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  • 3DS Mystery Dungeon Mods

    This applies to both Gates to Infinity and Super Mystery Dungeon, unless otherwise specified.
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      Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity and Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon share a game engine, and while there are many differences, there are also many similarities. The following pages apply to both games unless otherwise marked. Please make sure you've finished this step in the Sky Editor tutorial before trying any of these mods:  
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      Starter Mod

      This mod patches a lot of things to bring the best possible playing experience. Here's what it will patch for you: Starter editing - Makes playing as other Pokémon possible High-Res model patching - Prevents your model from disappearing during certain closeups Portrait patching - Shows the default portrait in the absence of a more specific emotion portrait Animation patching - Substitute missing story animations with dungeon ones to avoid the attack animation being used for everything And something else in the scripts specific to Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon that can't be mentioned without revealing spoilers. It is the last item in a similar list in this video if you're fine with being spoiled, or if you've seen it before. You must have Java on your computer to use this. This has been tested on the North American and European versions of Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, and the North American version of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity. I don't know if will work on the Japanese version of Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, but it will not work on any other version of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity. Instructions On the New Project window, choose "Starter Mod" in the drop-down, and fill in the name with something that makes sense. Then click OK. Wait until the loading is complete. This is one of the heavier mods, and may take some time even on beefier computers. Save the solution, to avoid having to repeat step 2 if something goes wrong. Expand the project you just created and open "fixed_pokemon.bin". You can do this either by double-clicking or by right-clicking and clicking Open. Edit things to your liking. You should see this when editing Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon (Gates to Infinity has a much simpler interface): For the purpose of this guide, I'll do this: Things to consider: Each Pokémon must have 4 moves. It's been a while since I tried having less, but I remember things not working with fewer than 4 moves. In my example, I got the first three moves from the level up, and the fourth from Zorua's set of egg moves, although you are not required to stick to these; you can pick anything you want. (PSMD only) The evolution must be the final evolution in the line. If you pick a Pokémon with multiple evolutions, the first on will be used. Refer to the PSMD Pokédex index to find which evolution comes first (for example, if the starter is Eevee, the first evolution is Vaporeon). Click File -> Save -> Save File. You can now rebuild the mod-pack. Note that this may take a while.
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      (PSMD Only) Portrait Mod

      This mod lets you modify the portraits used in dialogue. This only supports Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon for now, but can support Gates to Infinity with some more work. Leave feedback in this GitHub issue if you're interested, and I'll prioritize it accordingly. Instructions On the New Project window, choose "Portrait Mod" in the drop-down, and fill in the name with something that makes sense. Then click OK. Wait for the loading to complete. The portraits are in (Solution Directory)/(Project Directory), in various sub-directories (ignore the "Raw Files" directory).  Remarks Unlike in Explorers of Sky, this project will not substitute missing portraits. The Starter Mod will take care of that for you.
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      (PSMD Only) Model Mod

      This mod lets you modify the models and animations. This only supports Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon for now, but can support Gates to Infinity with some more work. Leave feedback in this GitHub issue if you're interested, and I'll prioritize it accordingly. Instructions On the New Project window, choose "Model Mod" in the drop-down, and fill in the name with something that makes sense. Then click OK. Wait for the loading to complete. The portraits are in (Solution Directory)/(Project Directory)/Models, in various sub-directories (ignore the "Raw Files" directory).  Remarks This project will not substitute missing animations. The Starter Mod will take care of that for you. You can use SPICA or Ohana 3DS to view the models and animations. Editing them is outside the scope of this guide.
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      Script Mod

      This mod lets you edit the game's LUA scripts, along with their associated language files. This works on both Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity. You need to have Java installed on your computer to use this. Instructions On the New Project window, choose "Starter Mod" in the drop-down, and fill in the name with something that makes sense. Then click OK. Wait for the loading to complete. This may take a while, even on beefy computers. Expand the newly-created project and explore the directory structure, and open a LUA script. You can do this either by double-clicking or by right-clicking and clicking Open. You will be presented with this view that you can use to edit the script. Alternatively, you can browse to (Solution Directory)/(Project Directory) and use any external text editor of your choosing. You do not need to have Sky Editor open while using an external text editor. Click the Message tab to edit the dialogue used in the script. It is recommended that you order the entries by Index, since that is usually the same order the messages appear in the script. Each entry is referred to by the ID. You can search for entries by typing the ID or any part of the entry in the search box. The language tabs let you choose which language you want to edit. Note that the US version has both "en" and "us". "en" is the European English one, and "us" is the one that's used in-game. Text can be edited by clicking in an entry's cell: When you're done, click File -> Save -> Save File. There may or may not be an asterisk before saving, even if you made changes. When you're ready, build the solution. Note: Until issue #43 is resolved, there will be no indication if your LUA script contains any syntax errors, so you need to be sure it works. If there are errors, the script file will be unaltered. Remarks Refer to our technical documentation section for help editing scripts and text:  
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