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Last time i played any pokemon game i was 12 years old or so. Now im 25 ^^

Pokemon GO Madness made me buy a brand new 2DS Console which is completly new to me because im used to old GBA's

found my self a cheap used copy of Soulsilver and started my way.

Choosed Chikorita the cutest starter ever <3 and i got some questions.

I'd like to know if there is a way to Evolve Geodode to Golem without Real Life Trade ? because i dont have anyone near by with this console to make the Trades

Are there any tips out there for a starter like me? i still remember some things from Pokemon Gold that i used to play but still i want to make sure i dont miss anything on my journey

this is the dream i hope for and i would like to hear your opnions about it





5.Umbreaon or Espeon ? both are new to me so id like to hear some opnions about which one is better ?

6.Want it to be Golem but sadly its probably not gonna happen because the Trading System - so please help me decide on another pokemon for my team ! :P

Also , should i catch all pokemons early in the game ? or just focus on leveling up and getting stronger first?

I want to catch them all and complete my Pokedex but do i really need to it in early levels?



You can't evolve to Golem without actually trading no. But if you got homebrew through browserhax then menuhax, and bought Pokémon Dream Radar ($3) or 1 year of Pokémon Bank($5), you would be able to use TWLSaveTool to copy your save file from your cartridge to the computer, then you could use a save editor to change Graveler into a Golem as if you evolved it via trade, then write the save file back to your game.

  Ammako said:
You can't evolve to Golem without actually trading no. But if you got homebrew through browserhax then menuhax, and bought Pokémon Dream Radar ($3) or 1 year of Pokémon Bank($5), you would be able to use TWLSaveTool to copy your save file from your cartridge to the computer, then you could use a save editor to change Graveler into a Golem as if you evolved it via trade, then write the save file back to your game.

sounss amazing

any chance you can guide me on those hack tools?

im very new to this whole nintendo world but i learn quick ^^


Get this and place it at the root of your SD card.

Also get menuhax here. Extract the "3ds" folder to the root of your SD card.

And TWLSaveTool here. Again extract the 3ds folder at the root of your SD card (it'll merge with the previous one and you'll have both menuhax_manager and TWLSaveTool in it.)

Go to the web browser, in options, delete all cookies and browser data.

Then go back to home menu, go to home menu settings, turn off Wireless.

Then hold L+R to bring up the camera and hit the checkered square to open the QR code scanner, and scan the QR code here

It will bring up the browser and attempt to go to the url for browserhax and fail because Wireless is disabled, so go back to home menu and re-enable Wireless, then go back to web browser and it'll automatically load the website for browserhax. I'm not entirely sure how this new browserhax works so if you have issues with it I dont know if I can help.

Anyway once you've run browserhax (it may require several tries), it will run the boot.3dsx at the root of your sd card which is the Homebrew Launcher. There you should find menuhax manager through which you will install menuhax. Highly recommended because it's a lot more reliable than browserhax, and Nintendo can't fix it without releasing a new firmware update.

After that, you'll have to get on the eShop and either buy Pokémon Dream Radar, or download Pokémon Bank and get one year of subscription time. Dream Radar is cheaper so I would recommend that one, but you might be interested in Pokémon Bank if you get X/Y or OR/AS. This is because TWLSave Tool cannot access the save files of regular DS games on its own, it needs to hijack another app which has the right permissions for it to work, and so far only Dream Radar and PokéTransfer have the ability to read DS saves in 3DS mode.

Once you have that, you can run homebrew launcher, have your SoulSilver game in, and run TWLSaveTool. Then you can backup the save file to the SD card, put it in the computer and edit it with PokéGen before putting it back into your game (still with TWLSaveTool.)

  Ammako said:
Get this and place it at the root of your SD card.

Also get menuhax here. Extract the "3ds" folder to the root of your SD card.

And TWLSaveTool here. Again extract the 3ds folder at the root of your SD card (it'll merge with the previous one and you'll have both menuhax_manager and TWLSaveTool in it.)

