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60 files

  1. 1507 ORAS - Gescheck Samurott HA (GER) (M)

    Distribution Title Hier kommt Admurai! Wondercard ID 1507 PID Shiny Locked PID Games ORAS Type Serial Code Dates Feb 9 - Nov 30, 2015 Nickname (default) Gender Male Level 50 Nature Random Ability Hidden Ability OT Geschenk TID 2105 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item None Moves Razor Shell Hold Back Confide Hydro Pump Relearn
    Moves Hold Back (None) (None) (None) Receiving Text 0x35 Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.  




  2. 1506 ORAS - Geschenk Emboar HA (GER)

    Distribution Title Hier kommt Flambirex! Wondercard ID 1506 PID Shiny Locked PID Games ORAS Type Serial Code Dates Jan 29 - Nov 30, 2015 Nickname (default) Gender Female/Male Level 50 Nature Random Ability Hidden Ability OT Geschenk TID 1295 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item None Moves Flare Blitz Hold Back Head Smash Take Down Relearn
    Moves Hold Back (None) (None) (None) Receiving Text 0x35 Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.




  3. 1505 ORAS - Geschenk Serperior HA (GER) (M)

    Distribution Title Hier kommt Serpiroyal! Wondercard ID 1505 PID Shiny Locked PID Games ORAS Type Serial Code Dates Jan 22 - Nov 30, 2015 Nickname (default) Gender Male Level 50 Nature Random Ability Hidden Ability OT Geschenk TID 1225 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item None Moves Leaf Storm Hold Back Wring Out Giga Drain Relearn
    Moves Hold Back (None) (None) (None) Receiving Text 0x35 Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.  




  4. 1504 ORAS - Troy Shiny Beldum (GER)

    Distribution Title Ein Schillerndes Tanhel! Wondercard ID 1504 PID Shiny PID Games ORAS Type Online Wi-Fi Dates Nov 21 2014 -
    Jan 14 2015 Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 5 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT Troy TID 11214 Location an online Present Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Metagrossite Moves Hold Back Iron Head Zen Headbutt Iron Defense Relearn
    Moves Hold Back (None) (None) (None) Receiving Text 0x35 Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.  




  5. 1503 XY - GTS Vivillon Fancy Forme (GER) (F)

    Distribution Title Ein Vivillon mit Fantasiemuster! Wondercard ID 1503 PID Shiny Locked PID Games XY Type Online Wi-Fi Dates Jul 8 - 31 2014 Nickname (default) Gender Female Level 12 Nature Random Ability RND 1, 2 OT GTS TID 108 Location an online Present Ribbon Souvenir , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item None Moves Gust Light Screen Struggle Bug Hold Hands Relearn
    Moves Hold Hands (None) (None) (None) Receiving Text 0x35 Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.  




  6. 1501 XY - XY Torchic (GER) (M)

    Distribution Title Ein besonderes Flemmli! Wondercard ID 1501 PID Shiny Locked PID Games XY Type Online Wi-Fi Dates Oct 12 2013 - Jan 15 2014 Nickname (default) Gender Male Level 10 Nature Random Ability Hidden Ability OT XY TID 10123 Location an online Present Ribbon Premier , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Blazikenite Moves Scratch Growl Focus Energy Ember Relearn
    Moves (None) (None) (None) (None) Receiving Text 0x35 Thank you for receiving this distribution! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.  




  7. 0588 XYORAS - Helen Volcanion (GER)

    Distribution Title Das Mysteriöse Volcanion! Wondercard ID 588 PID Shiny Locked PID Games XYORAS Type Serial Code Dates Oct 1, 2016 to
    Jan 31, 2017 Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 70 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT Helen TID 10016 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Assault Vest Moves Steam Eruption Flamethrower Hydro Pump Explosion Relearn
    Moves Steam Eruption Flamethrower Hydro Pump Explosion Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Volcanion
    nutzt Feuer und Wasser, um explosive
    Schockwellen und siedend heißen
    Wasserdampf auszustoßen. Mit seiner
    Kraft kann es Berge versetzen!  




  8. 0578 XYORAS - Descartes Zygarde (GER)

    Distribution Title Wow! Ein Zygarde! Wondercard ID 578 PID Shiny Locked PID Games XYORAS Type Online Wi-Fi Dates May 2 - May 26,
    2016 Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 100 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT Descartes TID 5026 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item None Moves Land's Wrath Extreme Speed Glare Outrage Relearn
    Moves Land's Wrath Extreme Speed Glare Outrage Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Dieses Pokémon ist schwer zu finden!
    Deine Freunde werden dich um dieses
    Zygarde beneiden.  




