90 files
Movie20: Marshadow
This Pokemon was distributed via serial code by various distributors, to commemorate its appearance the 20th Movie.
Some distributors may require players to pre-order Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
While US distribution is slated for October 9, and EU distribution is slated for October 1,
Marshadow could be redeemed as early as September 29, if you already have the codes.
Species Marshadow Nickname (default, save lang) OT M. del Passo TID 100917 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Oct 01 to Oct 23, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games EU 3DS: SM Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Technician (1) Item None Bundled Item Marshadium Z
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Spectral Thief Close Combat Force Palm Shadow Ball WC ID 626: 「L'enigmatico Marshadow!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. L'enigmatico Marshadow! L'elusivo Marshadow attacca furtivamente
con la sua mossa esclusiva Ombrafurto
e fa vedere le stelle all'avversario con
la sua formidabile mossa Z! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20170929_1502
Ash's Pikachu (Sinnoh Cap)
This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.
The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
The variations receivable follows a schedule.
Species Pikachu (Sinnoh Cap) Nickname (default, save lang) OT Ash TID 060407 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Oct 03 to Oct 09, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games EU 3DS: SM Lv. 9 Nature Hardy Ability Static (1) Item None Bundled Item Pikashunium Z
Wishing Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Thunderbolt Quick Attack Iron Tail Volt Tackle WC ID 627: 「Il Pikachu Berretto Sinnoh di Ash」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Il Pikachu Berretto Sinnoh di Ash Arrivati a Sinnoh, Ash e Pikachu si trovano
ad affrontare un avversario temibile.
Non è certo un inizio facile,
ma i nostri eroi superano ogni ostacolo
con incrollabile determinazione! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20171003_1134
Ilex's Celebi (EU)
This event was distributed by serial code, to commemorate the release of the Virtual Console versions of Pokemon Gold and Silver for the 3DS.
The serial code was obtainable by those who purchased either game, and it was redeemed from their Nintendo e-Shop receipt.
After September 21, 2018, the code will no longer be given out.
Species Celebi Nickname (default, save lang) OT Ilex TID 040601 Distribution Serial Code Location the Johto region Dates Sep 21, 2017
to Oct 31, 2018 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games EU 3DS: SM USUM Lv. 30 Nature Random Ability Natural Cure (1) Item None Bundled Item None
Souvenir Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Heal Bell Safeguard Ancient Power Future Sight WC ID 630: 「Celebi, il Pokémon Tempovia!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Celebi, il Pokémon Tempovia! Grazie per aver scaricato
Pokémon Versione Oro
o Pokémon Versione Argento.
Dal suo santuario nel Bosco di Lecci,
Celebi ha viaggiato attraverso il tempo
per unirsi alla tua squadra! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20170922_0151
Ash's Pikachu (Hoenn Cap)
This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.
The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
The variations receivable follows a schedule.
Species Pikachu (Hoenn Cap) Nickname (default, save lang) OT Ash TID 091303 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Sep 26 to Oct 02, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games EU: SM Lv. 6 Nature Hardy Ability Static (1) Item None Bundled Item Pikashunium Z
Wishing Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Thunderbolt Quick Attack Thunder Iron Tail WC ID 627: 「Il Pikachu Berretto Hoenn di Ash」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Il Pikachu Berretto Hoenn di Ash Attraversato l'oceano, Ash e Pikachu
giungono nella meravigliosa regione
di Hoenn, pronti a vivere entusiasmanti
avventure assieme ai loro fidati amici. Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20170926_1300
Ash's Pikachu (Original Cap)
This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.
The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
The variations receivable follows a schedule.
Species Pikachu (Original Cap) Nickname (default, save lang) OT Ash TID 090898 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Sep 19 to Sep 25, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games EU 3DS: SM Lv. 1 Nature Hardy Ability Static (1) Item None Bundled Item Pikashunium Z
Wishing Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Thunderbolt Quick Attack Thunder Agility WC ID 627: 「Il Pikachu Berretto Originale di Ash」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Il Pikachu Berretto Originale di Ash Dal fatidico incontro con Pikachu
il giorno in cui ha compiuto 10 anni,
Ash non si è più separato dal suo Pokémon.
Insieme a lui ha intrapreso il cammino
per diventare un Maestro Pokémon! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20170919_1309
Mega Stone Gift: Ampharosite, Altarianite, Latiasite & Latiosite
This event was given away using a common password DRACHE for all regions.
All the Mega Stones in this gift was presently given away only to participants of the 2017 International Challenge July Competition (Weakness Cup).
