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185 files

  1. Pikachu Carnival Parade: Pikachu

    The Pikachu Carnival Parade was held on Aug 14th, 2017, during the annual Pikachu Outbreak at Yokohama, Japan.
    Besides Pikachu, Mimikyu and Ditto also crashed the parade, and were distributed to players via Local Wireless.
    The 3 parade Pokemon can be received infinitely during the period of distribution.
    Ditto and Mimikyu each have a 1/12 chance of being received, while Pikachu has a 10/12 chance of being received.
     Species   Pikachu   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   カーニバル   TID   170814   Distribution   Local Wireless   Location   a 2017 Pokémon event   Dates   Aug 14, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   All Regions 3DS: SM    Lv. 10                                                                  Nature   Random   Ability   Static (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   None   Card Per Save   Multiples Allowed 
        Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Growl   Quick Attack   Thunder Shock   Happy Hour   WC ID 250: 「ピカチュウ・カーニバル・パレード」's receiving text 0x2B Thank you for coming to the Pokémon event! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. ピカチュウ・カーニバル・パレード しじょうさいだいの
    ピカチュウの パレードに
    さんかしてくれた きねんに
    パレードに とうじょうする
    ポケモンを プレゼント! Format Ver.1.0.5-4, Post Updated Date:20171018_0152
            All   Pikachu Walk
    Pikachu   Parade
    Pikachu   Parade
    Mimikyu   Parade




  2. Gen VII 2nd Birthday Distribution: Eevee

    This is the second Birthday Event for Generation VII, and it was distributed to players who go to Pokemon Center stores
    during the duration of their birthday month.

    Identification would have to be presented upon redemption, and travelers can do so by showing their passport.
     Species   Eevee   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   ポケセン♪   TID   171101   Distribution   Infrared   Location   a Pokémon Center   Dates   Nov 17, 2017 
    to Nov 15, 2018   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   All Regions 3DS:
    SM USUM    Lv. 10                                                                  Nature   Jolly   Ability   Run Away (1) or Adaptability (2)   Item   None   Bundled Item   None   Card Per Save   Only One Allowed 

    Birthday   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Celebrate   Sand Attack   Baby-Doll Eyes   (None)   WC ID 273: 「おたんじょうび おめでとう!」's receiving text 0x08 Thank you for coming to the Pokémon Center! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in the game. おたんじょうび おめでとう! ポケモンセンターから
    おたんじょうびの おいわいに
    とっても すてきな ポケモンを
    プレゼントするよ! Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171119_2004




  3. Mega Stone Gift: Mewtwonite X & Y

    This event was given away using a common password M2DESCENT for all regions.
    This marks the first time these Mega Stones were made available for Pokemon Sun & Moon.
    WC 1605: メガストーン プレゼント Mewtwonite X
            x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
        Mewtwonite Y  x1                     Serial Code  |  Mar 03 to Oct 31, 2017  |  JP 3DS: SM メガストーン プレゼント ・ミュウツナイトX
    ・ミュウツナイトY Format Ver.v1.0.5, Post Updated Date:20173709_1637




  4. Gen VII 2nd Birthday Distribution: Comfey

    This is the second Birthday Event for Generation VII, and it was distributed to players who go to Pokemon Center stores
    during the duration of their birthday month.

    Identification would have to be presented upon redemption, and travelers can do so by showing their passport.
     Species   Comfey   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   ポケセン♪   TID   171101   Distribution   Infrared   Location   a Pokémon Center   Dates   Nov 17, 2017 
    to Nov 15, 2018   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   All Regions 3DS: 
    SM USUM    Lv. 10                                                                  Nature   Jolly   Ability   Flower Veil (1) 
    or Triage (2)   Item   None   Bundled Item   None   Card Per Save   Only One Allowed 

    Birthday   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Celebrate   Leech Seed   Draining Kiss   Magical Leaf   WC ID 273: 「おたんじょうび おめでとう!」's receiving text 0x08 Thank you for coming to the Pokémon Center! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in the game. おたんじょうび おめでとう! ポケモンセンターから
    おたんじょうびの おいわいに
    とっても すてきな ポケモンを
    プレゼントするよ! Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171119_2006




  5. Gen VII Secret/Mistake 3rd Birthday Distribution: Comfey

    On the official page for Birthday promotions, the 2nd Birthday distribution was supposed to end right before Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee launches,
    and the birthday giveaway would then only be the Chansey Gift for those games.

