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Article Posted by <a href="/forums/member.php?25">randomspot555</a>: <a href="/news/258/Project Pokémon Hosts GTS Distribution">Project Pokémon Hosts GTS Distribution</a><p>

For those that have been following the intense research in our <a href="http://projectpokemon.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?79-Game-Mechanics-and-Enhancements">Game Mechanics and Research</a> forum, it has recently been discovered that there are exploits so that the GTS can be used to distribute digital Pok<span style="font-size: 16px;"><small>é</small></span>mon files.  These can be received on game carts as if they were picking up a completed trade at the in-game Global Trade Station featured in the fourth generation of Pok<span style="font-size: 16px;"><small>é</small></span>mon games.</p>


One of our forum members, Bond697, has kindly set up a distribution where he hosts several Pokemon that are obtained via the RNG method.  These are generated within the game and use no external device in the creation of the Pokémon.  They often come with very high Individual Values, egg moves, and are sometimes shiny.  He also includes instructions on how to set up your own HyperGTS server, and has an archive of all the previous pkm files he's hosted.  Check out his thread <a href="http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?11627-Competitive-Pokemon-GTS-Distribution-Thread">here</a>, and feel free to make requests.</p>

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