  9. 0577 XYORAS - Descartes Shiny Yveltal (EU) (GER)

    Distribution Title Wow! Ein Schillerndes Yveltal! Wondercard ID 577 PID Shiny PID Games XYORAS Type Serial Code Dates May 5 to Dec 31 2016 Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 100 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT Descartes TID 5026 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item None Moves Oblivion Wing Sucker Punch Dark Pulse Foul Play Relearn
    Moves Oblivion Wing Sucker Punch Dark Pulse Foul Play Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Dieses Pokémon ist schwer zu finden!
    Deine Freunde werden dich um dieses
    Schillernde Yveltal beneiden.  




  10. 0576 XYORAS - Descartes Shiny Xerneas (EU) (GER)

    Distribution Title Wow! Ein Schillerndes Xerneas! Wondercard ID 576 PID Shiny PID Games XYORAS Type Serial Code Dates May 15 - Dec 31,
    2016 Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 100 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT Descartes TID 5026 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item None Moves Geomancy Moonblast Aromatherapy Focus Blast Relearn
    Moves Geomancy Moonblast Aromatherapy Focus Blast Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Dieses Pokémon ist schwer zu finden!
    Deine Freunde werden dich um dieses
    Schillernde Xerneas beneiden.  




  11. 0574 XYORAS - Happy Meowth (GER)

    Distribution Title Wow! Ein Mauzi! Wondercard ID 574 PID Shiny Locked PID Games XYORAS Type Serial Code Dates 19 Aug 2016 - ? Nickname (default) Gender Random Level 20 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT Happy TID 8196 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item None Moves Happy Hour Screech Bite Fake Out Relearn
    Moves Happy Hour Screech Bite Fake Out Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Das berühmt-berüchtigte Mauzi ist da!
    Dieses besondere Mauzi beherrscht die Attacke
    Goldene Zeiten, durch die das nach einem Kampf
    erhaltene Preisgeld verdoppelt wird.  




  12. 0566 XYORAS - GF Genesect (EU) (GER)

    Distribution Title Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Genesect Wondercard ID 566 PID Shiny Locked PID Games XYORAS Type Serial Code Dates Nov 1, 2016 to
    Feb 28, 2017 Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 100 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT GF TID 11016 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item None Moves Techno Blast Magnet Bomb Solar Beam Signal Beam Relearn
    Moves Techno Blast Magnet Bomb Solar Beam Signal Beam Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Zur Feier von 20 Jahren Pokémon erhältst
    du das Mysteriöse Pokémon Genesect!
    Genesect, das via Modul den Typ seiner
    Attacke Techblaster ändern kann, war
    ursprünglich per Verteilung in Pokémon
    Schwarz 2 und Pokémon Weiß 2 erhältlich.  




  13. 0565 XYORAS - GF Keldeo (GER)

    Distribution Title Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Keldeo Wondercard ID 565 PID Shiny Locked PID Games XYORAS Type Online Wi-Fi Dates Oct 1 to 24,
    2016 Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 100 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT GF TID 10016 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item PP Max Moves Aqua Jet Leer Double Kick Bubble Beam Relearn
    Moves Aqua Jet Leer Double Kick Bubble Beam Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Zur Feier von 20 Jahren Pokémon erhältst
    du das Mysteriöse Pokémon Keldeo!
    Keldeo, das von der Standard- in die
    Resolutform wechseln kann, war
    ursprünglich per Verteilung in Pokémon
    Schwarz und Pokémon Weiß erhältlich.  




  14. 0564 XYORAS - GF Victini (GER)

    Distribution Title Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Victini Wondercard ID 564 PID Shiny Locked PID Games XYORAS Type Online Wi-Fi Dates Sep 1 to 24,
    2016 Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 100 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT GF TID 9016 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item None Moves Incinerate Quick Attack Endure Confusion Relearn
    Moves Incinerate Quick Attack Endure Confusion Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Zur Feier von 20 Jahren Pokémon erhältst
    du das Mysteriöse Pokémon Victini!
    Ursprünglich konnte man ihm mithilfe eines
    speziellen Passes im Freiheitsgarten von
    Pokémon Schwarz und Pokémon Weiß begegnen.  