    However, either due to an oversight or perhaps a secret distribution only for those who ask for the 3DS versions of the birthday gift,
    this 3rd distribution was given away only at select Pokémon Centers, provided the staff doesn't claim that such a distribution doesn't exist.
    It's also possible before mid-November ended (the transition to Let's Go), staff gave away this event instead of the 2nd distribution.

    In any case, some people managed to get this rare card. It was still required for players to be in their birthday month to receive this.
    Identification would have to be presented upon redemption, and travelers can do so by showing their passport.
         Species   Comfey   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   ポケセン♪   TID   181101   Distribution   Infrared   Location   a Pokémon Center   Dates   Nov 01, 2018 to ?   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   All Regions 3DS: SM USUM                                                                Lv. 10    Nature   Jolly   Ability   Flower Veil (1) or Triage (2)   Item   None   Bundled Item   None   Card Per Save   Only One Allowed    Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Celebrate   Leech Seed   Draining Kiss   Magical Leaf   WC ID 301: 「おたんじょうび おめでとう!」's receiving text 0x08 Thank you for coming to the Pokémon Center! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in the game.

    Birthday おたんじょうび おめでとう! ポケモンセンターから
    おたんじょうびの おいわいに
    とっても すてきな ポケモンを
    プレゼントするよ! Format Ver.1.0.6-3, Post Updated Date:20181217_1845




  6. Mega Stone Gift: Gardevoirite, Galladite, Lopunnite & Diancite

    This event was given away using a common password POYONG for all regions.
    While Gardevoirite, Galladite & Lopunnite were given away earlier,
    to the participants of the 2017 International Challenge June Competition (Tiny Tourney).
    This is the first time that Diancite is obtainable for the games Pokemon Sun & Moon.
    WC 1620: メガストーン プレゼント Gardevoirite
            x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
        Galladite   x1   Lopunnite   x1     Diancite   x1                       Serial Code  |  Aug 10 to Oct 31, 2017  |  JP 3DS: SM メガストーン プレゼント ・サーナイトナイト
    ・ディアンシナイト Format Ver.1.0.5-2, Post Updated Date:20174609_1746




  7. Mega Stone Gift: Mawilite, Beedrillite, Audinite and Medichamite

    This event was given away using a common password INTIMIDATE for all regions.
    While Mawilite and Beedrillite were given earlier in March '17 for the participants of the 2017 International Challenge (February Competition),
    this is the first time that Audinite and Medichamite are obtainable for Pokemon Sun & Moon.

    This is also the first event that gives away 4 items in the same wonder card.
    WC 1609: メガストーン プレゼント Mawilite
            x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
        Beedrillite   x1   Audinite   x1     Medichamite   x1                       Serial Code  |  Apr 07 to Oct 31, 2017  |  JP 3DS: SM メガストーン プレゼント ・クチートナイト
    ・チャーレムナイト Format Ver.1.0.5-2, Post Updated Date:20170509_1705




  8. Gen VII Secret/Mistake 3rd Birthday Distribution: Pikachu

    On the official page for Birthday promotions, the 2nd Birthday distribution was supposed to end right before Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee launches,
    and the birthday giveaway would then only be the Chansey Gift for those games.

    However, either due to oversight or perhaps a secret distribution only for those who ask for the 3DS versions of the birthday gift,
    this 3rd distribution was given away only at select Pokémon Centers, provided the staff doesn't claim that such a distribution doesn't exist.
    It's also possible before mid-November ended (the transition to Let's Go), staff gave away this event instead of the 2nd distribution.