Go to the web browser, in options, delete all cookies and browser data.

Then go back to home menu, go to home menu settings, turn off Wireless.

Then hold L+R to bring up the camera and hit the checkered square to open the QR code scanner, and scan the QR code here

It will bring up the browser and attempt to go to the url for browserhax and fail because Wireless is disabled, so go back to home menu and re-enable Wireless, then go back to web browser and it'll automatically load the website for browserhax. I'm not entirely sure how this new browserhax works so if you have issues with it I dont know if I can help.

Anyway once you've run browserhax (it may require several tries), it will run the boot.3dsx at the root of your sd card which is the Homebrew Launcher. There you should find menuhax manager through which you will install menuhax. Highly recommended because it's a lot more reliable than browserhax, and Nintendo can't fix it without releasing a new firmware update.

After that, you'll have to get on the eShop and either buy Pokémon Dream Radar, or download Pokémon Bank and get one year of subscription time. Dream Radar is cheaper so I would recommend that one, but you might be interested in Pokémon Bank if you get X/Y or OR/AS. This is because TWLSave Tool cannot access the save files of regular DS games on its own, it needs to hijack another app which has the right permissions for it to work, and so far only Dream Radar and PokéTransfer have the ability to read DS saves in 3DS mode.

Once you have that, you can run homebrew launcher, have your SoulSilver game in, and run TWLSaveTool. Then you can backup the save file to the SD card, put it in the computer and edit it with PokéGen before putting it back into your game (still with TWLSaveTool.)

amazing post!!! thanks!

one question b4 i start my joruney

does the 4GB SD Card that came with the 2DS big enough for those ?

im probably gonna use it only to evolve those trade pokemons because i dont like to hack my way too much

  Ammako said:
4GB will be more than enough.


starting now with some Queen Music in the background :) ill update the post once i've done

  Ammako said:
4GB will be more than enough.

sent you a PM but im not sure if you got it or not...maybe your inbox is full

how can i access the SD Card? Mini usb to USB will work ?


Nah, my inbox isn't even halfway to full. Not sure why I didn't receive a notification on my phone for this last post where you quoted me though, hmm.

Anyway for future reference, gotta take out the SD card and use an USB SD card reader. SD card slot is on the right side of the 2DS.

  Ammako said:
Nah, my inbox isn't even halfway to full. Not sure why I didn't receive a notification on my phone for this last post where you quoted me though, hmm.

Anyway for future reference, gotta take out the SD card and use an USB SD card reader. SD card slot is on the right side of the 2DS.


here's an update

i did everything as said and got Pokemon radar

now my question is - how i load Homebrew launcher again ? is there any short cut?


If you installed menuhax with all default options, you should normally be able to load the Homebrew Launcher when powering on your 2DS by holding down L.

  Ammako said:
If you installed menuhax with all default options, you should normally be able to load the Homebrew Launcher when powering on your 2DS by holding down L.


i did it!!

evolved my Graviler to Golem that way : )

Thanks for the amazing help!

right now i got my team like this >




4.Red Gyarados - will be replaced with Lapras once i find one

5.will be Charizard

6. no idea ... maybe Lugia ?

anyway! i wanted to ask you something else...

in SoulSilver u get many items known as HM and u can put them to your pokemons to do some stuff like Cut/Surf and such...

thing is ... i feel bad wasting a move slot for those skills - maybe u can watch my team and guide me on which pokemons i should give the HM's to ?

I know lapras can get Surf and Charizard can get fly - but when do i get Charmander ?


Eh honestly you can get by fairly easily in-game even if you taught all the wrong HMs to the wrong Pokémon.

Fly's really useful and I personally always keep it on at least one Pokémon in my team. It doesn't really get much use in-battle, but for example with Charizard I get by just fine with just Air Slash and Flamethrower as attacking moves, with a third filler move of my choice and Fly as the last move.

