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Migrating pokemon via files question


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I do not own two DS systems so pal parking (and w/e it is in Gen V) has never been an option to me. However, I recently discovered that you can now send and work with .pkm files in gen V games via the ir-gts script. I have around 45 pokémon in my HG game I would very much like to send over to my White cartridge but I don't really know how.

As a mac user, I was able to send .pkm files from my mac to my game perfectly fine but I was never able to upload them (for specific reasons I won't go into detail, boot camp windows is not an option in my machine) since I didn't have a windows system to work with. Well now I do and my "test" upload went fine (using Hyper-GTS and a random poke) but when I tried sending that file via the GTS simulation software for gen V (ir-gts-bw.py via terminal and python 2.7), the poke didn't work.

Now, I know there are several sizes and kinds of .pkm files and they all work differently depending on what they are (party or boxed pokemon), but other than that, I'm not really well versed into the tiny details that make each type of .pkm file different. That is, I know there are some 236 bites and some 136 bites files but I have no clue what the difference between one and the other is. My question is, I can upload my desired pokemon from gen IV to my computer, but, is there a way for me to change the .pkm file (I do not mean changing the ID, place caught or stuff like that, just the size of the file or w/e) with pokegen or something like that so that I can send them over to my gen V game?

I hope this is posted in the right place,


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