95 files
2018 Legends: Latias
This event was given away to commemorate The Year of Legendary Pokémon via Serial code for US 3DS, and Nintendo Network for EU 3DS.
The gift received between Pokémon Sun & Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon will slightly differ, in areas such as held item, level and moveset.
This gift can only received on Pokémon Sun & Ultra Sun, while it is normally encountered at the Ultra Space Wilds of Pokémon Ultra Moon.
Serial Codes were distributed via Best Buy and other participating stores, between Sep 02 to Sep 29, 2018.
Nintendo Network distribution for EU region was done between Sep 01 to Sep 23, 2018.
Species Latias Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 090118 Distribution (Various) Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: S Lv. 60 Nature Random Ability Levitate (1) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Mist Ball Dragon Pulse Psycho Shift Wish WC ID 654: 「¡Un Latias veloz y ágil!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Latias veloz y ágil! El Pokémon legendario de tipo Dragón y Psíquico
Latias desciende al terreno de combate y utiliza
movimientos asombrosos, como su característico
Bola Neblina. Format Ver.1.0.6-3, Post Updated Date:20180902_0034
Species Latias Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 090118 Distribution (Various) Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: US Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability Levitate (1) Item Gold Bottle Cap Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Mist Ball Psychic Draco Meteor Tailwind WC ID 654: 「¡Un Latias veloz y ágil!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Latias veloz y ágil! El Pokémon legendario de tipo Dragón y Psíquico
Latias desciende al terreno de combate y utiliza
movimientos asombrosos, como su característico
Bola Neblina. Format Ver.1.0.6-3, Post Updated Date:20180902_0034
2018 Legends: Latios
This event was given away to commemorate The Year of Legendary Pokémon via Serial code for US 3DS, and Nintendo Network for EU 3DS.
The gift received between Pokémon Sun & Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon will slightly differ, in areas such as held item, level and moveset.
This gift can only received on Pokémon Moon & Ultra Moon, while it is normally encountered at the Ultra Space Wilds of Pokémon Ultra Sun.
Serial Codes are distributed via Best Buy and other participating stores, between Sep 02 to Sep 29, 2018.
Nintendo Network distribution for EU region was done between Sep 01 to Sep 23, 2018.
Species Latios Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 090118 Distribution (Various) Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: M Lv. 60 Nature Random Ability Levitate (1) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Luster Purge Dragon Pulse Psycho Shift Dragon Breath WC ID 654: 「¡Un Latios raudo!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Latios raudo! Raudo y elegante, el Pokémon legendario Latios
hace gala de fuerza y velocidad. Este Pokémon
de tipo Dragón y Psíquico observa al enemigo
detenidamente y ataca con rapidez y precisión. Format Ver.1.0.6-3, Post Updated Date:20180902_0029
Species Latios Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 090118 Distribution (Various) Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: UM Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability Levitate (1) Item Gold Bottle Cap Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Luster Purge Psychic Draco Meteor Tailwind WC ID 654: 「¡Un Latios raudo!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Latios raudo! Raudo y elegante, el Pokémon legendario Latios
hace gala de fuerza y velocidad. Este Pokémon
de tipo Dragón y Psíquico observa al enemigo
detenidamente y ataca con rapidez y precisión. Format Ver.1.0.6-3, Post Updated Date:20180902_0030
2018 Legends: Groudon
This event was given away to commemorate The Year of Legendary Pokémon via Serial Code.
The gift received between Pokémon Sun & Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon will slightly differ, in areas such as held item, level and moveset.
This gift can only received on Pokémon Moon & Ultra Moon, while it is normally encountered at the Ultra Space Wilds of Pokémon Ultra Sun.
Species Groudon Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 080318 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: M Lv. 60 Nature Random Ability Drought (1) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Earthquake Precipice Blades Bulk Up Solar Beam WC ID 653: 「¡Un Groudon calcinador!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Groudon calcinador! ¡El Pokémon legendario Groudon puede secar el
terreno con su habilidad Sequía y luego arrasar
a sus oponentes con sus furiosos golpes! Format Ver.1.0.6-3, Post Updated Date:20180803_2111
Species Groudon Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 080318 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: UM Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability Drought (1) Item Gold Bottle Cap Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Precipice Blades Earth Power Fire Punch Swords Dance WC ID 653: 「¡Un Groudon calcinador!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Groudon calcinador! ¡El Pokémon legendario Groudon puede secar el
terreno con su habilidad Sequía y luego arrasar
a sus oponentes con sus furiosos golpes! Format Ver.1.0.6-3, Post Updated Date:20180803_2112
2018 Legends: Kyogre
This event was given away to commemorate The Year of Legendary Pokémon via Serial Code.