Surf is just a great damage dealer in general so you shouldn't feel too guilty about actually teaching it to your Pokémon.

Strength I think is pretty strong too; it may not really be the best move competitively-speaking, but 80 base power Normal-type move with 100% accuracy is not too shabby.

Waterfall can be pretty good too, 80 base power like Strength, and it's a physical Water-type move so it's really good for Pokémon which rely on Attack rather than Special Attack. Can also flinch the opponent 1/5 of the time.

Cut is kinda weak, 50 base power, but if you really need to, you can do fine with having only 3 actual useful moves on that Pokémon while having Cut as the fourth. Same with Rock Smash and Whirlpool, they may have some really niche use but in general you'd be better off keeping a low level HM Slave which knows Cut and Rock Smash, and perhaps another one for Whirlpool, and take them out of the box just for using those moves whenever you may need it. Same with Rock Climb, it may have 90 base power with a 1/5 chance of confusing the opponent, but with 85% accuracy imo it may just miss at the worst times possible so you'd be better off using Strength as far as damage goes. There's a fair bit of Normal-type Pokémon that can learn Cut, Rock Smash and Rock Climb all at once, so you can teach those to one of them and just keep it in the box for whenever you need.

Either that, or you can teach those HM moves to your Pokémon and then unlearn them at the move deleter in Blackthorn City once you don't need them anymore. Careful not to overwrite a move you wouldn't be able to re-learn when teaching them the HM moves, though. In the same house as the Move Deleter there is the Move Relearner which will teach your Pokémon any move it doesn't have from its level-up table as long as it's high enough level for it, but it costs one Heart Scale per.

As for Charmander, you should probably forget about this one, because you don't get to pick a Gen. I starter until the very end of the game. You could still give yourself one via PokéGen though if you really want one for your team when going through the game.

  Ammako said:
Eh honestly you can get by fairly easily in-game even if you taught all the wrong HMs to the wrong Pokémon.

Fly's really useful and I personally always keep it on at least one Pokémon in my team. It doesn't really get much use in-battle, but for example with Charizard I get by just fine with just Air Slash and Flamethrower as attacking moves, with a third filler move of my choice and Fly as the last move.

Surf is just a great damage dealer in general so you shouldn't feel too guilty about actually teaching it to your Pokémon.

Strength I think is pretty strong too; it may not really be the best move competitively-speaking, but 80 base power Normal-type move with 100% accuracy is not too shabby.

Waterfall can be pretty good too, 80 base power like Strength, and it's a physical Water-type move so it's really good for Pokémon which rely on Attack rather than Special Attack. Can also flinch the opponent 1/5 of the time.

Cut is kinda weak, 50 base power, but if you really need to, you can do fine with having only 3 actual useful moves on that Pokémon while having Cut as the fourth. Same with Rock Smash and Whirlpool, they may have some really niche use but in general you'd be better off keeping a low level HM Slave which knows Cut and Rock Smash, and perhaps another one for Whirlpool, and take them out of the box just for using those moves whenever you may need it. Same with Rock Climb, it may have 90 base power with a 1/5 chance of confusing the opponent, but with 85% accuracy imo it may just miss at the worst times possible so you'd be better off using Strength as far as damage goes. There's a fair bit of Normal-type Pokémon that can learn Cut, Rock Smash and Rock Climb all at once, so you can teach those to one of them and just keep it in the box for whenever you need.

Either that, or you can teach those HM moves to your Pokémon and then unlearn them at the move deleter in Blackthorn City once you don't need them anymore. Careful not to overwrite a move you wouldn't be able to re-learn when teaching them the HM moves, though. In the same house as the Move Deleter there is the Move Relearner which will teach your Pokémon any move it doesn't have from its level-up table as long as it's high enough level for it, but it costs one Heart Scale per.

