adamant Attacks: morning sun/will-o-wisp/bite/roar PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Park Ball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31/31/31/any/31/31 EV Stats: none Ribbons (If any): none Location/Date Met: Sandgem Town Location/Date Hatched: Twin Leaf Town 2009 or 2010 Level Met At: 1 Happiness: 70 Contest Stats: none Friend Code (required for Trading): 5017-7574-7530 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Slakoth Held Item: none Level: 11 Ability: Truant Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Jonesy Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 14878 Secret ID (If specific): 03557 Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adamant Attacks: giga impact/earthquake/scratch/yawn PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Premier Ball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31/31/31/any/31/31 EV Stats: none Ribbons (If any): none Location/Date Met: Eterna Forest Level Met At: 11 Happiness: 70 Contest Stats: none Friend Code (required for Trading): 5017-7574-7530 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Larvitar Held Item: none Level: 16 Ability: Guts Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Jonesy Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 14878 Secret ID (If specific): 03557 Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adamant Attacks: bite/rock slide/stealth rock/thunder wave PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Nest Ball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31/31/31/any/31/31 EV Stats: none Ribbons (If any): none Location/Date Met: Route 206 Level Met At: 16 Happiness: 35 Contest Stats: none Friend Code (required for Trading): 5017-7574-7530 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Gible Held Item: none Level: 20 Ability: Sand Veil Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Jonesy Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 14878 Secret ID (If specific): 03557 Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: jolly Attacks: take down/earthtquake/substitute/swords dance PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Great Ball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31/31/31/any/31/31 EV Stats: none Ribbons (If any): none Location/Date Met: Wayward Cave Level Met At: 20 Happiness: 70 Contest Stats: none Friend Code (required for Trading): 5017-7574-7530 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Lapras Held Item: none Level: 55 Ability: Water Absorb Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Jonesy Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 14878 Secret ID (If specific): 03557 Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: modest Attacks: ice beam/surf/psychic/thunderbolt PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Moon Ball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31/any/31/31/31/31 EV Stats: none Ribbons (If any): none Location/Date Met: Victory Road Level Met At: 55 Happiness: 70 Contest Stats: none Friend Code (required for Trading): 5017-7574-7530 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Beldum Held Item: none Level: 52 Ability: Clear Body Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Jonesy Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 14878 Secret ID (If specific): 03557 Pokemon Gender (If specific): no gender Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: impish Attacks: meteor mash/zen headbutt/earthquake/ice punch PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Net Ball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31/31/31/any/31/31 EV Stats: none Ribbons (If any): none Location/Date Met: Route 228 Level Met At: 52 Happiness: 35 Contest Stats: none Friend Code (required for Trading): 5017-7574-7530 Please contact me through PM for trade, thank you.
Jonesy Posted July 15, 2010 Posted July 15, 2010 I posted this one month ago, but got no response, so I decided to repost. Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Growlithe Held Item: none Level: 5 Ability: Intimidate Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Jonesy Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 14878 Secret ID (If specific): 03557 Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): yes Egg (Yes or No): yes Nature: adamant Attacks: morning sun/will-o-wisp/bite/roar PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Park Ball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31/31/31/any/31/31 EV Stats: none Ribbons (If any): none Location/Date Met: Sandgem Town Location/Date Hatched: Twin Leaf Town 2009 or 2010 Level Met At: 1 Happiness: 70 Contest Stats: none Friend Code (required for Trading): 5017-7574-7530 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Slakoth Held Item: none Level: 11 Ability: Truant Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Jonesy Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 