The gift received between Pokémon Sun & Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon will slightly differ, in areas such as held item, level and moveset.
This gift can only received on Pokémon Sun & Ultra Sun, while it is normally encountered at the Ultra Space Wilds of Pokémon Ultra Moon.
Species Kyogre Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 080318 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: S Lv. 60 Nature Random Ability Drizzle (1) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Ice Beam Origin Pulse Calm Mind Muddy Water WC ID 653: 「¡Un Kyogre abrumador!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Kyogre abrumador! ¡El Pokémon legendario Kyogre es capaz de
hacer que llueva gracias a la habilidad Llovizna,
para después provocar un torrente de daño con
su movimiento característico Pulso Primigenio! Format Ver.1.0.6-3, Post Updated Date:20180803_2114
Species Kyogre Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 080318 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: US Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability Drizzle (1) Item Gold Bottle Cap Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Origin Pulse Ice Beam Water Spout Calm Mind WC ID 653: 「¡Un Kyogre abrumador!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Kyogre abrumador! ¡El Pokémon legendario Kyogre es capaz de
hacer que llueva gracias a la habilidad Llovizna,
para después provocar un torrente de daño con
su movimiento característico Pulso Primigenio! Format Ver.1.0.6-3, Post Updated Date:20180803_2115
2018 Legends: Thundurus
This event was given away to commemorate The Year of Legendary Pokémon via Serial Code (US 3DS) or via Nintendo Network (EU 3DS).
The gift received between Pokémon Sun & Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon will slightly differ, in areas such as held item, level and moveset.
This Thundurus can only received on Pokémon Sun & Ultra Sun, while it is normally encountered at the Ultra Space Wilds of Pokémon Ultra Moon.
The Nintendo Network redemption (EU 3DS) runs from July 6th to July 22nd, 2018.
The Serial Codes (US 3DS) can be obtained between July 13th to July 28th, 2018.
Latin America (for US 3DS) distribution of codes via participating stores was done between July 1st to July 31st, 2018.
The end date of serial code redemption will be added here, when known.
Species Incarnate Thundurus Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 070618 Distribution (Various) Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: S Lv. 60 Nature Random Ability Prankster (1) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Discharge Crunch Charge Nasty Plot WC ID 652: 「¡Un Thundurus fulgurante!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Thundurus fulgurante! ¡El Pokémon legendario Thundurus centellea cual
relámpago! ¡Desata todo su poder gracias a los
variados ataques de los que dispone! Format Ver.1.0.6-3, Post Updated Date:20180705_0352
Species Incarnate Thundurus Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 070618 Distribution (Various) Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: US Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability Prankster (1) Item Gold Bottle Cap Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Thunderbolt Focus Blast Grass Knot Nasty Plot WC ID 652: 「¡Un Thundurus fulgurante!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Thundurus fulgurante! ¡El Pokémon legendario Thundurus centellea cual
relámpago! ¡Desata todo su poder gracias a los
variados ataques de los que dispone! Format Ver.1.0.6-3, Post Updated Date:20180705_0352
2018 Legends: Tornadus
This event was given away to commemorate The Year of Legendary Pokémon via Serial Code (US 3DS) or via Nintendo Network (EU 3DS).
The gift received between Pokémon Sun & Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon will slightly differ, in areas such as held item, level and moveset.
This Tornadus can only received on Pokémon Moon & Ultra Moon, while it is normally encountered at the Ultra Space Wilds of Pokémon Ultra Sun.
The Nintendo Network redemption (EU 3DS) runs from July 6th to July 22nd, 2018.
The Serial Codes (US 3DS) can be obtained between July 13th to July 28th, 2018.
Latin America (for US 3DS) distribution of codes via participating stores was done between July 1st to July 31st, 2018.
The end date of serial code redemption will be added here, when known.
