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TLDR Version:

I don't know how to get my save files onto my PC, do I need an Action Replay thing for the DSi? If so, is this the correct one I would need?

Is there a certain point I have to get in the game before I can put the pokemon I create into my game? Such as needing to have acces to a pokemon centre to find them/store my starter pokemon?

Can I edit Items into the game, such as Items I want to give my pokemon after they hatch?


I have searched for an FAQ/guide to using pokegen but to no avail, So please, if you do know of one and can link it, I would be very grateful. I have watched some videos but none of them explained my problem below.

I've just bought pokemon white (havnt played a pokemon game in nearly 5 years), I simply want to play the game with my dream team, hence why I searched and found PokeGen.

Put simply I don't really have a clue what I am doing, and simple searches such as PokeGen FAQ, yielded nothing.

My problem is, I dont know how to get the information from my DSi to my PC and back again.

From what I understand, I need to get my pokemon save file onto my computer, where I can use pokegen to edit it, I then need to save it and transfer it back to my DSi.

Can somebody explain how I transfer the files, or what folders I need to look in please? I have checked devices connected to my network and the DSi does not appear on there for me to acces.

I have read someone elses questions about doing this, they mentioned using an Action Replay to help, they also hinted at not needing to use one, but that it just makes it easier.

Do I need to purchase an action replay to do this or can I do it without one?

I hope somebody has the patience to help me or point me in the right direction.

I do have various other questions, but first I would like to sort this out so I can experiment with PokeGen and maybe anser them for myself

Edited by Guest
Added TLDR

The ARDSi I don't think can deal with the saves of HG/SS and B/W. So you'll prolly need to get something like the NDS Adapter Plus.

In general though, to move stuff from the ARDSi to the PC and back I suggest using the microsd. The cable for the ARDSi is annoying painful to use.

With NDS Adapter Plus, you have to plug the adapter into your pC on a usb port and use it's associated software to copy the save data over to the PC and back.

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