Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon | Super Mystery Dungeon | Explorers of Sky
See more images- ID (Decimal)
- 283
- ID (Hex, Big Endian)
- 0x11B
- ID (Hex, Little Endian)
- 1B 01
- Dex Number
- 255
- Evolves From
- ??????????
- Evolution Criteria
- N/A
- Base HP
- 25
- Base Attack
- 4
- Base Defense
- 3
- Base Sp. Attack
- 4
- Base Sp. Defense
- 3
- Base HP
- 25
- Base Attack
- 4
- Base Defense
- 3
- Base Sp. Attack
- 4
- Base Sp. Defense
- 3
Moves (Level Up)
Level | Move |
1 | Growl |
1 | Scratch |
7 | Focus Energy |
10 | Ember |
16 | Peck |
19 | Sand-Attack |
25 | Fire Spin |
28 | Quick Attack |
34 | Slash |
37 | Mirror Move |
43 | Flamethrower |
Moves (TM)
Moves (Egg)
Move |
Swagger |
Rock Slide |
Counter |
Reversal |
SmellingSalt |
Agility |
Endure |
Baton Pass |
Crush Claw |
Night Slash |
Last Resort |
Feint |