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Help for pokegen.


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Hi all guys,

i open this thread for ask help. I need someone explain me how i can create with pokegen 4° and 3° pokemon generation.

For example i want totodile by egg and obtained it in ss and hatch it in New Bark Town.

or again Mew and it is obtain only in smeral version..

then please write for me a little guide.. i need your help.

ty <3 :redface:

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There are already guides on how to use PokeGen. Since you aren't asking specific questions, I'm closing this thread.

You would do better to download PokeGen, attempt to create, and then ask us specific questions about what you need help with.

Here is the request thread if you want someone to make you a pkm file.


You can also go to Pokecheck.org and obtain legal pkm files and then modify them however you wish.

Feel free to re-post once you have very specific questions on what exactly you need help with.

Also, there is no Pokemon Smearl Version.

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