  15. 0563 XYORAS - GF Arceus (GER)

    Distribution Title Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Arceus Wondercard ID 563 PID Shiny Locked PID Games XYORAS Type Serial Code Dates Aug 1 to Dec 31,
    2016 Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 100 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT GF TID 8016 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item None Moves Judgment Recover Hyper Beam Perish Song Relearn
    Moves Judgment Recover Hyper Beam Perish Song Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Zur Feier von 20 Jahren Pokémon erhältst
    du das Mysteriöse Pokémon Arceus!
    Ursprünglich konnte man ihm mithilfe einer
    speziellen Flöte in der Halle des Beginns
    von Pokémon Diamant und Pokémon Perl




  16. 0562 XYORAS - GF Shaymin (GER)

    Distribution Title Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Shaymin Wondercard ID 562 PID Shiny Locked PID Games XYORAS Type Online Wi-Fi Dates July 1 to 24,
    2016 Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 100 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT GF TID 7016 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Micle Berry Moves Seed Flare Aromatherapy Substitute Energy Ball Relearn
    Moves Seed Flare Aromatherapy Substitute Energy Ball Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Zur Feier von 20 Jahren Pokémon erhältst
    du das Mysteriöse Pokémon Shaymin!
    Ursprünglich konnte man ihm mithilfe eines
    speziellen Briefes im Blumenparadies von
    Pokémon Diamant und Pokémon Perl begegnen.  




  17. 0561 XYORAS - GF Manaphy (GER)

    Distribution Title Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Manaphy Wondercard ID 561 PID Shiny Locked PID Games XYORAS Type Online Wi-Fi Dates June 1 to 24,
    2016 Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 100 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT GF TID 6016 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item King's Rock Moves Tail Glow Bubble Water Sport (None) Relearn
    Moves Tail Glow Bubble Water Sport (None) Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Zur Feier von 20 Jahren Pokémon erhältst
    du das Mysteriöse Pokémon Manaphy!
    Ursprünglich konnte man es, nachdem man
    sein Ei in Pokémon Ranger erhalten hatte,
    auf Pokémon Diamant und Pokémon Perl




  18. 0560 XYORAS - GF Darkrai (GER)

    Distribution Title Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Darkrai Wondercard ID 560 PID Shiny Locked PID Games XYORAS Type Serial Code Dates May 1 to Sep 30,
    2016 Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 100 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT GF TID 5016 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Enigma Berry Moves Dark Void Ominous Wind Nightmare Feint Attack Relearn
    Moves Dark Void Ominous Wind Nightmare Feint Attack Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Zur Feier von 20 Jahren Pokémon erhältst
    du das Mysteriöse Pokémon Darkrai!
    Ursprünglich konnte es nach dem Erhalt
    in Pokémon Ranger: Finsternis über Almia
    auf Pokémon Diamant und Pokémon Perl
    übertragen werden.  




  19. 0557 XYORAS - GF Mew (GER)

    Distribution Title Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Mew Wondercard ID 557 PID Shiny Locked PID Games XYORAS Type Serial Code Dates Jan 27 to Jun 30,
    2016 Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 100 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT GF TID 2016 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item None Moves Pound (None) (None) (None) Relearn
    Moves Pound (None) (None) (None) Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Zur Feier von 20 Jahren Pokémon erhältst
    du das Mysteriöse Pokémon Mew!
    Mew ist das erste Mysteriöse Pokémon,
    das entdeckt wurde, und war ursprünglich
    per Verteilung in Pokémon Rot und
    Pokémon Blau erhältlich.  




  20. 0558 XYORAS - GF Celebi (GER)

    Distribution Title Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Celebi Wondercard ID 558 PID Shiny Locked PID Games XYORAS Type Online Wi-Fi Dates Mar 1 to 24, 2016 Nickname (default) Gender Genderless Level 100 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT GF TID 3016 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item None Moves Confusion Recover Heal Bell Safeguard Relearn
    Moves Confusion Recover Heal Bell Safeguard Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Zur Feier von 20 Jahren Pokémon erhältst
    du das Mysteriöse Pokémon Celebi!
    Celebi, das durch die Zeit reisen kann,
    war ursprünglich per Verteilung in
    Pokémon Gold und Pokémon Silber




  21. 0556 XYORAS - Sly Zoroark (EU) (GER)

