95 files
Global Mission Reward: Rare Candy and Level Ball
From the period of April 25th to May 9th, there was a Global Mission to harvest 3,000,000 Poké Beans from Poké Pelago.
When the mission succeeds, players will receive 2,000 FC.
If the player harvested 30 Poké Beans, with an account Game Synced with PGL, they will get 5 Rare Candies.
Furthermore, if 6,000,000 Poké Beans was harvested globally, a Level Ball will come bundled with the 5 Rare Candies.
The final count for the mission was 75,230,246 Poké Beans harvested.
WC 1612: Cadeau de la part du PGL Rare Candy
x 5 0x38 This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
Level Ball Serial Code | May 16 to Jun 29, 2017 | US&EU: SM Cadeau de la part du PGL Merci pour votre participation
à la mini-quête en ligne !336 downloads
No Guard Lycanroc
This event was distributed to players via serial code, to commemorate the upcoming TCG Expansion: Guardians Rising.
The event officially starts for FRE players on May 13th, but could be accessed from May 09th onwards.
The event for the US officially begins on May 15th, but could be accessed from May 13th onwards.
Species Lycanroc (Midnight) Nickname (default, save lang) OT Rocky TID 051517 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates EU: May 05 - Aug 04 '17
US: May 15 - Aug 04 '17 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games SM Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability No Guard (HA) Item Life Orb Bundled Item None
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Stone Edge Fire Fang Sucker Punch Swords Dance WC ID 606: 「Rien n’échappe à Lougaroc !」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Rien n’échappe à Lougaroc ! Lougaroc ne laisse échapper aucune proie !
Son talent Annule Garde permettra à ses
puissantes attaques Lame de Roc et
Crocs Feu de ne jamais rater leur cible.736 downloads
Snorlium Z Munchlax
EU and US Munchlax wonder card that comes with Snorlium Z.
Species Munchlax Nickname (default, save lang) OT (recipient) TID (recipient) Distribution Online Wi-Fi Location an online present Dates From Nov 18, 2016
to Jan 11, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US&EU: SM Lv. 5 Nature Random Ability Thick Fat (2) Item None Bundled Item Snorlium Z
Classic Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Tackle Metronome Hold Back Happy Hour WC ID 1601: 「Un Goinfrex et une Ronflézélite !」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Un Goinfrex et une Ronflézélite ! Voici Goinfrex, le Pokémon Goinfre !
Faites-le évoluer en Ronflex et
faites-lui tenir la Ronflézélite que vous
avez reçue dans le jeu pour qu’il
puisse utiliser sa capacité Z :
Gare au Ronflex !1049 downloads
Demo Ash-Greninja
A Greninja with Battle Bond, that can transform to Ash-Greninja form!
This wonder card is sent from the Demo to your main Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon game.
(Language of Wondercard is determined by language of Demo, Not language of Main game save)
Species Ash-Greninja (Inactive) Nickname (default, in ) OT Sacha TID 131017 Distribution Pokemon Demo Location the Kalos region Dates Any Date PID Specified:8DB1A5C7 Games All Regions: SM Lv. 36 Nature Random Ability Battle Bond (1) Item None Bundled Item None
Souvenir Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Water Shuriken Aerial Ace Double Team Night Slash WC ID 2046: 「Sachanobi (Démo spéciale)」's receiving text 0x5B Thank you for playing the demo version! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.1372 downloads
QR Code Magearna
This event was distributed to international players via a 3DS region-locked QR code on the main Pokemon website.
For Japanese players, it was distributed via a QR code on a Ga-ore disc with the QR code on it,
collected only in theaters for the Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel Movie.
(QR Code can be found in the screenshots segment of this posting)
This event is actually pre-programmed into the Pokemon Sun and Moon games, and it requires only the QR code to activate,
after the player has cleared the game (become the Champion).
