Hey out there I decided to get a Crobat and trying to think of a proper EV spread to work with my move-set.
I wanted to use one of Crobat's new moves in conjunction with his abilities as an annoyer. I wanted something that can shuffle the opposing team cutting their health in half, while racking up on Spike/Stealth Rock damage.
My biggest concern is making him bulky enough to take a hit while out speeding the competition.
Ability: Inner Focus
Held item: Black Sludge
Move set: Super Fang, Whirlwind, Substitute and U-turn
(Other options I thought could be useful - Protect, Toxic, Hypnosis, Pursuit)
Natures: Impish or Jolly (Can't decided, don't know if I should get the extra speed or bulk)
EV stats: I don't know if I should max HP or Defence (I'm bad at EV spreads)
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks very much.