14878 Secret ID (If specific): 03557 Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adamant Attacks: giga impact/earthquake/scratch/yawn PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Premier Ball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31/31/31/any/31/31 EV Stats: none Ribbons (If any): none Location/Date Met: Eterna Forest Level Met At: 11 Happiness: 70 Contest Stats: none Friend Code (required for Trading): 5017-7574-7530 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Larvitar Held Item: none Level: 16 Ability: Guts Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Jonesy Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 14878 Secret ID (If specific): 03557 Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: adamant Attacks: bite/rock slide/stealth rock/thunder wave PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Nest Ball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31/31/31/any/31/31 EV Stats: none Ribbons (If any): none Location/Date Met: Route 206 Level Met At: 16 Happiness: 35 Contest Stats: none Friend Code (required for Trading): 5017-7574-7530 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Gible Held Item: none Level: 20 Ability: Sand Veil Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Jonesy Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 14878 Secret ID (If specific): 03557 Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: jolly Attacks: take down/earthtquake/substitute/swords dance PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Great Ball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31/31/31/any/31/31 EV Stats: none Ribbons (If any): none Location/Date Met: Wayward Cave Level Met At: 20 Happiness: 70 Contest Stats: none Friend Code (required for Trading): 5017-7574-7530 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Lapras Held Item: none Level: 55 Ability: Water Absorb Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Jonesy Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 14878 Secret ID (If specific): 03557 Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: modest Attacks: ice beam/surf/psychic/thunderbolt PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Moon Ball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31/any/31/31/31/31 EV Stats: none Ribbons (If any): none Location/Date Met: Victory Road Level Met At: 55 Happiness: 70 Contest Stats: none Friend Code (required for Trading): 5017-7574-7530 Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Beldum Held Item: none Level: 52 Ability: Clear Body Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT): Jonesy Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific): 14878 Secret ID (If specific): 03557 Pokemon Gender (If specific): no gender Shiny (Yes or No): no Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: impish Attacks: meteor mash/zen headbutt/earthquake/ice punch PP (max or normal): normal Pokérus Status: No Status Pokéball Captured In: Net Ball Battle Stats: IV Stats: 31/31/31/any/31/31 EV Stats: none Ribbons (If any): none Location/Date Met: Route 228 Level Met At: 52 Happiness: 35 Contest Stats: none Friend Code (required for Trading): 5017-7574-7530 Please contact me through PM for trade, thank you.
red707 Posted July 15, 2010 Posted July 15, 2010 i need a code for attack always +20 every lv. can you make it
Aarux Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 Jonesy said: [...] Do you want these to be as realistic as possible? It sort of looks like you do, but there a couple problems... if not I'll just make them as you stated. And red, that really shouldn't be here. This is a Pokemon request thread. Ask RASN in his thread.
red707 Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 i did but he is bussy on another code and other people won't replay i will just wait
Tracy1969able Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 (edited) Around May 12 and May 13, 2010, I posted several requests, but I have not heard anything, so I will Repost them . Many of them, I may be editing my Request in order to make them easier to fullfil. Reveal hidden contents Pokefreak's Event Shiny Lucaria I don't know if it was holding anything, but I would like it to hold something that boosts 1 of it's attacks I know that it is level 100, but I don't know anything else about it. I assume the original trainer was Pokefreak@, but I don't know what her ID numbers were. Pokefreak@ is a female. Diffinitely shiny can breed, but is level 100 was infected if at all possible I don't know what ball it was captured in or any of its stats The Effort Ribbon and the Ribbon from the Days Of The Weeks Siblings (all of them) the Encounter date should be probably May 14, 2010. It was from Pokefreak@'s Forum Met at Level 100 Maxed out Friendship Contest Stats as legit as possible, if at all possible I would like the US action replay code for