As for Charmander, you should probably forget about this one, because you don't get to pick a Gen. I starter until the very end of the game. You could still give yourself one via PokéGen though if you really want one for your team when going through the game.

adding charmander would be like cheating no ? : [ on the other hand i cant catch him until very very late game..

what about Lapras is it late game too ?

if those pokemons are only very very late in game i would use pokegen to get them in low levels and train them slowly ...

for the HM info - thanks that was great ^^ there are so many HM's that i get confused which ones i need and which i dont but ill deal with it somehow i guess

i only finished the ICE gym with pryce so i still got plenty to do


Lapras you can get as soon as you have both Surf and Strength, at the very bottom of Union Cave on Fridays.

And yeah using PokéGen to get Charmander early would be like cheating, but it's really up to you to decide whether this would be an acceptable cheat or not.

It's not like you have to give yourself a Lv. 100 Charizard with all max stats and all the best attacks, you could give yourself a lower level Charmander of about the same level than what other wild Pokémon around you are, and use it normally the same way you would any other Pokémon. :P

  Ammako said:
Lapras you can get as soon as you have both Surf and Strength, at the very bottom of Union Cave on Fridays.

And yeah using PokéGen to get Charmander early would be like cheating, but it's really up to you to decide whether this would be an acceptable cheat or not.

It's not like you have to give yourself a Lv. 100 Charizard with all max stats and all the best attacks, you could give yourself a lower level Charmander of about the same level than what other wild Pokémon around you are, and use it normally the same way you would any other Pokémon. :P

Thats a good idea with that charmandeR!

sry for the dumb question but how do i check the date and is there any way to spend the days faster?

also wth is that Union Cave and how i reach there :D sry for the dumb question

btw i already got Surf...not sure about Strength and where i get it :D

so my dream team will be






and i have 1 slot free...

maybe you can help me with those HM's like which one of the pokemons i listed should get spefic HM's ?

sry for asking so many questions :D

and thank you for your time and help !: D


Your 2DS should show you the date at the top of the top screen when you are on the home menu, otherwise I'm fairly sure you can check the date while in-game in SS with the PokéGear.

Can't really 'spend the days faster' but you can kinda cheat the system by going in your system settings and setting the date back to a Friday.

If you've already finished the 7th Gym then you should already have HM04 Strength, I don't think it's possible to skip it. Union Cave is south of Violet City/East of Azalea Town (you went through it to get to Azalea Town initially, but most of the area never got fully explored.)

Also I was mistaken, you don't actually need Strength to get to Lapras in Union Cave (confused with Slowpoke Well.)

As for the HMs, like I said the ones I listed that are decent-ish for using as actual moves you can just teach one tho whoever you think may need that kind of move the most (or you can teach it to several of them too.)

If you have one slot free, might as well just keep a low level Rattata there, can teach it Cut and Rock Smash so your team doesn't have to have it.

  Ammako said:
Your 2DS should show you the date at the top of the top screen when you are on the home menu, otherwise I'm fairly sure you can check the date while in-game in SS with the PokéGear.

Can't really 'spend the days faster' but you can kinda cheat the system by going in your system settings and setting the date back to a Friday.

If you've already finished the 7th Gym then you should already have HM04 Strength, I don't think it's possible to skip it. Union Cave is south of Violet City/East of Azalea Town (you went through it to get to Azalea Town initially, but most of the area never got fully explored.)

Also I was mistaken, you don't actually need Strength to get to Lapras in Union Cave (confused with Slowpoke Well.)

As for the HMs, like I said the ones I listed that are decent-ish for using as actual moves you can just teach one tho whoever you think may need that kind of move the most (or you can teach it to several of them too.)

If you have one slot free, might as well just keep a low level Rattata there, can teach it Cut and Rock Smash so your team doesn't have to have it.

thanks for the amazing help - gonna test it out tomorrow probably when i get some free time ...

probably will make my self a litlle charmander :)

sadly Pokemon GO stole all my free time :XD:

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