    In any case, some people managed to get this rare card. It is still required for players to be in their birthday month to receive this.
    Identification would have to be presented upon redemption, and travelers can do so by showing their passport.
         Species   Pikachu   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   ポケセン♪   TID   181101   Distribution   Infrared   Location   a Pokémon Center   Dates   Nov 01, 2018 to ?   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   All Regions 3DS: SM USUM                                                                Lv. 10    Nature   Jolly   Ability   Static (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   None   Card Per Save   Only One Allowed    Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Celebrate   Growl   Play Nice   Quick Attack   WC ID 301: 「おたんじょうび おめでとう!」's receiving text 0x08 Thank you for coming to the Pokémon Center! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in the game.

    Birthday おたんじょうび おめでとう! ポケモンセンターから
    おたんじょうびの おいわいに
    とっても すてきな ポケモンを
    プレゼントするよ! Format Ver.1.0.6-3, Post Updated Date:20181217_1833




  9. Mega Stone Gift: Pidgeotite, Steelixite, Heracronite and Houndoominite

    This event was given away using a common password AZUL for all regions.
    While Pidgeotite and Steelixite were given earlier in March '17,
    for the participants of the Regional Rumble: Kanto X Alola (2017 March Competition),
    this is the first time that Heracronite and Houndoomite are obtainable for Pokemon Sun & Moon.
    WC 1611: メガストーン プレゼント Pidgeotite
            x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
        Steelixite   x1   Heracronite   x1     Houndoominite   x1                       Serial Code  |  May 12 to Oct 31, 2017  |  JP 3DS: SM メガストーン プレゼント ・ピジョットナイト
    ・ヘルガナイト Format Ver.1.0.5-2, Post Updated Date:20172509_1725




  10. Dual Pack Poke Balls

    100x Poke Balls distributed via Serial code, for purchasing the Dual Pack Retail Copies of Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon.
    Event was Available to US, KO and JP
    WC 1603: ダブルパック こうにゅうとくてん Poke Ball
            x 100 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.             Serial Code  |  Nov 18, 2016 to Nov 30, 2017  |  JP: SM ダブルパック こうにゅうとくてん やせいの ポケモンに なげて
    つかまえる ための モンスターボールを
    100コ プレゼント!
    このボールで たくさんの ポケモンを




  11. Mega Stone Gift: Sceptilite, Blazikenite, Swampertite, Cameruptite & Banettite

    This event was given away using a common password MATSUBUSA for all regions.
    While Sceptilite, Blazikenite & Swampertite were given away earlier, to the participants of the 2017 International Challenge April Competition,
    this is the first time that Cameruptite and Banettite are obtainable for the games Pokemon Sun & Moon.
    WC 1616: メガストーン プレゼント Sceptilite
            x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
        Blazikenite   x1   Swampertite   x1     Cameruptite   x1   Banettite   x1                 Serial Code  |  Jun 23 to Oct 31, 2017  |  JP 3DS: SM メガストーン プレゼント ・ジュカインナイト
    ・ジュペッタナイト Format Ver.1.0.5-2, Post Updated Date:20173109_1731




  12. USUM Guide Book Master Ball Gift

    For purchasing the Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon guide book, players were gifted a serial code to receive 2 Master Balls.
    WC 270: こうりゃくぼん こうにゅうとくてん Master Ball
            x 2 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
                                                Serial Code  |  Dec 01=6, 2017 to ?  |  JP 3DS: USUM こうりゃくぼん こうにゅうとくてん やせいの ポケモンを
    かならず つかまられる
    マスターボールを 2コ プレゼント!
    ぼうけんの なかで であった
    きになる ポケモンを つかまえよう! Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171206_1126




  13. Mega Stone Gift: Pidgeotite and Steelixite

    This gift was given away to participants of the Regional Rumble: Kanto X Alola (2017 March Competition).
    Participants were required to take part in at least 3 battles of the Online Competition, with a game synced game and account.