Species Incarnate Tornadus Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 070618 Distribution (Various) Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: M Lv. 60 Nature Random Ability Prankster (1) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Air Slash Crunch Tailwind Rain Dance WC ID 652: 「¡Un Tornadus huracanado!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Tornadus huracanado! ¡El Pokémon legendario Tornadus está a tu
servicio! ¡Invoca su poder en combate para
sembrar el caos en el bando contrario! Format Ver.1.0.6-3, Post Updated Date:20180705_0350
Species Incarnate Tornadus Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 070618 Distribution (Various) Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: UM Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability Prankster (1) Item Gold Bottle Cap Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Hurricane Heat Wave Grass Knot Tailwind WC ID 652: 「¡Un Tornadus huracanado!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Tornadus huracanado! ¡El Pokémon legendario Tornadus está a tu
servicio! ¡Invoca su poder en combate para
sembrar el caos en el bando contrario! Format Ver.1.0.6-3, Post Updated Date:20180705_0350
2018 Legends: Shiny Zygarde
This event was given away to commemorate The Year of Legendary Pokémon via Serial Code (US 3DS) or via Nintendo Network (EU 3DS).
The gift received between Pokémon Sun & Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon will slightly differ, in areas such as held item, level and moveset.
The Nintendo Network redemption (EU 3DS) runs from June 01 to 22, 2018.
The Serial Code cards (US 3DS) can be obtained at GameStop stores between June 01 to 24, 2018.
The end date for the serial code redemption is not known at this point.
This marks the first time Zygarde being able to be obtained shiny.
Species Zygarde Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 060218 Distribution (Various) Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Shiny PID Games SM Lv. 60 Nature Random Ability Aura Break (1) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Land's Wrath Glare Safeguard Dragon Breath WC ID 651: 「¡Un Zygarde variocolor deslumbrante!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Zygarde variocolor deslumbrante! ¡Contempla al asombroso Pokémon legendario
Zygarde! ¡Fascina a tus adversarios con la versión
variocolor de este increíble Pokémon, muy difícil
de conseguir! Format Ver.1.0.6-2, Post Updated Date:20180601_0252
Species Zygarde Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 060218 Distribution (Various) Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Shiny PID Games USUM Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability Aura Break (1) Item Gold Bottle Cap Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Thousand Arrows Outrage Extreme Speed Dragon Dance WC ID 651: 「¡Un Zygarde variocolor deslumbrante!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Zygarde variocolor deslumbrante! ¡Contempla al asombroso Pokémon legendario
Zygarde! ¡Fascina a tus adversarios con la versión
variocolor de este increíble Pokémon, muy difícil
de conseguir! Format Ver.1.0.6-2, Post Updated Date:20180601_0252
2018 Legends: Yveltal
This event was given away to commemorate The Year of Legendary Pokémon via Serial Code.
The gift received between Pokémon Sun & Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon will slightly differ, in areas such as held item, level and moveset.
This Yveltal can only be received on Pokémon Sun & Ultra Sun, contrasting the fact that it is normally able to be encountered in the Ultra Space Wilds of Pokémon Ultra Moon.
Species Yveltal Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 050418 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates May 04 to Aug 28, 2018 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: S Lv. 60 Nature Random Ability Dark Aura (1) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Oblivion Wing Dark Pulse Phantom Force Psychic WC ID 650: 「¡Un Yveltal sombrío!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Yveltal sombrío! La oscuridad precede al misterioso Pokémon
legendario Yveltal, capaz de envolver en tinieblas
a sus oponentes con sus abrumadores ataques
Ala Mortífera y Pulso Umbrío. Format Ver.1.0.6-2, Post Updated Date:20180503_0213
Species Yveltal Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 050418 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates May 04 to Aug 28, 2018 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: US Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability Dark Aura (1) Item Gold Bottle Cap Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Oblivion Wing Dark Pulse Heat Wave Tailwind WC ID 650: 「¡Un Yveltal sombrío!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Yveltal sombrío! La oscuridad precede al misterioso Pokémon
legendario Yveltal, capaz de envolver en tinieblas
a sus oponentes con sus abrumadores ataques
Ala Mortífera y Pulso Umbrío. Format Ver.1.0.6-2, Post Updated Date:20180503_0214
2018 Legends: Xerneas
This event was given away to commemorate The Year of Legendary Pokémon via Serial Code.
The gift received between Pokémon Sun & Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon will slightly differ, in areas such as held item, level and moveset.
