Dk Gymnast Posted March 11, 2011 Posted March 11, 2011 I just finished working on a group of eight pokemon that I would like to be checked over. I don't know if the abilities are right in the PID codes but am pretty sure that everything else is par and appears to be legal with everything else. I picked the right IVs to get the shiny sprites and everything is how it should be, I am just confused on whether or not the abilities designated by the PID are correct. I am using pokegen and the code it gave me was: 94000130 FCFF0000 0221CFCC 0A8661BB 0221CFD0 04700000 0221CFD4 9B6ADFB8 0221CFD8 6EEB800D 0221CFDC 04F22986 0221CFE0 D069939A 0221CFE4 F618E2DD 0221CFE8 C78912D4 0221CFEC 857147D4 0221CFF0 60A98BDC 0221CFF4 0A873066 0221CFF8 C05DFDF4 0221CFFC 1D12AA5B 0221D000 16D49344 0221D004 D5771084 0221D008 7AAE663D 0221D00C 35D7408F 0221D010 B9A492CE 0221D014 2B8CB237 0221D018 15D6C921 0221D01C ADE18F42 0221D020 74AC335D 0221D024 D6FF107C 0221D028 B9F51FC9 0221D02C 5680C8F2 0221D030 4653F052 0221D034 B24D3703 0221D038 888681A5 0221D03C 66DC8345 0221D040 145A9864 0221D044 C6870DA7 0221D048 55537DF7 0221D04C 2DE756BA 0221D050 5C5637ED 0221D054 B128E59C 0221D058 38410000 0221D05C E73815EA 0221D060 0C9C73EC 0221D064 F4F3BA0B 0221D068 B802C17B 0221D06C E7B34225 0221D070 D24F4CD8 0221D074 FF60E874 0221D078 84BAF9F6 0221D07C FC3F6ED3 0221D080 4D0AC11B 0221D084 BBAB3029 0221D088 78403D65 0221D08C FE8D5032 0221D090 A943C7BE 0221D094 705539D7 0221D098 88593BA2 0221D09C F4F61F63 0221D0A0 4358C960 0221D0A4 55978DFA 0221D0A8 BCFFF730 0221D0AC 955B930D 0221D0B0 51D35A95 0221D0B4 B5B05053 0221D0B8 56E1ACE4 0221D0BC FDA710C1 0221D0C0 9DF8100A 0221D0C4 53932E54 0221D0C8 A7A41F6B 0221D0CC C2904AA2 0221D0D0 928E660A 0221D0D4 65F10790 0221D0D8 C79792F7 0221D0DC 960126BD 0221D0E0 7CD70000 0221D0E4 20CD4B87 0221D0E8 3FBA23AA 0221D0EC AB578183 0221D0F0 7045DEC7 0221D0F4 4235717F 0221D0F8 B91BE6F6 0221D0FC CCD75C6A 0221D100 6598040E 0221D104 29A859D9 0221D108 BFD30DDB 0221D10C DE506055 0221D110 D7CC3E6B 0221D114 A6DFA4A9 0221D118 423302B5 0221D11C AA266C38 0221D120 52CB31D5 0221D124 B51297E7 0221D128 87BACCC3 0221D12C 3C38A635 0221D130 789451B1 0221D134 C13E3F89 0221D138 B1BDC28A 0221D13C DF056EA7 0221D140 E037F4A2 0221D144 4EDE543A 0221D148 BAC0DF69 0221D14C F1EEBAFA 0221D150 479BB2B1 0221D154 CFC66074 0221D158 F02B3994 0221D15C CCC79106 0221D160 07B9BFAA 0221D164 64800FBB 0221D168 27F80000 0221D16C 3D84EC5D 0221D170 628C3F19 0221D174 B1AACA81 0221D178 91C925EC 0221D17C E547C640 0221D180 88B4975C 0221D184 0AFF92C5 0221D188 045D70F6 0221D18C 35F8F2B6 0221D190 8FE4B2D4 0221D194 37645913 0221D198 9C361360 0221D19C 7DF102CF 0221D1A0 1E47539D 0221D1A4 6C94B59C 0221D1A8 F6EDB61E 0221D1AC C4553E98 0221D1B0 BF8F8EEB 0221D1B4 8063A3BF 0221D1B8 81CAAF62 0221D1BC 0F21BF9E 0221D1C0 5659D2FC 0221D1C4 9C59B7E9 0221D1C8 8C31128B 0221D1CC 8EB7F791 0221D1D0 5506E33B 0221D1D4 303ABFB9 0221D1D8 E82CBAB9 0221D1DC CBAF288D 0221D1E0 5BFA5E4E 0221D1E4 7CE6C143 0221D1E8 1AE9EB63 0221D1EC EE9685AC 0221D1F0 2B070000 0221D1F4 8B811BDC 0221D1F8 CB59F4F8 0221D1FC B0F816B9 0221D200 5B671CD3 0221D204 37DB6F9B 0221D208 3726B0FC 0221D20C 089EFCE2 0221D210 F9B783C1 0221D214 E0CC7C71 0221D218 823546FB 0221D21C AF6D8736 0221D220 615D5EB0 0221D224 0109DA25 0221D228 D4B8EA7F 0221D22C 4434A329 0221D230 A8DDC102 0221D234 72CFD9EB 0221D238 93190B5A 0221D23C 213BFEF8 0221D240 594B08E3 0221D244 DA9F702B 0221D248 8A235523 0221D24C 62F3BEA3 0221D250 C0D0A64A 0221D254 C530EB07 0221D258 F55694E6 0221D25C E64151CB 0221D260 682A143E 0221D264 3285464B 0221D268 D652D3CD 0221D26C 72F2997A 0221D270 062AE48A 0221D274 5A2E81D7 0221D278 5F3C0000 0221D27C