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*appears in a poof of flames*


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Hi there. ^^ You can call me Flare. I used to rom hack a few years ago, but only did really amateur things and couldn't do anything advanced like script. I mostly replace sprites and like to edit the pokemon's general information, using tools created by other people since I'm not knowledgeable about hex editors. x)

I came here because I found PPRE and was thrilled because I need to find a way to change some things about Platinum (and most DS programs work for only Diamond and Pearl), yet I can't find a way to work it properly since I couldn't find a tutorial. I'll look around and see if I can find an answer, though. I edited stuff and copy and pasted the rom back onto my R4, but the changes didn't affect the game--even though they show up when I edit the rom again.

Sorry for babbling about it here instead of in a questions thread. Anyway. I hope to hang around. ^^


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Hello Flareon. You're one of my favourite Eeveelutions... and there are a lot of developers and researchers here. You might just enjoy yourself. Welcome to Project Pokemon!

Yay! 8D Flareon's obviously my favourite eeveelution. Sounds good! Thanks. I'll go see if there's an answer to my question somewhere...

EDIT: Found the problem! Thanks to a tutorial.

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Hi! Sorry to keep you waiting!

Welcome to the world of Project Pokémon! :)

My name is Sunny day.

But I'll call myself 'the one who gives hearty welcomes' (because I don't think 'everyone' has made up a name for me collectively; in fact I am as unknown as you are, but this interrupts my welcome speach a little bit, so I will continue if you don't mind. ^^)

This is what we call a forum.

This forum is widely inhabited by creatures known as 'members'.

We members live alongside other members, at times as friendly contacts, and at times as cooperative workmates.

And sometimes, we band together and battle others like us (although, mostly virtual, here).

But despite our closeness, we don't know everything about (new) members.

In fact, there are many, many secrets surrounding new members.

To unravel member mysteries, I've been undertaking research, that is what I do.

And you are...? What? Are you saying I can read it on the left of your post?

Where did I left my glasses... Oh, so it's Flareon?

Ah, okay! I get it now!

All right, are you ready?

Your very own adventure is about to unfold.

Take courage, and leap into the world of Project Pokémon where dreams, adventure and friendships await!

Well, I'll be expecting you later!

Hmm, the last four sentences sound a bit too cheesy!

Anyway, I wish you luck on your journ-Ehm, I wish you fun here, Flareon! :)

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Bahaha, what a speech! It's super effective! *shrinks down into playable member size*

This forum is widely inhabited by creatures known as 'members'.

This bit. xD Made me laugh. And the bits about how we don't know much about new members. xD Good one.

Thanks for the welcome/introduction! I hope I enjoy my stay too. xD


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Professor Birch is such a genius, don't you think? I think my reply made clear he has a good sense of humour! ;)

Since I have said I have been undertaking research to unravel member mysteries, it would be a good idea to unravel at least one mystery about you. :) It generally happens that members listen to music, according to my studies about 'Members, recreation and their natural habitat' (Oxford University Press 2011). To question something that would not be too private (members usually have the tendency to be very reserved) I will always ask about the preferred music! So, tell me... Which kind of music do you prefer, Flareon? And do you maybe have some favourite artists? Please try to be a bit detailed, that would be more interesting, I think. If you like to answer it, go ahead! :)

And remember: When you are making a campfire, make sure you have water handy!

Haha, enough of that nonsense. Enjoy your stay at PP, I hope you will like it, and bye-bye!

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