Neo Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 (edited) By defeating the following you gain the amount of EV Points stated.For every four EV points gained you get one point added to the Maximum stat Reveal hidden contents Abomasnow Attack +1, Spec. Attack +1 Abra Spec. Attack +1 Absol Attack +2 Aipom Speed +1 Alakazam Spec. Attack +3 Altaria Spec. Defense +2 Ambipom Speed +2 Azelf Attack +2, Spec. Attack +1 Azumarill HP +3 Azurill HP +1 Barboach HP +1 Bastiodon Defense +2 Beautifly Spec. Attack +3 Bibarel Attack +2 Bidoof HP +1 Blissey HP +3 Bonsly Defense +1 Bronzong Defense +1, Spec. Defense +1 Bronzor Defense +1 Budew Spec. Attack +1 Buizel Speed +1 Buneary Speed +1 Burmy Spec. Defense +1 Carnivine Attack +2 Cascoon Defense +2 Chansey HP +2 Chatot Attack +1 Cherrim Spec. Attack +2 Cherubi Spec. Attack +1 Chimchar Speed +1 Chimecho Spec. Attack +1, Spec. Defense +1 Chingling Spec. Attack +1 Clefable HP +3 Clefairy HP +2 Cleffa Spec. Defense +1 Combee Speed +1 Cranidos Attack +1 Croagunk Attack +1 Crobat Speed +3 Dialga Spec. Attack +3 Drapion Defense +2 Drifblim HP +2 Drifloon HP +1 Dusclops Defense +1, Spec. Defense +1 Dusknoir Defense +1, Spec. Defense +2 Duskull Spec. Defense +1 Dustox Spec. Defense +3 Eevee Spec. Defense +1 Electabuzz Speed +2 Electivire Attack +3 Elekid Speed +1 Empoleon Spec. Attack +3 Espeon Spec. Attack +2 Feebas Speed +1 Finneon Speed +1 Flareon Attack +2 Floatzel Speed +2 Froslass Speed +2 Gabite Attack +2 Gallade Attack +3 Garchomp Attack +3 Gardevoir Spec. Attack +3 Gastly Spec. Attack +1 Gastrodon HP +2 Gengar Spec. Attack +3 Geodude Defense +1 Gible Attack +1 Girafarig Spec. Attack +2 Giratina HP +3 Giratina (Origin) HP +3 Glaceon Spec. Attack +2 Glalie HP +2 Glameow Speed +1 Gligar Defense +1 Gliscor Defense +2 Golbat Speed +2 Goldeen Attack +1 Golduck Spec. Attack +2 Golem Defense +3 Graveler Defense +2 Grotle Attack +1, Defense +1 Gyarados Attack +2 Happiny HP +1 Haunter Spec. Attack +2 Heracross Attack +2 Hippopotas Defense +1 Hippowdon Defense +2 Honchkrow Attack +2 Hoothoot HP +1 Houndoom Spec. Attack +2 Houndour Spec. Attack +1 Infernape Attack +1, Spec. Attack +1, Speed +1 Jolteon Speed +2 Kadabra Spec. Attack +2 Kirlia Spec. Attack +2 Kricketot Defense +1 Kricketune Attack +2 Leafeon Defense +2 Lickilicky HP +3 Lickitung HP +2 Lopunny Speed +2 Lucario Attack +1, Spec. Attack +1 Lumineon Speed +2 Luxio Attack +2 Luxray Attack +3 Machamp Attack +3 Machoke Attack +2 Machop Attack +1 Magby Speed +1 Magikarp Speed +1 Magmar Spec. Attack +2 Magmortar Spec. Attack +3 Magnemite Spec. Attack +1 Magneton Spec. Attack +2 Magnezone Spec. Attack +3 Mamoswine Attack +3 Manaphy HP +3 Mantine Spec. Defense +2 Mantyke Spec. Defense +1 Marill HP +2 Medicham Speed +2 Meditite Speed +1 Mesprit Attack +1, Spec. Attack +1, Spec. Defense +1 Milotic Spec. Defense +2 Mime Jr. Spec. Defense +1 Misdreavus Spec. Defense +1 Mismagius Spec. Attack +1, Spec. Defense +1 Monferno Spec. Attack +1, Speed +1 Mothim Attack +1, Spec. Attack +1 Mr. Mime Spec. Defense +2 Munchlax HP +1 Murkrow Speed +1 Noctowl HP +2 Nosepass Defense +1 Octillery Attack +1, Spec. Attack +1 Onix Defense +1 Pachirisu Speed +1 Palkia Spec. Attack +3 Pelipper Defense +2 Pichu Speed +1 Pikachu Speed +2 Piloswine HP +1, Attack +1 Piplup Spec. Attack +1 Ponyta Speed +1 Porygon Spec. Attack +1 Porygon-Z Spec. Attack +3 Porygon2 Spec. Attack +2 Prinplup Spec. Attack +2 Probopass Defense +1, Spec. Defense +2 Psyduck Spec. Attack +1 Purugly Speed +2 Quagsire HP +2 Raichu Speed +3 Ralts Spec. Attack +1 Rampardos Attack +2 Rapidash Speed +2 Remoraid Spec. Attack +1 Rhydon Attack +2 Rhyhorn Defense +1 Rhyperior Attack +3 Riolu Attack +1 Roselia Spec. Attack +2 Roserade Spec. Attack +3 Rotom Spec. Attack +1, Speed +1 Rotom (Fan) Spec. Attack +1, Speed +1 Rotom (Frost) Spec. Attack +1, Speed +1 Rotom (Heat) Spec. Attack +1, Speed +1 Rotom (Mow) Spec. Attack +1, Speed +1 Rotom (Wash) Spec. Attack +1, Speed +1 Scizor Attack +2 Scyther Attack +1 Seaking Attack +2 Shellos HP +1 Shieldon Defense +1 Shinx Attack +1 Silcoon Defense +2 Skorupi Defense +1 Skuntank HP +2 Sneasel Speed +1 Snorlax HP +2 Snorunt HP +1 Snover Attack +1 Spiritomb Defense +1, Spec. Defense +1 Staraptor Attack +3 Staravia Speed +2 Starly Speed +1 Steelix Defense +2 Stunky Speed +1 Sudowoodo Defense +2 Swablu Spec. Defense +1 Swinub Attack +1 T angela Defense +1 Tangrowth Defense +2 Tentacool Spec. Defense +1 Tentacruel Spec. Defense +2 T ogekiss Spec. Attack +2, Spec. Defense +1 Togepi Spec. Defense +1 Togetic Spec. Defense +2 Torterra Attack +2, Defense +1 Toxicroak Attack +2 Tropius HP +2 Turtwig Attack +1 Umbreon Spec. Defense +2 Unown Attack +1, Spec. Attack +1 Uxie Defense +2, Spec. Defense +1 Vaporeon HP +2 Vespiquen Defense +1, Spec. Defense +1 Weavile Attack +1, Speed +1 Whiscash HP +2 Wingull Speed +1 Wooper HP +1 Wormadam Spec. Defense +2 Wormadam (Ground) Defense +2 Wormadam (Steel) Defense +1, Spec. Defense +1 Wurmple HP +1 Yanma Speed +1 Yanmega Attack +2 Zubat Speed +1 Any questions just ask Edited April 9, 2009 by Neo Too long
Turtlekid2 Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 This list is quite helpful, and I think it would be a good addition to the new site (it could use something to make it not so much a giant block of text, and more of a database, such as images or tables), but then, I'm not calling the shots.
Neo Posted April 7, 2009 Author Posted April 7, 2009 Yea it is a bit long i know I could put images but it would take a while I could put it in tables too but it would take a while of experimenting Ill see what i can do
Ninja_Soldier_Raiden Posted April 8, 2009 Posted April 8, 2009 this does work for the D/P and platinum games right?>
pokemonfan Posted April 8, 2009 Posted April 8, 2009 Yes NSR it does, at least I hope it does because that is what I'm doing for my beloved DRIFLOON It should work EV training is a wonderful thing for people who don't use Pokesav.
Ninja_Soldier_Raiden Posted April 8, 2009 Posted April 8, 2009 Ninja_Soldier_Radien said: this does work for the D/P and platinum games right?> Will time for me to try ev training the first time
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