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let me start by saying i did search the forum and saw this in another thread BUT the location i want isnt there or i dont see it

basically i just want a registeel that looks like i got it from pal park from hoenn

BUT there isnt a pal park location (i have platinum version .0.0.6d)

i am pretty new at this but i know enough to get the pokemon onto my game

also i did see something called poke park 6-16 but i wasnt sure if that was pal park

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Could you upload the current file so that we can examine it?

There is a location for Pal Park, it is number 55. In the drop-down toolbar it says (Pal Park). Also, don't forget to set the Hidden Hex values so that it is appropriate for that. (For reference, check here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=218) Also, a useful tool to make sure it's legal is the Legality Checker. That should be on the sidebar on PP's homepage. If you're not sure about legality, check the stickies in this forum, they're quite helpful and explanatory.

I'm also pretty sure that Poke Park 6-16 is for an old event, in case you're wondering.

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