DE8601D1 0221D280 6432189B 0221D284 4F77A1A9 0221D288 75A925EC 0221D28C 8BE8856F 0221D290 5FC5615C 0221D294 09DED928 0221D298 674BF0A6 0221D29C 1C0C9ABD 0221D2A0 122B490C 0221D2A4 66FC0B57 0221D2A8 B05762E4 0221D2AC 064D5791 0221D2B0 A68AF112 0221D2B4 2048FB4D 0221D2B8 D592344C 0221D2BC 14A28E7E 0221D2C0 0038A509 0221D2C4 B2412AAF 0221D2C8 ADBA8FB3 0221D2CC E0D30328 0221D2D0 303E2EE0 0221D2D4 6BF0665E 0221D2D8 E1E5FBC8 0221D2DC F6595291 0221D2E0 995CC833 0221D2E4 B7FFA555 0221D2E8 B345F2CA 0221D2EC 723BBBCB 0221D2F0 79062E6E 0221D2F4 CF8033F3 0221D2F8 8994930F 0221D2FC 3493D3AA 0221D300 90150000 0221D304 57D9F039 0221D308 5E2996B9 0221D30C 3D4B8B03 0221D310 41926ADA 0221D314 BC520332 0221D318 0214EF26 0221D31C D906CF5C 0221D320 297A34A4 0221D324 9E0E3C90 0221D328 4D26C1E3 0221D32C 58C0D8BE 0221D330 B6477F60 0221D334 58DD7012 0221D338 96257671 0221D33C 8EB78214 0221D340 7379DA66 0221D344 93205A54 0221D348 2B3A9597 0221D34C 3E2861E4 0221D350 CCFA110D 0221D354 5F23C204 0221D358 458DBAB8 0221D35C 6B0F5C60 0221D360 74D42E2E 0221D364 343B61F7 0221D368 D0504269 0221D36C FE04730A 0221D370 BB41B9C0 0221D374 8843B049 0221D378 E9736EB5 0221D37C BADB6402 0221D380 A39E0D42 0221D384 73E415D3 0221D388 F0940000 0221D38C E0A8F257 0221D390 4349B0EA 0221D394 F0AB737A 0221D398 974F5991 0221D39C 3834A6E0 0221D3A0 858BFB53 0221D3A4 26701348 0221D3A8 351F8FA7 0221D3AC 49E91CA0 0221D3B0 12601A0E 0221D3B4 31D98F82 0221D3B8 586B9D53 0221D3BC FC9F6E45 0221D3C0 9EF24365 0221D3C4 61E9195C 0221D3C8 C70612A4 0221D3CC 39EBC58C 0221D3D0 CB6EBADE 0221D3D4 C19EF1B6 0221D3D8 727BA518 0221D3DC 11A51B9E 0221D3E0 D1802473 0221D3E4 FCB205AD 0221D3E8 1B27A3EA 0221D3EC 49458884 0221D3F0 DA7D184F 0221D3F4 CAFCE650 0221D3F8 5C55E46C 0221D3FC 6E2FBB99 0221D400 79B57A5E 0221D404 38D5CEBD 0221D408 5532D34E D2000000 00000000 Any Help would be greatly appreciated. (Sorry, I don't know how to make spoiler tags help on this would be appreciated also)
Dk Gymnast Posted March 11, 2011 Author Posted March 11, 2011 Yes I do realize that however, I was wondering what it means with the ability number created by the pokemons PID and what classifies an ability as 1 or 2 and what makes the difference. That was the question I am having with the legality. I don't know whether certain pokemon's ability number should be 1 or 2.
Ra1d Posted March 11, 2011 Posted March 11, 2011 Oh that's quite Simple, Let's take this as an example : This is a Mienshao which has 2 Abilites(follow the exact order as on that website). 1)Inner Focus = Ability 1 2)Regenerator = Ability 2 This only applies to pokemons that have 2 Abilities,if the pokemon has 1 Ability,then it's always "Ability 1". Not sure how it would work with Dreamworld,since most of the Dreamworld pokemons are banned.
Dk Gymnast Posted March 11, 2011 Author Posted March 11, 2011 Okay thanks, I didn't know if serebii was the correct site, I have heard other sites mentioned for the use of this.
Ra1d Posted March 11, 2011 Posted March 11, 2011 I'm pretty sure all of them are the same,I'm using different pokedex-like websites,never had a problem.
Acanto Posted March 12, 2011 Posted March 12, 2011 Not sure how it would work with Dreamworld,since most of the Dreamworld pokemons are banned. For Japanese DW Pokémon only, since localized versions of the DW have not been launched yet: DW Abilities override normal Abilities. When giving a Pokémon its DW Ability, always set the 0x42 value to 01, to make it look legit. There's a list on Serebii of which Pokémon can currently be acquired on the DW, and which have been distributed as DW events.
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