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About This File

Ash had lots of Pokemon, so this first part is just the Pokemon he released (Or gave away for training in Primeape's case) on the Indigo League and Orange Islands arc.

As there's no equivalent game character to Ash, I checked Pokemon Yellow's learnset (since Yellow is based on the anime) and gave each Pokemon here a proper level according to the moves they used. So, for example, Butterfree is LV 23, the level it learns Whirlwind in the games.

(And yes, Butterfree has no attacking moves, but Whirlwind, Sleep Powder, and Stun Spore is literally all he used on the anime, lol. I Choose You movie and Electric Tale Of Pikachu are alternate and not the original anime, so I didn't include moves from those)

Also included are the Pre-Evolutions, Mankey, Pidgeotto, Caterpie and Metapod, with moves they used while on that form.

Bulbapedia doesn't include Surf on Ash's Lapras's movelist, but as he LITERALLY does go to one island to another on Lapras(Surf's field effect in game) I had to include it.

OT for all of them is "ASH".

Bonus-Old Man's Jump Kick Raticate he temporally traded for Ash's Butterfree (OT-"OLDMAN")

        Mimey-(OT-"ASH"-even if he gave it to his mom, he still technically caught it himself)

      Sabrina's Haunter-(As I wasn't sure if Ash DID catch Haunter or if Haunter just followed him around and ended up staying with Sabrina, I gave it the OT "SABRINA". As it's only attack was Lick, I made Haunter be level 25, the level Gastly evolves into Haunter.)

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