WC 1621: Megapietre in regalo! Ampharosite
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Altarianite x1 Latiasite x1 Latiosite x1 Serial Code | Sep 08 to Oct 31, 2017 | EU 3DS: SM Megapietre in regalo! In regalo per te una Ampharosite,
una Altarite, una Latiasite
e una Latiosite! Format Ver.1.0.5-2, Post Updated Date:20175509_1755
Mega Stone Gift: Gardevoirite, Galladite, Lopunnite & Diancite
This event was given away using a common password POYONG for all regions.
While Gardevoirite, Galladite & Lopunnite were given away earlier,
to the participants of the 2017 International Challenge June Competition (Tiny Tourney).
This is the first time that Diancite is obtainable for the games Pokemon Sun & Moon.
WC 1620: Megapietre in regalo! Gardevoirite
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Galladite x1 Lopunnite x1 Diancite x1 Serial Code | Aug 10 to Oct 31, 2017 | EU 3DS: SM Megapietre in regalo! In regalo per te una Gardevoirite,
una Galladite, una Lopunnite
e una Diancite! Format Ver.1.0.5-2, Post Updated Date:20174709_1747
Mega Stone Gift: Tyranitarite, Abomasite, Manectite & Aggronite
This event was given away using a common password SABLEVOLANT for all regions.
While Tyranitarite, Abomasite & Manectite were given away earlier, to the participants of the 2017 International Challenge May Competition,
this is the first time that Aggronite is obtainable for the games Pokemon Sun & Moon.
WC 1618: Megapietre in regalo! Tyranitarite
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Abomasite x1 Manectite x1 Aggronite x1 Serial Code | Jul 22 to Oct 31, 2017 | EU 3DS: SM Megapietre in regalo! In regalo per te una Tyranitarite,
una Abomasnowite, una Manectricite
e una Aggronite! Format Ver.1.0.5-2, Post Updated Date:20174009_1740
Mega Stone Gift: Sceptilite, Blazikenite, Swampertite, Cameruptite & Banettite
This event was given away using a common password MATSUBUSA for all regions.
While Sceptilite, Blazikenite & Swampertite were given away earlier, to the participants of the 2017 International Challenge April Competition,
this is the first time that Cameruptite and Banettite are obtainable for the games Pokemon Sun & Moon.
WC 1616: Megapietre in regalo! Sceptilite
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Blazikenite x1 Swampertite x1 Cameruptite x1 Banettite x1 Serial Code | Jun 23 to Oct 31, 2017 | EU 3DS: SM Megapietre in regalo! In regalo per te una Sceptilite,
una Blazikenite, una Swampertite,
una Cameruptite e una Banettite! Format Ver.1.0.5-2, Post Updated Date:20173309_1733
Mega Stone Gift: Pidgeotite, Steelixite, Heracronite and Houndoominite
This event was given away using a common password AZUL for all regions.
While Pidgeotite and Steelixite were given earlier in March '17,
for the participants of the Regional Rumble: Kanto X Alola (2017 March Competition),
this is the first time that Heracronite and Houndoomite are obtainable for Pokemon Sun & Moon.
WC 1611: Megapietre in regalo! Pidgeotite
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Steelixite x1 Heracronite x1 Houndoominite x1 Serial Code | May 12 to Oct 31, 2017 | EU 3DS: SM Megapietre in regalo! In regalo per te una Pidgeotite,
una Steelixite, una Heracrossite
e una Houndoomite! Format Ver.1.0.5-2, Post Updated Date:20172709_1727
Mega Stone Gift: Mawilite, Beedrillite, Audinite and Medichamite
This event was given away using a common password INTIMIDATE for all regions.
While Mawilite and Beedrillite were given earlier in March '17 for the participants of the 2017 International Challenge (February Competition),
this is the first time that Audinite and Medichamite are obtainable for Pokemon Sun & Moon.
This is also the first event that gives away 4 items in the same wonder card.
WC 1609: Megapietre in regalo! Mawilite
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Beedrillite x1 Audinite x1 Medichamite x1 Serial Code | Apr 07 to Oct 31, 2017 | EU 3DS: SM Megapietre in regalo! In regalo per te una Mawilite,
una Beedrillite, una Audinite
e una Medichamite! Format Ver.1.0.5-2, Post Updated Date:20171109_1711
Mega Stone Gift: Mewtwonite X & Y
This event was given away using a common password M2DESCENT for all regions.
This is the first time that these Mega Stones are obtainable for Pokemon Sun & Moon.
