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Some assistance, please?

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First off, I'm new here. I'm MewMewMewtwo. Nice ta meet ya ^.^

Anyways, I recently generated a Mew. However, since QR codes don't work anymore (I got the stupid update </3) and I'm new at this and have no other methods of getting this Mew I made, I was hoping that perhaps I could give someone its QR code and they could trade him to me? I'm not sure I'd have any Pokemon of your interest to trade it for (or that I'd be willing to part with, I love my Pokemon too much ;~; ), but it would be very much appreciated. I'll send my FC to whoever offers to help me out so I'd be easier to find.

Also, I apologize if this is in the wrong section. This is a request and I assumed it should go here.

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Not sure if it's necessary to add this, but it's for Pokemon X.

EDIT: I see Nintendo just loves to fuck people over. I'm assuming there isn't a way to trade Mew. Thank you for trying though.

Edited by MewMewMewtwo
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