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3 Screenshots

About This File

My first ever romhack. Its nothing groundbreaking, just a small story hack with 3 dungeons and (technically) 3 bossfights. Hope people will enjoy it!


Two pokemon get sent into a virtual simulation of a mystery dungeon, for research. However...

things of course go wrong...


Hakamo-o portraits: Emmuffin. Hakamo_o sprites: TopKec.

Clobbopus portraits and sprtes: Emmuffin.

Custom Slowking portraits: Emmuffin.

Duosion portraits: Caitemis, Noivern and Chesyon.

Duosion sprites: powercristal, baronessfaron and Emmuffin.

Custom Charmeleon portraits: 0palite.

Custom Roserade portraits: baronessfaron and Garbage.

Duskako portraits and sprtes: Emmuffin.

Custom Dialga portraits: Garbage.

Custom Palkia portraits: baronessfaron.

Arceus portraits: baronessfaron. Arceus sprites: baronessfaron and JFain.

MissingNo Egg portraits: Emboarger and ShyStarryRain. MissingNo Egg sprites: Embaorger.

Custom Lanturn Portraits: minarchu.

Toxtricity Portraits: Emmuffin.

Toxtricity sprites: baronessfaron.

Story: BarniBarnstone

Skytemple dev team: Capypara, techticks and marius.


Eu rom needed for patching.


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