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2 important questions

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I bring more questions for this board, yay.

First of all, anyone know how to edit specific colors from a RLCN pallete file? It's just a few color lines out of the 256 colors that it has. Some colors are supposed to stay as they are.

This question is essentially a follow up of this thread, which doesn't really provide an answer: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?27073-Problems-editing-a-.RLCN-(palette)-file-in-HG-SS

And that's because Console tool 3.0, can't seem to save the edits when exporting the new file, even though they display well. Hexing is not an option because of time constraints.

Or am I doing something wrong?

And my second question.. I want to change some textures and palletes in BMD0 3D files. Any program out there that can do this?

This thread here touches upon the issue but it's vague.


That's all.

Im finally finding my way around the roms. I can navigate them easily and I made a narc list of where everything is. But this is a wall on my face right now.

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