79 files
Ultra Space Wilds Rayquaza
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Space Wilds,
where the Legendary Pokemon Rayquaza resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Rayquaza Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Space Wilds Dates Nov 19, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Ultra Sun Lv. 60 Nature Rash Ability Air Lock (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Rest Extreme Speed Dragon Pulse Dragon Dance Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171120_2336
Ultra Space Wilds Groudon
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Space Wilds,
where the Legendary Pokemon Groudon resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Groudon Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Space Wilds Dates Nov 19, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Ultra Sun Lv. 60 Nature Quirky Ability Drought (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Earthquake Precipice Blades Bulk Up Solar Beam Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171120_2333
Ultra Space Wilds Xerneas
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Space Wilds,
where the Legendary Pokemon Xerneas resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Xerneas Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Space Wilds Dates Nov 19, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Ultra Sun Lv. 60 Nature Lonely Ability Fairy Aura (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Geomancy Horn Leech Night Slash Moonblast Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171120_2304
Ultra Space Wilds Zapdos
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Space Wilds,
where the Legendary Bird Pokemon Zapdos resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Zapdos Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Space Wilds Dates Nov 18, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Ultra Moon Lv. 60 Nature Bashful Ability Pressure (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Ancient Power Discharge Pluck Rain Dance Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171120_2309
Ultra Space Wilds Regirock
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Space Wilds,
where the Legendary Titan Pokemon Regirock resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Regirock Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Space Wilds Dates Nov 19, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Ultra Sun Lv. 60 Nature Brave Ability Clear Body (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Stone Edge Hammer Arm Lock-On Zap Cannon Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171120_2317
Ultra Space Wilds Latias
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Space Wilds,
where the Legendary Pokemon Latias resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Latias Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Space Wilds Dates Nov 18, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Ultra Moon Lv. 60 Nature Bold Ability Levitate (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Mist Ball Dragon Pulse Psycho Shift Wish Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171120_2322
Ultra Space Wilds Latios
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Space Wilds,
where the Legendary Pokemon Latios resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Latios Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Space Wilds Dates Nov 19, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Ultra Sun Lv. 60 Nature Docile Ability Levitate (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Luster Purge Dragon Pulse Psycho Shift Dragon Breath Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171120_2323
Reverse World's Cosmog
In the post game, after traveling to the reverse world of Pokemon Sun & Moon OR Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon,
by bringing Solgaleo Sun/Ultra Sun / Lunala Moon/Ultra Moon to the Lake of the Sunne Sun/Ultra Sun / Lake of the Moone Moon/Ultra Moon,
the player will go through a cut-scene, and gifted a Cosmog afterwards.
In Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, the player will also receive a Lunalium Z Ultra Sun / Solganium Z Ultra Moon.
This gift cannot be shiny. The details below refer to this file specifically.
Species Cosmog Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Lake of the Moone Dates Nov 18, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Ultra Moon Lv. 5 Nature Quirky Ability Unaware (2) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Splash (None) (None) (None) Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171117_0729
Poni Grove Stakataka
In Pokemon Ultra Moon, as part of the post game, the player gets to encounter 2 Stakataka at the Poni Grove.
These encounters can be shiny.
The details below refer specifically to this file.
Species Stakataka Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Poni Grove Dates Nov 18, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games UM Lv. 60 Nature Modest Ability Beast Boost (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Iron Defense Iron Head Rock Blast Wide Guard Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171116_1444
Surfer's Association's Surfing Pikachu
In Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, after the player earns the top spot in the leader-board, of all 4 surfing spots in Alola,
the Surfer's Association at Heahea City will give a special Pikachu that has the move surf.
The gift itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Pikachu Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Gift Location Heahea City Dates Nov 18, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US Lv. 40 Nature Bold Ability Static (2) Item Gold Bottle Cap
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Nuzzle Discharge Slam Surf Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171116_0815
Ultra Space Wilds Mewtwo
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Space Wilds,
where the genetically engineered Pokemon Mewtwo resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Mewtwo Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Space Wilds Dates Nov 18, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games UM Lv. 60 Nature Docile Ability Pressure (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Psychic Recover Swift Psycho Cut Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171116_0810
Ultra Space Wilds Kyurem
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Space Wilds,
where the legendary Pokemon Kyurem resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Kyurem Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Space Wilds Dates Nov 19, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US Lv. 60 Nature Brave Ability Pressure (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Slash Scary Face Glaciate Dragon Pulse Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171116_0808
Ultra Space Wilds Suicune
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Space Wilds,
where the legendary beast Suicune resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Suicune Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Space Wilds Dates Nov 19, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US Lv. 60 Nature Relaxed Ability Pressure (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Bubble Beam Aurora Beam Mist Rain Dance Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171116_0805
Ultra Space Wilds Raikou
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Space Wilds,
where the legendary beast Raikou resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Raikou Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Space Wilds Dates Nov 19, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US Lv. 60 Nature Quirky Ability Pressure (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Reflect Crunch Thunder Fang Discharge Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171116_0801
Ultra Space Wilds Entei
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Space Wilds,
where the legendary beast Entei resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Entei Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Space Wilds Dates Nov 18, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games UM Lv. 60 Nature Lonely Ability Pressure (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Stomp Bite Swagger Lava Plume Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171116_0754
Megalo Tower Poipole
In Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, after defeating Ultra Necrozma in the Megalo Tower, Ultra Recon Squad's Poipole takes interest in the player, and is thus gifted to the player.
