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*code comes to life takes shape of person*


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I am an experienced java, python, php, and objective C programmer.

I enjoy making utility programs for games and my current project (the reason i joined this forum) is an open source GTS private server that people can use instead of Nintendo's (it will also have some secret added features :wink:).

if ($end_of_thought){
echo "that's all folks";


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I love pie too! 8D (You totally copied my asterisks title. xD)

Welcome. I'm new as well, so I can't give you a giant welcome with a walkthrough or anything, but welcome nonetheless. xD That's awesome that you're really experienced with those things. ^^ I'd love to join your GTS site when it's up, too! 8D


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I don't need a walkthrough so don't worry... I have been using this site for years without an account...

That gets me wondering... what prevented you from becoming a member of PP all those years, then? :o

Anyway, welcome here, ILOVEPIE. :)

Since your familiar to this forum, I don't really have to write a whole Prof. Birch story for you! But wait... maybe your absence has something to do with that! You observed those 'member' creatures without being a member yourself for years, that is very clever...! I could have done that, too, before becoming a real member. Just kidding. ^^

Can you put your taste of music in a code for me, with -when present- favourite artists? Maybe you noticed I want to know that from every new member? You are not an exception in this case! Hopefully you are not listening to those works of serial music composers, that would be too predictable for a programmer like you. ;)

I wish you luck with your GTS project and meanwhile... enjoy your stay!

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