    This event will then be given away via common password at a later time.
    WC 1608: メガストーン プレゼント Pidgeotite
            x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Steelixite           Serial Code  |  Mar 28, 2017 to ?  |  JP: SM メガストーン プレゼント ・ピジョットナイト




  14. Mega Stone Gift: Mawilite and Beedrillite

    This gift was given away to participants of the 2017 International Challenge (February Competition).
    Participants were required to take part in at least 3 battles of the Online Competition, with a game synced game and account.

    This event will then be given away via common password at a later time.
    WC 1606: メガストーン プレゼント Mawilite
            x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Beedrillite           Serial Code  |  Mar 07 - Apr 27, 2017  |  JP: SM メガストーン プレゼント ・クチートナイト




  15. Competition Battle Points

    This event was distributed to players that participated in the Battle of Alola Online Competition.
    It was later distributed again for participation if Friendly Competitions.

    A second card with the same Wonder Card ID was uploaded.
    It will be the Battle Points gift for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon games.
    WC 2047: ポケモングローバルリンク Battle Points
            x 50 0x38 This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
                                                Serial Code  |  Various Dates  |  JP 3DS: SM / USUM ポケモングローバルリンク インターネットたいかい さんかきねん
    バトルポイント 50BP プレゼント! Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171216_0634




  16. PGL マコモ's Munna

    This gift was distributed via serial code, to thank players' for the nine years of support.
    PGL shut down in February 2020, and this is the last gift via PGL.
         Species   Munna   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   マコモ   TID   100918   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   the PGL   Dates   Nov 26, '19 to Feb 24, '20   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   JP 3DS: SM USUM                                                                Lv. 39    Nature   Mild   Ability   Telepathy (HA)   Item   None   Bundled Item   None   Card Per Save   Only One Allowed    Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Hypnosis   Dream Eater   Rest   Sleep Talk   WC ID 1638: 「マコモのムンナ プレゼント」's receiving text 0x38 This is a gift from the Pokémon Global Link! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.

    Souvenir マコモのムンナ プレゼント ポケモングローバルリンクから
    9ねんかんの かんしゃを こめて
    マコモのムンナを プレゼント!

    いままで ありがとう! Format Ver.1.0.8-3b8, Post Updated Date:20191126_1837




  17. Sapporo Reopening Icy Items: Ice Stone

    To coincide with the distribution of an Alolan Vulpix, 7 "ice-affliated" items was distributed alongside the fore-mentioned event.
    The items are different per day, and the next item can only be collected the next day.
    WC 211: サッポロおひっこし つめたいどうぐ Ice Stone
            x 1 0x08 Thank you for coming to the Pokémon Center! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in the game.             Local Wireless  |  Feb 01 to Mar 12, 2017  |  All 3DS: SM サッポロおひっこし つめたいどうぐ おひっこしリニューアルオープンを
    きねんして しゃっこい どうぐを
    べつの どうぐを プレゼントするから
    また うけとりに きてね!




  18. Guide Book Gold Bottle Cap

    WC 210: こうりゃくぼん こうにゅうとくてん Gold Bottle Cap
            x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.             Serial Code  |  Dec 14, 2016 to Jan 13, 2018  |  JP: SM こうりゃくぼん こうにゅうとくてん すごいとっくんで つかえる
    きんのおうかんを プレゼント!
    おきにいりの ポケモンを
    とっくんして きたえよう!




  19. Mega Stone Gift: Tyranitarite, Abomasite, Manectite & Aggronite

    This event was given away using a common password SABLEVOLANT for all regions.
    While Tyranitarite, Abomasite & Manectite were given away earlier, to the participants of the 2017 International Challenge May Competition,
    this is the first time that Aggronite is obtainable for the games Pokemon Sun & Moon.
    WC 1618: メガストーン プレゼント Tyranitarite
            x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
        Abomasite   x1   Manectite   x1     Aggronite   x1                       Serial Code  |  Jul 22 to Oct 31, 2017  |  JP 3DS: SM メガストーン プレゼント ・バンギラスナイト
    ・ボスゴドラナイト Format Ver.1.0.5-2, Post Updated Date:20173809_1738