WC 1605: Due Megapietre in regalo! Mewtwonite X
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Mewtwonite Y x1 Serial Code | Mar 03 to Oct 31, 2017 | EU 3DS: SM Due Megapietre in regalo! In regalo per te una Mewtwoite X
e una Mewtwoite Y! Format Ver.v1.0.5, Post Updated Date:20173609_1636
Clovis Salazzle
This event was distributed to players via serial code, to commemorate the TCG Expansion: Burning Shadows.
Species Salazzle Nickname (default, save lang) OT Clovis TID 080817 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Aug 14 to Dec 04, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games EU 3DS: SM Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Corrosion (1) Item Focus Sash Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Fake Out Toxic Sludge Bomb Flamethrower WC ID 607: 「Salazzle si prepara alla lotta!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Salazzle si prepara alla lotta! Questo Pokémon venefico di tipo Veleno e Fuoco
ha l’abilità esclusiva Corrosione, che gli permette
di iperavvelenare anche Pokémon di tipo Acciaio
o Veleno, normalmente immuni a questa
condizione, grazie all’insidiosa mossa Tossina!503 downloads
Global Mission Reward: Rare Candy and Fast Ball
From the period of July 25th to Aug 09th, there was a Global Mission for players globally to win the lotto 1,000 times.
When the mission succeeds, players will receive 2,000 FC.
If the player draws one lotto (doesn't have to be a win), with an account Game Synced with PGL, they will get 5 Rare Candies.
Furthermore, if there is a total of 4,000 times the lotto was won, a Fast Ball will come bundled with the 5 Rare Candies.
The final count for the mission was 30,256 wins.
WC 1623: Un regalo dal PGL Rare Candy
x 5 0x38 This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Fast Ball Serial Code | Aug 15 to Sep 30, 2017 | EU 3DS: SM Un regalo dal PGL Grazie per aver partecipato
al minigioco globale!326 downloads
Global Mission Reward: Rare Candy and Moon Ball
From the period of June 27th to July 10th, there was a Global Mission for players globally to successfully defend their Champion Title 100,000 times.
When the mission succeeds, players will receive 2,000 FC.
If the player defended the title at least 3 times, with an account Game Synced with PGL, they will get 5 Rare Candies.
Furthermore, if there is a total of defending your Champion Title 200,000 times successfully, a Moon Ball will come bundled with the 5 Rare Candies.
The final count for the mission was Champion Titles defended 235,111 times globally.
WC 1622: Un regalo dal PGL Rare Candy
x 5 0x38 This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Moon Ball Serial Code | Jul 18 to Aug 30, 2017 | EU 3DS: SM Un regalo dal PGL Grazie per aver partecipato
al minigioco globale!309 downloads
Mega Stone Gift: Ampharosite, Altarianite, Latiasite & Latiosite
This gift was given away to participants of the 2017 International Challenge July Competition (Weakness Cup).
Participants were required to take part in at least 3 battles of the Online Competition, with a game synced game and account.
WC 1619: Megapietre in regalo! Ampharosite
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Altarianite Latiasite Latiosite Serial Code | Aug 08 to Sep 29, 2017 | EU 3DS: SM Megapietre in regalo! In regalo per te una Ampharosite,
una Altarite, una Latiasite
e una Latiosite!346 downloads
Melemele Shiny Tapu Koko (EU)
This event is to commemorate the TCG: Shiny Tapu Koko-GX Box that is released on 14th of July, 2017.
Species Tapu Koko Nickname (default, save lang) OT Mele Mele TID 170714 Distribution Online Wi-Fi Location a lovely place Dates Jul 14 to Aug 14, 2017 PID Shiny PID Games EU: SM Lv. 60 Nature Timid Ability Electric Surge (1) Item Electric Seed Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Nature's Madness Discharge Agility Electro Ball WC ID 613: 「Un potente Tapu Koko cromatico!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Un potente Tapu Koko cromatico! Domina le sfide grazie a questo Pokémon
dall'aspetto e dalla potenza elettrizzanti!
Appena entra in campo, Tapu Koko
genera un Campo Elettrico con Elettrogenesi,
per poi aumentare la sua Difesa grazie
a un Elettroseme!631 downloads
Mega Stone Gift: Gardevoirite, Galladite & Lopunnite
This gift was given away to participants of the 2017 International Challenge June Competition (Tiny Tourney).
Participants were required to take part in at least 3 battles of the Online Competition, with a game synced game and account.
