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Hi Everyone! :D


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My Nickname Here is Kuri253. I Adore everything about pokémons.

I've got... Mmmh.. Every Single Videogame from gen.3, and then ahead, because Emerald has been my first videogame ever.

I know, i've started reeeeeally late, but who cares? ;) in a few months, i've been able to know everything about pokémon!

What else? I like battles, of course!

And pokémon spin offs too. How can you see, I am a fan of Mystery Dungeon Series.

... Well, I don't know what else I can say. Hope I'd be Welcome here! ^--^

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Ha. I know some others who started off with Gen 3 as well in this boards, like ParaDoX65 and MewtwoEX. I'm one of those kids who started with Gen 1 though. I like Mystery Dungeon as well, though the gameplay is awfully weird, but I care not.

You like battles? That's cool actually, as there are some battlers in this boards as well. Are you a competitive player or a casual player? I'm a mix of both actually, and can fit in either for now, though I lean more towards the latter. There are some people who play with simulators in Pokemon Online, though that is mostly for competitive battlers, so you are free to try that out if you wish.

Otherwise, welcome to Project Pokemon... and hope you enjoy your stay. my name is Wraith, but you can just call me Wraith :bidoof:

Haven't greeted people in a while, so pardon me everyone. This will be my first in a while!

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Nice to meet ya, then Wraith! ^--^

Who don't like battles? Eheheh..

What can I say.. Mmh.. Well, i'm learning how to become a good battler.. But it's not so easy for me.

Since the beginning of playing pokémon games, i really didn't care so much about EVs, IVs and Nature and all the stuff.

But I want to grow up!

I use too Pokémon Online as well, but my level is not so high, as I was telling before, I'm learning from about one year..

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