Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky
See more images- ID (Decimal)
- 364
- ID (Hex, Big Endian)
- 0x16C
- ID (Hex, Little Endian)
- 6C 01
- Dex Number
- 336
- Evolves From
- ??????????
- Evolution Criteria
- N/A
- Base HP
- 31
- Base Attack
- 11
- Base Defense
- 1
- Base Sp. Attack
- 8
- Base Sp. Defense
- 2
- Base HP
- 31
- Base Attack
- 11
- Base Defense
- 1
- Base Sp. Attack
- 8
- Base Sp. Defense
- 2
Moves (Level Up)
Level | Move |
1 | Wrap |
7 | Lick |
10 | Bite |
16 | Poison Tail |
19 | Screech |
25 | Glare |
28 | Crunch |
34 | Poison Fang |
37 | Swagger |
43 | Haze |
46 | Night Slash |
52 | Poison Jab |
55 | Wring Out |
Moves (TM)
Moves (Egg)
Move |
Scary Face |
Stockpile |
Body Slam |
Swallow |
Assurance |
Night Slash |