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Requesting The Aid of Someone With Pokesav and an action replay


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Is there anyone who can make a pokemon ( i really dont care what it is) and give it the item Liberty Ticket? I know it can be done, because i've done it before....I bought a 3ds and returned my ds though, so i can't do it anymore...if someone would do that and trade me, i'd really appreciate it

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It can be done, but it won't work that way. The in-game event won't be activated unless you actually get the Ticket as a mystery gift delivery.

Also, Pokesav isn't supported anymore. This site hosts and supports Pokegen.

The only way you're going to get a working Ticket on your game is to use the pgf file from our Event Database and insert it into your sav file with Pokegen, or with an AR code (which you can also use Pokegen to generate).

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