this Event Pokemon, and I would like it to be as legit as possible. I would prefer to pick it up in a pokemart, if not Box 2 slot 1 Please let me know if it can ever catch the pokerus or if I should try to not ever let it get infected. I originally posted this on May 12, 2010 Reveal hidden contents Japanese Ditto Metal Powder Level 12 Limber ability Japanese Nickname, but does not matter Original trainer: Japanese Game Pack but it does not matter Male OT Trainer ID from any Japanese Game Pak will do Secret ID from any Japanese game pak will do Pokemon Gender: None, but diffinitely Breedable and as legit as possible Does not have to be shiny anymore, but I would prefer it not an egg but can breed adamant transform pp what it would be if you gave it all the PPups that it would take infected with pokerus timer ball battle stats as normal and legit as possible after you gave it all of the medicine to raise stats as much as possible iv stats as normal and legit as possible after you gave it stat raising medicine for a level 10 ditto ev stats normal and as legit as possible after you gave it stat raising medicine for a level 10 ditto Effort Ribbon and from all Day Siblings Met on Route 34 on May 5, 2010 at level 10 maxed out happiness contest stats as maxed out and as legit as possible I would prefer to pick it up at the Pokemart, but if I cannot, I would like it on Box 2 Slot 1 Of my US Heartgold and Soulsilver Version I would like a US action replay code so that I can give them to my 1 Heartgold and 2 Soulsilver Versions. I posted this request on May 12, 2010 I also lost my starter somehow. I would like to replace it. Reveal hidden contents Pokemon: Typhlosion Held item: Charcoal Level 100 Ability: Blaze Nickname: TY (Remember Capital Letters) Orginal Trainer: TRACY (remember CAPITAL LETTERS) Trainer Gender : Female Trainer ID: 29367 Secret ID: Don't Know Pokemon Gender: Male Does not have to be shiny NO Egg, but can breed Jolly Attacks Cut Any Extremely Strong Fire Move, which can be done about 8- 10 times at least Any attack which it can legetimately learn, Egg Move or otherwise which is good defense against Water , but Offensive attack and against Ground and/or Rock types, but Offensive attack I'll leave the dicision up to the creator as to the other 3 moves PP: about normal, but at least between 8-10, at least on all moves, the maximum that they can have and still be almost undetectable But what it would be if I gave it all the pp ups that it would take Cured From pokerus Professor Elm gave it to me in a regular Pokeball Battle Stats as legit for a Typhlosion raised since a Level 5 Cyndaquil raised to a level 100 typhlosion IV Stats as legit for a Typhlosion raised since a Level 5 Cyndaquil raised to a level 100 typhlosion EV Stats as legit for a Typhlosion raised since a Level 5 Cyndaquil raised to a level 100 typhlosion Ribbons from all 7 Day A week Siblings and Effort ribbon Location: Professor Elm gave it to me in New Bark Town Date Encountered: March 18, 2010 Happiness: Maxed out This may not be possible but it did have a crown from collecting 5 Shiny Leaves. Contest Stats: as legit as possible, but higher than average, if at all possible Box 2 Slot 1 if not in the Pokemart Us action replay code Essentially I want it to replace My legit Starter, that I lost. I gave it all of the Stat Raising medicine that it would take, I would like its stats to be as legit and high as they were, before I lost it, with no need for medicine I posted this about May 13,2010 Reveal hidden contents Could I have an action replay code for the 2110 Movie Raikou, preferrably Shiny, if at all possible for my Heartgold and Soulsilver Version if at all possible? I posted this on May 12, 2010 Reveal hidden contents Could I have an action replay code for the 2010 Movie event Shiny Suicune if at all possible for my Heartgold and Soulsilver Version if at all possible? I posted this on May 12, 2010 Reveal hidden contents Could I have an action replay code for the 2010 Movie Event Entei, preferrably Shiny, if at all possible for my Heartgold and Soulsilver Version if at all possible? I posted this on May 12, 2010 Reveal hidden contents I lost or something happened to my Kanto Stater that Professor Oak gave me before I could do more than name him and put him in my Soulsilver Box. I chose the Squirtle I gave it Mystic Water to hold It was level 5 It's Ability was Torrent, I think that is what it is supposed to be? I named it HYDRO PUMP (Remember to use all CapitAL al letters) Original Trainer is TRACY (Remember to use all Capital Letters) I am a Female My Trainer ID Number is 29367 I have no Idea what my Secret ID is Can you make it Female, like me? I would like it to be Shiny, but it does not have to be anymore. Not an Egg but can breed It can be Impish Attacks Can you have it learn 4 different Egg Moves and still be as legit as possible, so that it would be almost