Hey all,
I'm known as Milo, MiloTEC, or Mallow (the last of which is my shoddybattle username). I don't have too much experience in the DS-gen metagame, and I have just slightly more experience from the advance gen games.
I would consider my battling prowess to be mediocre-at-best, but I've had moderate success.
My hobbies outside pokemon include watching anime and Red Wings hockey. We're four wins away from our twelfth stanley cup and I don't think that the Penguins can stop us.
My favorite pokemon are Ludicolo (Aesthetically, I just love the design of him), Starmie (so much versatility you wouldn't expect), and Salamence (who doesn't love a 4'11" dragon?)
So...yeah. not much else I've got to say here, ask me just about anything and I'd be happy to respond.