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Hi, I had the 3.0.3 version to pokegen and upon opening to use it, there was an update for the program. I clicked the update, and now, the Norton I have installed on my computer sees the program as a threat now and keeps removing it even after I redownload the newest version. Is there a way I can get the 3.0.3 version again? The latest one will keep being removed, even if I turn off Norton. I used the previous version just fine without any issues, and now this comes up. Can someone help or give me a download link to the previous version of Pokegen if possible? Thanks in advance. (:

  Galdr said:
Hi, I had the 3.0.3 version to pokegen and upon opening to use it, there was an update for the program. I clicked the update, and now, the Norton I have installed on my computer sees the program as a threat now and keeps removing it even after I redownload the newest version. Is there a way I can get the 3.0.3 version again? The latest one will keep being removed, even if I turn off Norton. I used the previous version just fine without any issues, and now this comes up. Can someone help or give me a download link to the previous version of Pokegen if possible? Thanks in advance. (:

If you go to your pokegen file, right click and selesct norton then norton file insight the another folder pops up then select clear now(or something like that). Now you should be able to go too pokegen.

hope this helped


Well, that sucks. I've done both options you two suggested and it is still being blocked.

The threat was labeled something with "SONAR" and it was a "High Risk" upon opening it, and that it was "acting suspiciously". Therefore, it was removed. Thankfully, I actually had the older versions ( saved on a flash drive. It sort of sucks the older versions aren't being provided just in case things like this happen... I'll just stick with the basic older version from now on since the updates seem to "harm" my computer. I don't think they would have, but Norton did what it had to do. But yeah, thanks anyway for the assistance. It's appreciated.


There's no harm being done at all. Norton is just paranoid. That's why I mentioned having PokeGen on ignore. I highly, highly doubt that there's no way to do this.

If you look up Norton's "SONAR", you'll see that it has produced many false positives. PokeGen's update code in particular would be rather likely to set off alarm bells with most antivirus software because it does things that do look like virus activity. (Remotely downloading, replacing itself, restarting with the new executable.)


I didn't put work into the update system to remove it. If you're really that paranoid about software that tens of thousands of people are using at this point, then just don't use it. I can't do any more than tell you that there is nothing malicious in the program whatsoever.


Look, if you can't get your AV to stop bitching about the program, disable your internet connection (so you have no viruses coming in from the big bad internet if your firewall fails) and then disable your AV to use pokégen, I used to do this for pokésav back in the day so just deal with it, as this program saves you a massive amount of work and not one other person (including myself) has contracted any sort of virus from this software, and warnings are what we refer to as "false positives" (in-case you weren't familiar with the term), a false positive, as the name would imply, is something which tests positive as some sort of threat to your computer system, however it is a false accusation as the file is harmless, the reason why we get false positives (at least from what I can gather) is because there will be certain instructions within a program's code which is similar or the same as a component of a real virus, now while pokégen could be using this component to give you pokémon, real viruses would be using it to do harm to your system, so just calm down, there is nothing to worry about. :D

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