undetectable? I will leave the decision as to which moves up to you., If you can't, then just Surf and the regular moves it can learn at that level. PP to be Normal I want it to have the Pokerus, if at all possible. Since I want it to be nearly legit, regular Pokeball Battle Stats As legit as possible for a level 5 Squirtle IV Stats as legit as possible for a level 5 Squirtle EV Stats as legit as possible for a level 5 Squirtle Ribbons: 7 Day a week Siblings Ribbons Location Pallet town Date Encountered May 12, 2010 Happiness maxed Contest Stats could be normal , but maybe a little better at pokeathlon but as legit as possible If I cannot pick it up at the poke mart, then box 2 slot 1 for Soulsilver Version US Action Replay code please I originally posted this on May 13, 2010 Reveal hidden contents When I Did that errand for the guy in the Goldenrod Gate Post, I never even thought about keeping the Spearow, but With some Knowlege that we were supposed to keep it and take the mail, and give another pokemon the mail to deliver, knowing that we will lose hat pokemon forever. In short, can you make me That Spearow, I would like it to be slightly different, but everything else the same as when the guy gave it to me. Can you give it an item to boost 1 of it's attacks? Can you make it female I would like it to be Shiny, but it does not have to be shiny anymore Have the Pokerus diffinitely Know 4 different Egg Moves, I'll leave the choice as to which ones up to you, if it is legitimattely possible. But I would like all of the attacks to be offensive, and you you make 1 a flying move, and another attack to be strong against 1 of it's weaknesses. I did train it to be level 15 I would like it to have Maxed Happiness Ribbons from all 7 Day a Week Siblings and effort ribbon If not at PokeMart than Box 2 Slot 1 US action replay code I originally posted this on May 12, 2010 Reveal hidden contents Smeargle Whichever held item works best with any of its moves, but I want his power boosted Level 1 Ability Either Own Tempo or Technitian whichever works best with his egg moves I will let you decide Nickname: DONATELLO (Remember CAPITAL LETTERS) Original Trainer: TRACY (Remember CAPITAL LETTERS) Trainer ID: 29367 Secret ID: Don't Know Pokemon Gender: Male Shiny but it does not have to be anymore not an egg, but can breed Nature: Brave? Attack: Earthquake Surf 2 Different attacks, your choice which would be it's best defense agaist his 2 greatest weaknesses For his defense, but I want them to be offensive attacks, legit as possible for it PP: Normal Has pokerus captures in Premieire Ball Battle Stats as legit as possible IV Stats as legit as possible EV Stats as legit as possible ribbon 7 Day of week siblings and effort ribbon Location: ruins of alphDate Recieve May 12, 2010 met at level 1 Maxed Happiness Contest Stats : as legit as possible, but would like them to be higher than normal if possible Box 2 Slot 1 if not in Pokemart US Action Replay Code originally posted this on May 13, 2010 For months, I have been trying kto make these 3 Pokemon in the Platinum Version, but I would have traded them to my Heartgold and Soulsilver Versions, after I was able to make them correctly, but I am having no luck, esp. concerning the location. So I would also like to request these 3 as well. These are the 3 legendary pokemon that you can only catch if you have the level 100 Event Regigigas, and you can only catch them in the Platinum Version. I was adding a few almost unimportant changes, which should not effect their as legit as possible appearance. This is how I would like them to be, and still look as legit as possible. Reveal hidden contents Registeel, which you can only catch in the Platinum Version, if you have the Event Regigigas I would like it to hold the Iron Plate it should be level 30 ability should be clear body I want the Nickname to be IRON HAND (REMEMBER ALL CAPITAL LETTERS) Trainer ID I don't remember I guess I am not to picky about that 1 Secret ID My platinum was 21530, But it may not be necessary to get this exactly Right Original trainer TRACY (REMEMBER ALL CAPITAL LETTERS) OT Gender was a female no gender I would like it to be shiny, but it may not be possible it is bashful its attacks are: super power curse metal claw stomp, but you have my permission to have learned some other stronger offensive, that may be stronger than these particular moves, as long as it can legit. learn the moves. normal pp unless would look like PP Uped med has pokerus captured in luxery ball I don't know or really understand battle stats, IV Stats, and EV Stats, but HP was 88 Attack was 59 Defense was 96 SP. Attack was 52 Sp. Defense was 100 and Speed was 35 all of Julia's 7 Ribbons, Effort Ribbon, Footstep Ribbon, and all of the 3 Resort's ribbons Met at level 30 at the Iron Ruins on July 10, 2010 maxed out happiness contest stats as maxed if possible, but I still want