This Xerneas can only be received on Pokémon Moon & Ultra Moon, contrasting the fact that it is normally able to be encountered in the Ultra Space Wilds of Pokémon Ultra Sun.
Species Xerneas Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 050418 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates May 04 to Aug 28, 2018 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: M Lv. 60 Nature Random Ability Fairy Aura (1) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Geomancy Horn Leech Night Slash Moonblast WC ID 650: 「¡Un Xerneas esplendoroso!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Xerneas esplendoroso! Xerneas, el Pokémon legendario de tipo Hada,
hará una entrada majestuosa en el combate. ¡Usa
su célebre movimiento Geocontrol para aumentar
considerablemente varias de sus características! Format Ver.1.0.6-2, Post Updated Date:20180503_0211
Species Xerneas Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 050418 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates May 04 to Aug 28, 2018 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: UM Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability Fairy Aura (1) Item Gold Bottle Cap Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Geomancy Focus Blast Grass Knot Moonblast WC ID 650: 「¡Un Xerneas esplendoroso!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Xerneas esplendoroso! Xerneas, el Pokémon legendario de tipo Hada,
hará una entrada majestuosa en el combate. ¡Usa
su célebre movimiento Geocontrol para aumentar
considerablemente varias de sus características! Format Ver.1.0.6-2, Post Updated Date:20180503_0212
2018 Legends: Regigigas
This event was given away to commemorate The Year of Legendary Pokémon via Serial Code (US 3DS) or via Nintendo Network (EU 3DS).
The gift received between Pokémon Sun & Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon will slightly differ, in areas such as held item, level and moveset.
This Regigigas can only received on Pokémon Sun & Ultra Sun, while it is normally able to be encountered the Ultra Space Wilds of Pokémon Ultra Moon.
The Nintendo Network redemption (EU 3DS) runs from March 1st to March 24th, 2018,
and the Serial Code redemption (US 3DS) dates will be listed here when they are known.
Species Regigigas Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 030118 Distribution (Various) Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: S Lv. 60 Nature Random Ability Slow Start (1) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Zen Headbutt Revenge Dizzy Punch Confuse Ray WC ID 649: 「¡Un Regigigas gigantesco!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Regigigas gigantesco! ¡Tus adversarios empequeñecerán ante la
monumental presencia del Pokémon legendario
Regigigas! Propina una ráfaga de movimientos
apabullantes para dejarles claro quién manda. Format Ver.1.0.6-1, Post Updated Date:20180301_2010
Species Regigigas Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 030118 Distribution (Various) Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: US Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability Slow Start (1) Item Gold Bottle Cap Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Crush Grip Drain Punch Zen Headbutt Heavy Slam WC ID 649: 「¡Un Regigigas gigantesco!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Regigigas gigantesco! ¡Tus adversarios empequeñecerán ante la
monumental presencia del Pokémon legendario
Regigigas! Propina una ráfaga de movimientos
apabullantes para dejarles claro quién manda. Format Ver.1.0.6-1, Post Updated Date:20180301_2011
2018 Legends: Heatran
This event was given away to commemorate The Year of Legendary Pokémon via Serial Code (US 3DS) or via Nintendo Network (EU 3DS).
The gift received between Pokémon Sun & Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon will slightly differ, in areas such as held item, level and moveset.
This Heatran can only received on Pokémon Moon & Ultra Moon, while it is normally able to be encountered the Ultra Space Wilds of Pokémon Ultra Sun.
The Nintendo Network redemption (EU 3DS) runs from March 1st to March 24th, 2018,
and the Serial Code redemption (US 3DS) dates will be listed here when they are known.
Species Heatran Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 030118 Distribution (Various) Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: M Lv. 60 Nature Random Ability Flash Fire (1) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Crunch Scary Face Lava Plume Fire Spin WC ID 649: 「¡Un Heatran explosivo!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Heatran explosivo! Caldea los combates con el Pokémon legendario
Heatran. ¡Su Lluvia Ígnea envuelve al oponente en
un remolino de llamas! Format Ver.1.0.6-1, Post Updated Date:20180301_2004
Species Heatran Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 030118 Distribution (Various) Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: UM Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability Flash Fire (1) Item Gold Bottle Cap Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Magma Storm Heat Wave Earth Power Flash Cannon WC ID 649: 「¡Un Heatran explosivo!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Un Heatran explosivo! Caldea los combates con el Pokémon legendario
Heatran. ¡Su Lluvia Ígnea envuelve al oponente en
un remolino de llamas! Format Ver.1.0.6-1, Post Updated Date:20180301_2004
Own Tempo Rockruff (Dusk Lycanroc)
This event was distributed to players, to commemorate the launch of Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon.