Species Magearna Nickname (default, save lang) OT (recipient) TID (recipient) Distribution QR Code Location a lovely place Dates Any Date PID Cannot Be Shiny Games All Regions: SM Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Soul-Heart (1) or Soul-Heart (2) Item Bottle Cap Bundled Item None
Wishing Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Fleur Cannon Flash Cannon Lucky Chant Helping Hand925 downloads
Mega Stone Gift: Mawilite and Beedrillite
This gift was given away to participants of the 2017 International Challenge (February Competition).
Participants were required to take part in at least 3 battles of the Online Competition, with a game synced game and account.
This event will then be given away via common password at a later time.
WC 1606: Recevez deux Méga-Gemmes ! Mawilite
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Beedrillite Serial Code | Mar 07 - Apr 27, 2017 | US&EU: SM Recevez deux Méga-Gemmes ! - Une Mysdibulite
- Une Dardargnite508 downloads
Mega Stone Gift: Pidgeotite and Steelixite
This gift was given away to participants of the Regional Rumble: Kanto X Alola (2017 March Competition).
Participants were required to take part in at least 3 battles of the Online Competition, with a game synced game and account.
This event will then be given away via common password at a later time.
WC 1608: Recevez deux Méga-Gemmes ! Pidgeotite
x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Steelixite Serial Code | Mar 28, 2017 to ? | US&EU: SM Recevez deux Méga-Gemmes ! - Une Roucarnagite
- Une Steelixite493 downloads
Global Mission Reward: Rare Candy and Love Ball
From the period of March 28th to April 10th, there was a Global Mission with the goal of collectively hatching 200,000 eggs.
When the mission succeeds, players will receive 2,000 FC. (failure resulting in 200 FC)
If the player hatched 3 eggs, with an account Game Synced with PGL, they will get 5 Rare Candies.
Furthermore, if 400,000 eggs was hatched globally, a Love Ball will come bundled with the 5 Rare Candies.
The final count for the mission was 14,503,078 eggs hatched.
WC 1610: Cadeau de la part du PGL Rare Candy
x 5 0x38 This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Love Ball Serial Code | Apr 18 - May 30, 2017 | US&EU: SM Cadeau de la part du PGL Merci pour votre participation
à la mini-quête en ligne !444 downloads
Global Mission Reward: Rare Candy and Heavy Ball
From the period of February 28th to March 13th, there was a Global Mission to earn 250,000 Battle Points at the Battle Tree.
When the mission succeeds, players will receive 2,000 FC.
If the player earned 3 BP, with an account Game Synced with PGL, they will get 5 Rare Candies.
Furthermore, if 500,000 BP was earned globally, a Heavy ball will come bundled with the 5 Rare Candies.
The final count for the mission was 15,671,838 BP earned.
WC 1607: Cadeau de la part du PGL Rare Candy
x 5 0x38 This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Heavy Ball Serial Code | Mar 21 to Apr 27, 2017 | US&EU: SM Cadeau de la part du PGL Merci pour votre participation
à la mini-quête en ligne !350 downloads
Global Mission Reward: Rare Candy and Friend Ball
From the period of January 31st to February 13th, there was a Global Mission to trade 1,000,000 Pokemon through the GTS.
When the mission succeeds, players will receive 2,000 FC.
If the player trades 5 times, with an account Game Synced with PGL, they will get 5 Rare Candies.
Furthermore, if 2,000,000 Pokemon was traded, a Friend ball will come bundled with the 5 Rare Candies.
The final count for the mission was 4,107,702 Pokemon traded.
WC 1604: Cadeau de la part du PGL Rare Candy
x 5 0x38 This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Friend Ball Serial Code | Feb 21 - Mar 31, 2017 | US&EU: SM Cadeau de la part du PGL Merci pour votre participation
à la mini-quête en ligne !458 downloads
Dual Pack Poke Balls
For US, 100x Poke Balls distributed via Serial code,
for purchasing the Dual Pack Retail Copies of Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon.