it to look legit pokemart or Box 2 Slot 1 US Action Replay Code for heartgold and soulsilver versions even though you can only catch it in the platinum Reveal hidden contents Regice Held item would be Icicle Plate Level 30 Clear body Nickname would be BLIZZARD (REMEMBER ALL CAPITAL LETTERS) OT is TRACY (REMEMBER ALL CAPITAL LETTERS) OT was a female Same ID and Secret ID for Registeel above no gender would like it to be shiny, but may not be possible bashful super power, curse, icy wind, and stomp but you have my permission to teach it stronger offensive moves, which may work out better for it as long as it can legit. learn the moves. pp as maxed as as legit . possible has pokerus captured in net ball, if it exists in the Platinum version the net ball if not then the dusk ball I don't know about the Battle, IV, or EV Stats, but HP is 94 Attack is 35 Defense is 67 Sp. Attack is 66 Sp. Defense is 129 Speed is 42 Same ribbons as the Registeel above Met at Level 30 at Iceburg Ruins on July 12, 2010 maxed out happiness contest stats as maxed out as legit. as possible Pokemart or Box 2 Slot 1 US action replay Code for heartgold and soulsilver, even though you can only catch it in platinum Reveal hidden contents Regirock Held item Rock plate Level 30 Clear Body ROCK SLIDE (REMEMBER ALL CAPITAL LETTERS) OT is TRACY (REMEMBER ALL CAPITAL LETTERS) OT is female ID and Secret ID is the same as Registeel and the Regirock above no gender would like it to be shiny, if at all possible bashful attacks stomp, rock throw, curse, and super power You have my permission to change its attacks to stronger moves, which it can legit. learn, as long as they are offensive attacks PP as maxed out as legit. as possible has pokerus captured in cherish ball, as long as you can obtain a cherish ball in the platinum version, if not then the quick ball, I hope you can obtain that ball in platinum version I don't know about battle stats, IV stats, and EV stats HP is 97 Attack is 69 Defense is 130 Sp. Attack is 35 Sp. Defense is 68 Speed is 38 Same ribbons as the Registeel and the Regice above met at Rock Peak Ruins at level 30 on July 8, 2010 maxed out happiness contest stats as maxed out as possible, and still look legit US action Replay Code for Heartgold and Soulsilver, even though you can only catch it in the Platinum Version Pokemart or Box 2 Slot 1 Reveal hidden contents 99 of all kinds of Apricorns all colors of apricorns apricorn bag slot I would like to have only 1 code, but be able to get 99 of all colors of apricorns, instead of having to activate 7 or 8 different codes Reveal hidden contents Ash's event Pikachu, but an you make it shiny? I will understand if you cannot. Could you give it the pokerus, I will understand if you can not. US action replay code please Reveal hidden contents shiny spiky eared Pichu Any possible way to make it look legit as much as possible Could you give it the pokerus. I will understand if you an not. US Action Replay Code Reveal hidden contents Pikachu Light Ball level 8 or whatever it would be if it was caught in the Yellow Forest Pokewalker Route Static ANY NICKNAME THAT CAN KIND OF COMBINE THE ELECTRIC TYPE WITH EITHER SURF AND/OR FLY (REMEMBER ALL CAPITAL LETTERS) You can hoose the nickname OT is TRACY (REMEMBER ALL CAPITAL LETTERS) I mentioned my several Trainer IDs and Secret ID later on this one page I would like it to be shiny, but it will not be a requirement. not an egg, but can breed nature your choice, whatever works best Surf Fly any strong electric attack, either learned at the level ot TM or taught and any other offensive attack it can also learn at that level, which can be aquired in any legit way pp looks legit Is infected pokeball, because I don't think that it can be anything else if it is caught in the Pokewalker IV and EV to look legit Ribbons from all 7 siblings Location Whatever it will be if aught in the pokewalker. One of my soulsilver versions are in Violet city, and The other is somewhere else. maxed out friendship if possible US action Replay Code please If I forgot to mention this in any of the above request, I am a female, if it is important. The OT for all of my games is Female. The final pokemon options could be either female or male. I am really not picky, but I would kind of like 1 of each, if not already mentioned in the request. Edited July 18, 2010 by Tracy1969able I wanted to add on 99 of all colors of apricorns, instead of having to activate 7 different codes and 1 Pichu and 2 Pikachus
Crest Posted July 16, 2010 Posted July 16, 2010 Hello, I want something slightly different, instead of you giving me the Pokemon, can you give me the code for the pokemon. Basically, I am UK HeartGOLD, and am trying to make a cyndaquil, if I have made the Pokemon in Pokesav Platinum, what parts of the code do i need to change to get it to UK Heartgold standard
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