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Bad Egg

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I hope this is the right place to ask this question, but could someone perhaps help me out with a bad egg.

I was transfering Pokemon from my HeartGold game to my White 2 game and appearantly one of the buggers was glitched. I heard the only solution is deleting it with the Action Replay, however sadly, my Action Replay is broken (since 4th gen ironicly) or trading it to a game and than deleting the save file.

So could someone please help me out. My National Dex in White 2 is finally completed and now I have to deal with this rotten product of a torchic's ass.

Thanks in advance,


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I don't know what you expect. You can't just magically make Bad Eggs disappear. The most common way of getting rid of them is by ovierriding it with another hack. IE if the egg is in PC Box 1, then insert a Pokemon in that slow and have the code override it.

Lacking an AR, transfer it to a save file/game cart and then delete the save.

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