This Pokemon is the special Rockruff that can evolve to the Dusk Lycanroc, normally not obtainable in game.
This Rockruff and it's evolution Lycanroc can be bred, to obtain more Own Tempo Rockruff and Dusk Lycanroc.
Neither this Pokemon nor its evolution can be traded to Pokemon Sun & Moon.
Do note that there are 2 wonder cards, one specifically for Ultra Sun, and another for Ultra Moon (as seen below).
Species Rockruff (Dusk) Nickname (default, save lang) OT (recipient) TID (recipient) Distribution Nintendo Network Location a lovely place Dates Nov 17, 2017
to Jan 10, 2018 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: US Lv. 10 Nature Random Ability Own Tempo (1) Item Focus Band Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Tackle Bite Fire Fang Happy Hour WC ID 1624: 「¡Un Rockruff especial!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. ¡Un Rockruff especial! Este Rockruff evolucionará a
Lycanroc Forma Crepuscular
al llegar al Nv. 25 o superior cuando
sean entre las 17:00 y las 17:59
en la partida. Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171117_0134
Species Rockruff (Dusk) Nickname (default, save lang) OT (recipient) TID (recipient) Distribution Nintendo Network Location a lovely place Dates Nov 17, 2017
to Jan 10, 2018 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: UM Lv. 10 Nature Random Ability Own Tempo (1) Item Focus Band Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Tackle Bite Thunder Fang Happy Hour WC ID 1624: 「¡Un Rockruff especial!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. ¡Un Rockruff especial! Este Rockruff evolucionará a
Lycanroc Forma Crepuscular
al llegar al Nv. 25 o superior cuando
sean entre las 17:00 y las 17:59
en la partida. Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171117_0134
Pokemon Bank Primarina
This gift was given to players that have an active Pokemon Bank subscription during the distribution period.
This is the first time this gift's hidden ability can be obtained legitimately.
Species Primarina Nickname (default, save lang) OT (recipient) TID (recipient) Distribution Pokemon Bank Location Pokémon Bank Dates Mar 08 to Oct 31, 2018 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games All Regions 3DS:
SM USUM Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Liquid Voice (HA) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Hyper Voice Moonblast Icy Wind Perish Song WC ID 0: 「Banco de Pokémon」's receiving text 0x37 Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic Format Ver.1.0.6-2, Post Updated Date:20180309_1717
Pokemon Bank Incineroar
This gift was given to players that have an active Pokemon Bank subscription during the distribution period.
This is the first time this gift's hidden ability can be obtained legitimately.
Species Incineroar Nickname (default, save lang) OT (recipient) TID (recipient) Distribution Pokemon Bank Location Pokémon Bank Dates Mar 08 to Oct 31, 2018 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games All Regions 3DS:
SM USUM Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Intimidate (HA) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Fake Out U-turn Darkest Lariat Flare Blitz WC ID 0: 「Banco de Pokémon」's receiving text 0x37 Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic Format Ver.1.0.6-2, Post Updated Date:20180309_1716
Pokemon Bank Decidueye
This gift was given to players that have an active Pokemon Bank subscription during the distribution period.
This is the first time this gift's hidden ability can be obtained legitimately.
Species Decidueye Nickname (default, save lang) OT (recipient) TID (recipient) Distribution Pokemon Bank Location Pokémon Bank Dates Mar 08 to Oct 31, 2018 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games All Regions 3DS:
SM USUM Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Long Reach (HA) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Leaf Blade Phantom Force Shadow Sneak Brave Bird WC ID 0: 「Banco de Pokémon」's receiving text 0x37 Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic Format Ver.1.0.6-2, Post Updated Date:20180309_1715
USUM Game Sync Gift: Master Ball
This gift was given out to players that performed a Game Sync between their save file and their Pokemon Global Link account between November 17, 2017 and January 30, 2018.
WC 1626: Un regalo de Pokémon Global Link Master Ball
x 1 0x38 This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Serial Code | Feb 13 to Mar 30, 2018 | US & EU 3DS: USUM Un regalo de Pokémon Global Link Gracias por registrarte en Pokémon Global Link.