WC 1617: Megapietre in regalo! Gardevoirite
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Galladite Lopunnite Serial Code | Jul 04 to Aug 30, 2017 | US&EU: SM Megapietre in regalo! In regalo per te una Gardevoirite,
una Galladite e una Lopunnite!365 downloads
Global Mission Reward: Rare Candy and Lure Ball
From the period of May 30th to June 12th, there was a Global Mission for players to successfully hook 500,000 Pokemon or items (combined count) from rare (fishing) spots.
When the mission succeeds, players will receive 2,000 FC.
If the player have 3 successful hooks, with an account Game Synced with PGL, they will get 5 Rare Candies.
Furthermore, if there is a total of 1,000,000 successful hooks globally, a Lure Ball will come bundled with the 5 Rare Candies.
The final count for the mission was 1,228,170 successful hooks.
WC 1615: Un regalo dal PGL Rare Candy
x 5 0x38 This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Lure Ball Serial Code | Jun 20 - Jul 30, 2017 | EU: SM Un regalo dal PGL Grazie per aver partecipato
al minigioco globale!309 downloads
Mega Stone Gift: Tyranitarite, Abomasite & Manectite
This gift was given away to participants of the 2017 International Challenge May Competition.
Participants were required to take part in at least 3 battles of the Online Competition, with a game synced game and account.
WC 1614: Megapietre in regalo! Tyranitarite
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Abomasite Manectite Serial Code | 06 Jun to 30 Jul 2017 | EU: SM Megapietre in regalo! In regalo per te una Tyranitarite,
una Abomasnowite e una Manectricite!342 downloads
Mega Stone Gift: Sceptilite, Blazikenite & Swampertite
This gift was given away to participants of the 2017 International Challenge April Competition.
Participants were required to take part in at least 3 battles of the Online Competition, with a game synced game and account.
WC 1613: Megapietre in regalo! Sceptilite
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Blazikenite Swampertite Serial Code | May 30, 2017 - Jun 30, 2017 | EU: SM Megapietre in regalo! In regalo per te una Sceptilite,
una Blazikenite e una Swampertite!350 downloads
Global Mission Reward: Rare Candy and Level Ball
From the period of April 25th to May 9th, there was a Global Mission to harvest 3,000,000 Poké Beans from Poké Pelago.
When the mission succeeds, players will receive 2,000 FC.
If the player harvested 30 Poké Beans, with an account Game Synced with PGL, they will get 5 Rare Candies.
Furthermore, if 6,000,000 Poké Beans was harvested globally, a Level Ball will come bundled with the 5 Rare Candies.
The final count for the mission was 75,230,246 Poké Beans harvested.
WC 1612: Un regalo dal PGL Rare Candy
x 5 0x38 This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Level Ball Serial Code | May 16 to Jun 29, 2017 | EU: SM Un regalo dal PGL Grazie per aver partecipato
al minigioco globale!305 downloads
Virtual Console Mew
This event was distributed to a few lucky residents of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland,
distributed during an event that celebrates the launch of Pokemon Sun & Moon.
As the DVs (Gen I IVs) are distributed with 15 in every slot,
it is not possible to obtain this as a Shiny when transferred normally through Pokemon Transporter.
This PK1 file will not be compatible with JPN version of the game.
Games Virtual Console, Red, Blue & Yellow. Type Trade Dates Nov 22nd, 2016 Nickname (default) OT GF TID 22796 Moves Pound (None) (None) (None) This is a video of @RupeeClock's collection of the hyper rare Mew!
(Also, it can be seen that the Event Staff's unit has a Restore Point function!)
Mega Stone Gift: Pidgeotite and Steelixite
This gift was given away to participants of the Regional Rumble: Kanto X Alola (2017 March Competition).
Participants were required to take part in at least 3 battles of the Online Competition, with a game synced game and account.
This event will then be given away via common password at a later time.
WC 1608: Due Megapietre in regalo! Pidgeotite
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Steelixite Serial Code | Mar 28, 2017 to ? | EU: SM Due Megapietre in regalo! In regalo per te una Pidgeotite
e una Steelixite!463 downloads
Mega Stone Gift: Mawilite and Beedrillite
This gift was given away to participants of the 2017 International Challenge (February Competition).
Participants were required to take part in at least 3 battles of the Online Competition, with a game synced game and account.
This event will then be given away via common password at a later time.
WC 1606: Due Megapietre in regalo! Mawilite
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Beedrillite Serial Code | Mar 07 - Apr 27, 2017 | EU: SM Due Megapietre in regalo! In regalo per te una Mawilite
e una Beedrillite!446 downloads