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About steve0701

  • Birthday 01/07/1996
  1. I think it's just your pc. Mine works fine.
  2. Does this method work for modifying Trainer ID in the trainer ID card?? I heard that with the dumping and injection method you can do this. Thanks!
  3. The shiny code that modifies IVs without changing TID/SID happens to turn pokemon into a traded pokemon once it evolves. I tried to "shinify" my starter Torchic at the beginning of the game (modified its IVs to 31 as well), but when it evolved to Combusken, it turned into a traded Combusken (with my TID but not SID). I noticed this because my Combusken received "boosted exp". I failed to turn it back to my own Combusken by "renaming male trainer code". So, my question is how does this code actually modify my pokemon and how do IVs/natures relate to the PID? I know that people saying IVs have not been relevant since gen IV but how? If someone can explain to me how current PIDs and their IVs, natures, shiny value are related, i'd appreciate that.
  4. I did a test on a wild-caught pokemon using powersaves's shinifying code (which modifies IVs without changing TID) and used IVs code to change it back to all 31 IVs. Then, I dumped the save file and used KeySAV2 to check this pokemon's SV to see whether a random pokemon can have my TSV after being shinified but it doesn't show on the screen. I assume that this tool only checks for eggs' SV but is there a possibility to check a wild pokemon/already hatched pokemon's SV?
  5. But how about legendary like Mew and Mewtwo? I saw the code for dex no. 150 and 151 (haven't tried it yet). Will those legendary hatch from the eggs or they just put the dex no. there?
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