    Distribution Title Ein Zoroark voller Überraschungen! Wondercard ID 556 PID Shiny Locked PID Games XYORAS Type Serial Code Dates Nov 6 2015 - Jan 7 2016 Nickname (default) Gender Random Level 50 Nature Random Ability Ability 1 OT Sly TID 11065 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Ultra Ball Held Item None Moves Sludge Bomb Dark Pulse Flamethrower Sucker Punch Relearn
    Moves Sludge Bomb Dark Pulse Flamethrower Sucker Punch Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Stifte mit Zoroarks Fähigkeit Trugbild
    jede Menge Verwirrung!
    Dieses kampfbereite Zoroark beherrscht
    Attacken, die sich in der Wettkampfszene
    großer Beliebtheit erfreuen und deine
    Gegner im Dunkeln tappen lassen werden!  




  22. 0552 OR - Shigeshige Malamar HA (GER)

    Distribution Title Ein besonderes Calamanero! Wondercard ID 552 PID Shiny Locked PID Games OR Type Serial Code Dates Aug 5 - Oct 31, 2015 Nickname (default) Gender Random Level 50 Nature Adamant Ability Ability 1 OT Shigeshige TID 8055 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Assault Vest Moves Superpower Knock Off Facade Rock Slide Relearn
    Moves Superpower Knock Off Facade Rock Slide Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Mit diesem Calamanero rückt der Sieg in
    greifbare Nähe! Es ist Teil des Kampfteams
    des Jahres 2015 von Shigeki Morimoto,
    dem Designer des Kampfsystems der
    Pokémon-Spiele. Er hat Calamaneros
    Attacken persönlich ausgewählt!  




  23. 0552 AS - Shigeshige Bouffalant HA (GER)

    Distribution Title Ein besonderes Bisofank! Wondercard ID 552 PID Shiny Locked PID Games AS Type Serial Code Dates Aug 5 - Oct 31, 2015 Nickname (default) Gender Random Level 50 Nature Adamant Ability Hidden Ability OT Shigeshige TID 8055 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Choice Band Moves Head Charge Facade Earthquake Rock Slide Relearn
    Moves Head Charge Facade Earthquake Rock Slide Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Bisofank stürmt in den Kampf! Es ist Teil
    des Kampfteams des Jahres 2015 von
    Shigeki Morimoto, dem Designer des
    Kampfsystems der Pokémon-Spiele.
    Er hat Bisofanks Attacken und dessen
    Item persönlich ausgewählt.  




  24. 0551 OR- Shigeshige Aromatisse HA (GER)

    Distribution Title Ein besonderes Parfinesse! Wondercard ID 551 PID Shiny Locked PID Games OR Type Serial Code Dates Aug 5 - Oct 31, 2015 Nickname (default) Gender Random Level 50 Nature Relaxed Ability Hidden Ability OT Shigeshige TID 8055 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Babiri Berry Moves Trick Room Heal Pulse Disable Moonblast Relearn
    Moves Trick Room Heal Pulse Disable Moonblast Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Shigeki „Shigeshige“ Morimoto, der
    Designer des Kampfsystems der Pokémon-
    Spiele, hat dieses besondere Parfinesse
    selbst für sein Kampfteam des Jahres 2015
    ausgesucht. Unterstütze damit deine
    Mitstreiter und bezwinge deine Gegner!  




  25. 0551 AS - Shigeshige Sableye HA (GER)

    Distribution Title Ein besonderes Zobiris! Wondercard ID 551 PID Shiny Locked PID Games AS Type Serial Code Dates Aug 5 - Oct 31, 2015 Nickname (default) Gender Random Level 50 Nature Relaxed Ability Hidden Ability OT Shigeshige TID 8055 Location a lovely place Ribbon Classic , Ball Cherish Ball Held Item Sablenite Moves Calm Mind Will-O-Wisp Recover Shadow Ball Relearn
    Moves Calm Mind Will-O-Wisp Recover Shadow Ball Receiving Text 0x2B Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center. Distribution Text Ein besonderes Zobiris schleicht sich an!
    Es ist Teil des Kampfteams des Jahres 2015
    von Shigeki Morimoto, dem Designer des
    Kampfsystems der Pokémon-Spiele. Lass
    es eine Mega-Entwicklung durchführen und
    werde Zeuge seiner atemberaubenden Kraft!  




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