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For all of us who like to parade what we can do WITHOUT CHEATING. Mainly I just wanted to brag about having caught every G/S/C legendary with ultra balls and raising an epic team with regular pokemon :cool:

My current save:

Name: Donovan

Time: 27:43

PKMN seen: 307

PKMN caught: 65

Badges: 16

Elite Four beaten 72 times with a different team each time

Current team:

Typhlosion, lv 100

Poliwrath, lv 99

Vileplume, lv 97

Ampharos, lv 100

Lugia, lv 91

Alakazam, lv 100

You wouldn't think Poliwag, Cyndaquil, Oddish and Mareep would make a good starter team, but it actually worked like a charm.

Posted (edited)

Name: Pichu

Game: HeartGold

Time: 633:45

Seen: 493

Caught: 492 (missing Skarmory D: )

Badges: 16


Typhlosion Lv 87

Azumarill Lv 88 (lol)

Meganium Lv 80

Furret Lv 84

Raichu Lv 81

Umbreon Lv 80

^Still running game too. Beaten the E4 71 times, actually. xD

Name: Momo

Game: SoulSilver

Time: 98:47

Seen: 141

Caught: 52 (lol)

Badges: 16


Meganium Lv 54

Gallade Lv 56

Froslass Lv 55

Typhlosion Lv 55

Vaporeon Lv 59

Don't have a sixth Pokemon.

^Still running as well and we beat the E4... once. xD I'm too lazy to go fight them again.

Edited by Galdr
lol forgot some stuff >:
Posted (edited)

The best one I've had is the only save i have ever had on HG, and i dont plan on erasing it anytime soon...

Name: ADAM

Game: HeartGold

Time: 2059:46

Seen: 493

Caught: 493

Badges: 16


Shiny Giratina (O)

Shiny Palkia

Shiny Dialga

Shiny Lugia

Shiny Ho-oh

Shiny Celebii

these are all Level 100, the Giratina, Dialga, Palkia were all caught in the sinjoh ruins, the celebii is an event pokemon, all of the pokemon i own are Level 100 and shiny, which as you can see takes a long time to accomplish and i know it would raise speculation as to cheating but that is one thing i would never do

Edited by r3l3nt1355
forgot to add some facts...

Were the Dialga, Palkia and Giratina all obtained on the same save file?

And what event does the Celebi comes from?

Also... 2059:46 play time? The game stops at 999:59. Did you start counting yourself once it reached 999:59?


I got Giratina, and Palkia in the same save, Dialga is from SoulSilver, to achieve what I did it took alot of trading, and yes as for the play time i actually use a stopwatch because i wanted to know exactly how fast I could do this, the celebii is from Colosseum not an event my bad; did this answer all your questions?

  r3l3nt1355 said:
The best one I've had is the only save i have ever had on HG, and i dont plan on erasing it anytime soon...

Name: ADAM

Game: HeartGold

Time: 2059:46

Seen: 493

Caught: 493

Badges: 16


Shiny Giratina (O)

Shiny Palkia

Shiny Dialga

Shiny Lugia

Shiny Ho-oh

Shiny Celebii

these are all Level 100, the Giratina, Dialga, Palkia were all caught in the sinjoh ruins, the celebii is an event pokemon, all of the pokemon i own are Level 100 and shiny, which as you can see takes a long time to accomplish and i know it would raise speculation as to cheating but that is one thing i would never do

Only a PKMN super-fan would spend that much time on a game. Everyone here is insane.

  r3l3nt1355 said:
I got Giratina, and Palkia in the same save, Dialga is from SoulSilver, to achieve what I did it took alot of trading, and yes as for the play time i actually use a stopwatch because i wanted to know exactly how fast I could do this, the celebii is from Colosseum not an event my bad; did this answer all your questions?

The Ageto Celebi IS an event.

If what you say is true, then that would mean Ageto Celebi can be shiny.

Mind to elaborate a little more on this?

BTW, I calculated that 2059 hours of playtime is the equivalent of a little more than 85 days of playtime.

Are you sure you would have had enough time to get that many Pokémon in shiny form + Lv. 100?

Posted (edited)
  Pingouin7 said:
The Ageto Celebi IS an event.

If what you say is true, then that would mean Ageto Celebi can be shiny.

Mind to elaborate a little more on this?

It wasn't mine i got that one from a friend how he got it shiny is beyond my knowledge I didn't think colosseum pokemon could be shiny

  Pingouin7 said:
BTW, I calculated that 2059 hours of playtime is the equivalent of a little more than 85 days of playtime.

Are you sure you would have had enough time to get that many Pokémon in shiny form + Lv. 100?

that playtime is for the heartgold only, like i said i did alot of trading to get those and some i raised on other games and a few i received like that

Edit: I found a program that would take the pokemon off my game and let me put them on my computer so i got my celebi to show you

Ageto Celebi.pkm

Ageto Celebi.pkmFetching info...

Edited by r3l3nt1355
adding new material

I believe I should trust you, now that I know the Celebi wasn't obtained by yourself and that you did a lot of trading.

It would look suspicious if you had done that without trading, but since you traded, it's plausible.

But chances are the Celebi may be hacked.

Unless you personally witnessed him receiving the shiny Celebi.

Posted (edited)

no i didnt witness it but i read on the internet about others receiving shiny celebis but that was one that seemed suspicious

here are some pics of it









Edited by r3l3nt1355
adding pictures of celebi

Well it doesn't matter if that one Pokémon is hacked, since you didn't obtain it yourself anyway.

  • 3 weeks later...

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