This gift only comes in the standard Poke Ball. This gift can be shiny.
The details below refer specifically to this file.
Species Poipole Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Gift Location Megalo Tower Dates Nov 18, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games UM Lv. 40 Nature Bashful Ability Beast Boost (2) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Charm Venom Drench Nasty Plot Poison Jab Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171115_1804
Mt. Lanakila Necrozma
After being weakened by the grand battle at Megalo Tower, Necrozma returns to Alola.
During this battle, Necrozma can be caught at Mount Lanakila, before the Elite Four.
After the capture, the player will pick-up Ultranecrozium Z, and Colress will appear to give the N-Solarizer and N-Lunarizer Key items.
This encounter cannot be shiny. Details below refer specifically to this file.
Species Necrozma Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Mount Lanakila Dates Nov 18, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games UM Lv. 65 Nature Adamant Ability Prism Armor (1) Item Ultranecrozium Z
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Photon Geyser Iron Defense Power Gem Night Slash Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171115_1724
Own Tempo Rockruff (Dusk)(Egg)
The event Own Tempo Rockruff that evolves to a special Dusk Forme Lycanroc can be bred.
This file should only be used with Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
The evolution to Lycanroc starts at Level 25, during Dusk in game.
Dusk will 5.00pm to 5.59pm in Moon Time, and 5.00am to 5.59am in Sun Time.
When traded to a different Trainer, it has a chance of being shiny, depending on the Trainer ID combination.
The details below refers specifically to this file.
Species Rockruff (Dusk) (EGG) Nickname Egg OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Nursery helpers Dates (Various) PID Cannot Be Shiny Games UM Lv. 1 Nature Careful Ability Own Tempo (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Leer Stone Edge Thunder Fang Fire Fang Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171115_0338
Ultra Space Wilds Azelf
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Space Wilds,
where the lake guardian Azelf resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Azelf Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Space Wilds Dates Nov 18, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US Lv. 60 Nature Bold Ability Levitate (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Extrasensory Nasty Plot Uproar Swift Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171115_0320
Ultra Space Wilds Uxie
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Space Wilds,
where the lake guardian Uxie resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Uxie Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Space Wilds Dates Nov 17, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US Lv. 60 Nature Impish Ability Levitate (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Extrasensory Yawn Amnesia Swift Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171115_0314
Ultra Space Wilds Regice
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Space Wilds,
where the legendary titan Regice resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Regice Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Space Wilds Dates Nov 17, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US Lv. 60 Nature Bold Ability Clear Body (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Ice Beam Hammer Arm Lock-On Zap Cannon Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171115_0307
Ultra Space Wilds Articuno
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Space Wilds,
where the legendary bird Articuno resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Articuno Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Space Wilds Dates Nov 17, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games UM Lv. 60 Nature Jolly Ability Pressure (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Ancient Power Freeze-Dry Reflect Hail Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171115_0302
Ultra Ruins Guzzlord
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the oddly familiar Ultra Ruin,
where the Ultra Beast Guzzlord resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Guzzlord Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Ruin Dates Nov 17, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games UM Lv. 60 Nature Quirky Ability Beast Boost (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Hammer Arm Thrash Gastro Acid Heavy Slam Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171115_0301
Ultra Desert Pheromosa
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Desert,
where the Ultra Beast Pheromosa resides.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Pheromosa Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Desert Dates Nov 17, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games UM Lv. 60 Nature Careful Ability Beast Boost (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Triple Kick Lunge Bug Buzz Me First Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171115_0217
Ultra Deep Sea Nihilego
By traversing the Ultra Wormhole via the Ultra Warp Ride, players can reach the Ultra Deep Sea,
where the Ultra Beast Nihilego resides.
The Ultra Deep Sea was formally known as Ultra Space in the Pokemon Sun & Moon games.
It's effectively the same map, and it also used the same internal ID for the location header.
The encounter itself has a chance of being shiny.
The details below refer to this specific file.
Species Nihilego Nickname (default, in ) OT PPorg TID 171117 Distribution In-Game Encounter Location Ultra Deep Sea Dates Nov 17, 2017 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games US Lv. 60 Nature Calm Ability Beast Boost (1) Item None
Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Power Gem Acid Spray Stealth Rock Mirror Coat Format Ver.1.0.5-5, Post Updated Date:20171115_0249