Event was Available to US, KO, JP and TW (via EU/JP 3DSes, English Wonder card)
WC 1603: Un cadeau avec le pack duo ! Poke Ball
x 100 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Serial Code | Nov 18, 2016 to Nov 30, 2017 | US: SM Un cadeau avec le pack duo ! Cent Poké Balls rien que pour vous !
Lancez-les sur les Pokémon sauvages
et attrapez-en un maximum !419 downloads
E-shop Quick Balls
Distributed to EU 3DSes, 12x Quick Balls distributed via Serial code,
for purchasing the Digital Copy of Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon.
Event was Available to EU, JP and TW (via EU/JP 3DSes)
WC 1602: Pour votre version téléchargeable ! Quick Ball
x 12 0x36 Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Serial Code | Nov 18, 2016 to Nov 30, 2017 | EU: SM Pour votre version téléchargeable ! Voici douze Rapide Balls pour vous !
Elles augmenteront vos chances de
capturer un Pokémon sauvage si vous
les lancez au début du combat !415 downloads
Demo Comet Shard
This wonder card is sent from the Demo to your main Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon game.
WC 2045: Morceau Comète (Démo spéciale) Comet Shard
x 1 0x5B Thank you for playing the demo version! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Pokemon Demo | Any Date | All 3DS: SM409 downloads
Demo Balm Mushroom
This wonder card is sent from the Demo to your main Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon game.
WC 2044: Champi Suave (Démo spéciale) Balm Mushroom
x 1 0x5B Thank you for playing the demo version! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Pokemon Demo | Any Date | All 3DS: SM402 downloads
Demo Pretty Wing
This wonder card is sent from the Demo to your main Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon game.
WC 2043: Jolies Ailes (Démo spéciale) Pretty Wing
x 10 0x5B Thank you for playing the demo version! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Pokemon Demo | Any Date | All 3DS: SM403 downloads
Demo Nugget
This wonder card is sent from the Demo to your main Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon game.
WC 2042: Pépite (Démo spéciale) Nugget
x 1 0x5B Thank you for playing the demo version! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Pokemon Demo | Any Date | All 3DS: SM415 downloads
Demo Star Piece
This wonder card is sent from the Demo to your main Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon game.
WC 2041: Morceau d’Étoile (Démo spéciale) Star Piece
x 1 0x5B Thank you for playing the demo version! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Pokemon Demo | Any Date | All 3DS: SM410 downloads
Demo Stardust
This wonder card is sent from the Demo to your main Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon game.
WC 2040: Poussières Étoiles (Démo spéciale) Stardust
x 3 0x5B Thank you for playing the demo version! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Pokemon Demo | Any Date | All 3DS: SM404 downloads
TCG Bottle Cap
This event was distributed to commemorate the launch of Pokemon Trading Card Game: Sun and Moon Expansion.
WC 599: Une Capsule d'Argent ! Bottle Cap
x 1 0x00 Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Serial Code | Feb 03 - May 13, 2017 | US&EU: SM Une Capsule d'Argent ! Voici une Capsule d’Argent, qui vous
permettra d'augmenter l'une des stats
d'un Pokémon de niveau 100 au maximum
grâce à l’Entraînement Ultime !434 downloads
Virtual Console Mew
This event was distributed to a few lucky residents of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland,
distributed during an event that celebrates the launch of Pokemon Sun & Moon.
As the DVs (Gen I IVs) are distributed with 15 in every slot,
it is not possible to obtain this as a Shiny when transferred normally through Pokemon Transporter.
This PK1 file will not be compatible with JPN version of the game.
Games Virtual Console, Red, Blue & Yellow. Type Trade Dates Nov 22nd, 2016 Nickname (default) OT GF TID 22796 Moves Pound (None) (None) (None) This is a video of @RupeeClock's collection of the hyper rare Mew!
(Also, it can be seen that the Event Staff's unit has a Restore Point function!)