¡Aquí tienes una Master Ball de regalo! Format Ver.1.0.6-1, Post Updated Date:20180218_0419
2018 Legends: Dialga
This event was given away to commemorate The Year of Legendary Pokémon via Serial Code to players with a EU or US 3DS.
The gift received between Pokémon Sun & Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon will slightly differ, in areas such as held item, level and moveset.
This Dialga can only received on Pokémon Moon & Ultra Moon, while it is normally able to be encountered the Ultra Space Wilds of Pokémon Ultra Sun.
Having it on the opposite game likely is to facilitate and help players encounter Giratina, as it has the requirement of needing both Dialga and Palkia to be in party.
Species Dialga Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 020218 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Feb 02, 2018
to May 28, 2018 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: Moon Lv. 60 Nature Random Ability Pressure (1) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Aura Sphere Iron Tail Roar of Time Flash Cannon WC ID 638: 「¡Dialga, un Pokémon atemporal!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Dialga, un Pokémon atemporal! Ha llegado el momento estelar del legendario
Dialga. Este majestuoso e imponente Pokémon
de tipo Acero y Dragón hace acto de presencia
con su movimiento característico Distorsión. Format Ver.1.0.6-1, Post Updated Date:20180203_2213
Species Dialga Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 020218 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Feb 02, 2018
to May 28, 2018 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: Ultra Moon Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability Pressure (1) Item Gold Bottle Cap Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Roar of Time Aura Sphere Draco Meteor Flash Cannon WC ID 638: 「¡Dialga, un Pokémon atemporal!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Dialga, un Pokémon atemporal! Ha llegado el momento estelar del legendario
Dialga. Este majestuoso e imponente Pokémon
de tipo Acero y Dragón hace acto de presencia
con su movimiento característico Distorsión. Format Ver.1.0.6-1, Post Updated Date:20180203_2213
2018 Legends: Palkia
This event was given away to commemorate The Year of Legendary Pokémon via Serial Code to players with a EU or US 3DS.
The gift received between Pokémon Sun & Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon will slightly differ, in areas such as held item, level and moveset.
This Palkia can only received on Pokémon Sun & Ultra Sun, while it is normally able to be encountered the Ultra Space Wilds of Pokémon Ultra Moon.
Having it on the opposite game likely is to facilitate and help players encounter Giratina, as it has the requirement of needing both Dialga and Palkia to be in party.
Species Palkia Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 020218 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Feb 02, 2018
to May 28, 2018 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: Sun Lv. 60 Nature Random Ability Pressure (1) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Aura Sphere Aqua Tail Spacial Rend Hydro Pump WC ID 638: 「¡Palkia, un Pokémon celestial!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Palkia, un Pokémon celestial! Descubre nuevas dimensiones con el Pokémon
legendario Palkia, de tipo Agua y Dragón, capaz
de causar estragos en la batalla con su poderoso
movimiento Corte Vacío. Format Ver.1.0.6-1, Post Updated Date:20180203_2211
Species Palkia Nickname (default, save lang) OT Leyendas2018 TID 020218 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Feb 02, 2018
to May 28, 2018 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: Ultra Sun Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability Pressure (1) Item Gold Bottle Cap Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Spacial Rend Aura Sphere Draco Meteor Hydro Pump WC ID 638: 「¡Palkia, un Pokémon celestial!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Classic ¡Palkia, un Pokémon celestial! Descubre nuevas dimensiones con el Pokémon
legendario Palkia, de tipo Agua y Dragón, capaz
de causar estragos en la batalla con su poderoso
movimiento Corte Vacío. Format Ver.1.0.6-1, Post Updated Date:20180203_2211
Competition Battle Points
This event was distributed to players that participated in the Battle of Alola Online Competition.
It was later distributed again for participation if Friendly Competitions.
A second card with the same Wonder Card ID was uploaded.
It will be the Battle Points gift for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon games.
WC 2047: Un regalo de Pokémon Global Link Battle Points
x 50 0x38 This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Serial Code | Various Dates | US & EU 3DS: SM / USUM Un regalo de Pokémon Global Link Gracias por participar en un Torneo en Línea.