  20. Pokémon Bank Oranguru

    This gift was given to players that have an active Pokémon Bank subscription during the distribution period.
    This is the first time this gift's hidden ability can be obtained legitimately.
         Species   Oranguru   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   (recipient)   TID   (recipient)   Distribution   Pokémon Bank   Location   Pokémon Bank   Dates   Mar 28 to Oct 31, 2019   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   All Regions 3DS: SM USUM                                                                Lv. 50    Nature   Random   Ability   Symbiosis (HA)   Item   None   Bundled Item   None   Card Per Save   Only One Allowed    Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Instruct   Foul Play   Trick Room   Ally Switch   WC ID 0: 「ポケモンバンク」's receiving text 0x37 Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.

    Classic Format Ver.1.0.7-0, Post Updated Date:20190401_2202




  21. Mega Stone Gift: Sceptilite, Blazikenite & Swampertite

    This gift was given away to participants of the 2017 International Challenge April Competition.
    Participants were required to take part in at least 3 battles of the Online Competition, with a game synced game and account.
    WC 1613: メガストーン プレゼント Sceptilite
            x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
        Blazikenite   Swampertite                 Serial Code  |  May 30, 2017 - Jun 30, 2017  |  JP: SM メガストーン プレゼント ・ジュカインナイト




  22. Mega Stone Gift: Gardevoirite, Galladite & Lopunnite

    This gift was given away to participants of the 2017 International Challenge June Competition (Tiny Tourney).
    Participants were required to take part in at least 3 battles of the Online Competition, with a game synced game and account.
    WC 1617: メガストーン プレゼント Gardevoirite
            x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
        Galladite   Lopunnite                 Serial Code  |  Jul 04 to Aug 30, 2017  |  JP: SM メガストーン プレゼント ・サーナイトナイト




  23. Pokémon Bank Passimian

    This gift was given to players that have an active Pokémon Bank subscription during the distribution period.
    This is the first time this gift's hidden ability can be obtained legitimately.
         Species   Passimian   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   (recipient)   TID   (recipient)   Distribution   Pokémon Bank   Location   Pokémon Bank   Dates   Mar 28 to Oct 31, 2019   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   All Regions 3DS: SM USUM                                                                Lv. 50    Nature   Random   Ability   Defiant (HA)   Item   None   Bundled Item   None   Card Per Save   Only One Allowed    Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Close Combat   U-turn   Knock Off   Gunk Shot   WC ID 0: 「ポケモンバンク」's receiving text 0x37 Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.

    Classic Format Ver.1.0.7-0, Post Updated Date:20190401_2203




  24. Mega Stone Gift: Ampharosite, Altarianite, Latiasite & Latiosite

    This event was given away using a common password DRACHE for all regions.
    All the Mega Stones in this gift was presently given away only to participants of the 2017 International Challenge July Competition (Weakness Cup).
    WC 1621: メガストーン プレゼント Ampharosite
            x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
        Altarianite   x1   Latiasite   x1     Latiosite   x1                       Serial Code  |  Sep 08 to Oct 31, 2017  |  JP 3DS: SM メガストーン プレゼント ・デンリュウナイト
    ・ラティオスナイト Format Ver.1.0.5-2, Post Updated Date:20175709_1757




  25. Corocoro Tamatama Set (Nugget and Lucky)

    This gift was distributed as Serial Code via the Corocoro Magazine to players in Japan.
    The name for the tamatama set was derived from gin no tama (Nugget) and shiawase tamago (Lucky Egg).
    WC 268: たまたまセット プレゼント Nugget
            x 1 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.
        Lucky Egg   x1                                     Serial Code  |  Dec 15, 2017 to Feb 14, 2018  |  JP 3DS: USUM たまたまセット プレゼント きんの“たま”と しあわせ“タマ”ゴの
    たまたまセットを プレゼント!
    ぼうけんに やくだてよう! Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171216_0618




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