¡Aquí tienes 50 Puntos de Batalla! Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171216_0646
Starter Trainer's Pack Bonus: Revives
This event was distributed to players, to commemorate the launch of Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon.
This gift was distributed to players via serial code, for purchasing the Starter Trainer's Pack versions of the game.
WC 636: ¡Has recibido 12 Revivir! Revive
x 12 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Serial Code | Nov 17, 2017 to Nov 30, 2018 | US 3DS: USUM ¡Has recibido 12 Revivir! Usa un Revivir para ayudar a recuperarse a un
Pokémon debilitado. Podrás utilizarlo tanto
dentro como fuera del combate. Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171117_0428
Dual Pack Bonus: Poke Balls
This event was distributed to players, to commemorate the launch of Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon.
This gift was distributed to players via serial code, for purchasing the Physical Dual Pack versions of the game.
WC 635: ¡Has recibido 100 Poké Balls! Poke Ball
x 100 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Serial Code | Nov 17, 2017 to Nov 30, 2018 | US 3DS: USUM ¡Has recibido 100 Poké Balls! Las Poké Balls no solo son perfectas para atrapar
Pokémon, ¡también los mantienen con todo lujo
de comodidades! Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171117_0418
eShop Early Purchase - Quick Balls
This event was distributed to players, to commemorate the launch of Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon.
Players that purchased the game on the e-Shop before Jan 10, 2018, will receive the serial code for this event.
WC 1625: ¡Has recibido 12 Veloz Balls! Quick Ball
x 12 0x36 Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Serial Code | Nov 17, 2017 to Nov 30, 2018 | US & EU 3DS: USUM ¡Has recibido 12 Veloz Balls! Las Veloz Balls son más eficaces a la hora de
atrapar Pokémon si las lanzas nada más iniciarse
el combate. ¡Captura a tu Pokémon favorito
en un periquete! Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171117_0335
EU Ultra Dual Steelbook Bonus: Potion
This event was distributed to players, to commemorate the launch of Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon.
This gift was distributed to EU players, via serial code, for purchasing the Steelbook (Ultra Dual Edition) versions of the game.
WC 628: ¡Una pequeña ayuda! Potion
x 50 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Serial Code | Nov 17, 2017 to ? | EU 3DS: USUM ¡Una pequeña ayuda! Aquí tienes 50 Pociones que te ayudarán en tu
recorrido por la región de Alola. Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171117_0301
Aether's Silvally (US & EU)
This Shiny Silvally was distributed to players, to promote the pre-orders for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon,
as well as the release of the TCG: Shiny Silvally GX Box.
US distribution of the code cards are from October 23 to November 13, 2017.
EU distribution of the code cards are from November 03 to November 16, 2017.
AU distribution of the code cards (which technically runs on EU system) are from October 23 to November 13, 2017.
<The event is redeemable as early as October 23, if you have access to the code cards>
The codes all expire on February 13, 2018.
Species Silvally Nickname (default, save lang) OT Æther TID 102317 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates (Various) PID Shiny PID Games US & EU 3DS: SM Lv. 100 Nature Random Ability RKS System (1) Item Gold Bottle Cap Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Multi-Attack Parting Shot Punishment Scary Face WC ID 629: 「¡Un Silvally variocolor!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. ¡Un Silvally variocolor! ¡Silvally variocolor deslumbra en los combates
con su habilidad Sistema Alfa!
¡Dale a Silvally un disco de datos
para que cambie de tipo y ejecuta su
movimiento característico Multiataque! Format Ver.1.0.5-4, Post Updated Date:20171023_2221
Ash's Pikachu (Kalos Cap)
This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.
The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
The variations receivable follows a schedule.
Species Pikachu (Kalos Cap) Nickname (default, save lang) OT Ash TID 011814 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Oct 17 to Oct 23, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US & EU 3DS: SM Lv. 17 Nature Hardy Ability Static (1) Item None Bundled Item Pikashunium Z
Wishing Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Thunderbolt Quick Attack Iron Tail Electro Ball WC ID 627: 「El Pikachu (Gorra Kalos) de Ash」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. El Pikachu (Gorra Kalos) de Ash Ash y Pikachu llegan a Kalos
y descubren los misterios de la
megaevolución, una evolución superior
a todas las demás. Pero el verdadero
propósito de Ash es convertirse en el
Campeón de la Liga de Kalos. Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20171017_1306