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Found 4 results

  1. Details ID 168 Name Thief Description The user attacks and steals the target’s held item simultaneously. The user can’t steal anything if it already holds an item. Type Dark Qualities Only DMG Category Physical Power 60 Accuracy 60 PP 25 Priority 0 Hit Min 0 Hit Max 0 Inflict None Inflict Chance 0 Turn Min 0 Turn Max 0 Crit Stage 0 Flinch 0 Effect 105 Recoil 0 Heal 0 HP Targeting Single Adjacent Ally/Foe Stat 1 None Stat 2 None Stat 3 None Stat 1 Num 0 Stat 2 Num 0 Stat 3 Num 0 Stat 1 Percent 0 Stat 2 Percent 0 Stat 3 Percent 0 Pokémon Through Level-Up Dex ID Icon Name Type Level(s) 262   Mightyena 1 352   Kecleon 1 Pokémon Through TM Dex ID Icon Name Type 12   Butterfree 15   Beedrill 16   Pidgey 17   Pidgeotto 18   Pidgeot 19   Rattata 20   Raticate 21   Spearow 22   Fearow 23   Ekans 24   Arbok 26   Raichu 27   Sandshrew 28   Sandslash 29   Nidoran♀ 30   Nidorina 31   Nidoqueen 32   Nidoran♂ 33   Nidorino 34   Nidoking 41   Zubat 42   Golbat 46   Paras 47   Parasect 48   Venonat 49   Venomoth 50   Diglett 51   Dugtrio 52   Meowth 53   Persian 56   Mankey 57   Primeape 58   Growlithe 59   Arcanine 60   Poliwag 61   Poliwhirl 62   Poliwrath 63   Abra 64   Kadabra 65   Alakazam 66   Machop 67   Machoke 68   Machamp 69   Bellsprout 70   Weepinbell 71   Victreebel 72   Tentacool 73   Tentacruel 83   Farfetch’d 84   Doduo 85   Dodrio 86   Seel 87   Dewgong 88   Grimer 89   Muk 92   Gastly 93   Haunter 94   Gengar 96   Drowzee 97   Hypno 98   Krabby 99   Kingler 100   Voltorb 101   Electrode 102   Exeggcute 103   Exeggutor 104   Cubone 105   Marowak 106   Hitmonlee 107   Hitmonchan 108   Lickitung 109   Koffing 110   Weezing 111   Rhyhorn 112   Rhydon 114   Tangela 115   Kangaskhan 122   Mr. Mime 123   Scyther 124   Jynx 125   Electabuzz 126   Magmar 127   Pinsir 137   Porygon 138   Omanyte 139   Omastar 140   Kabuto 141   Kabutops 142   Aerodactyl 151   Mew 161   Sentret 162   Furret 163   Hoothoot 164   Noctowl 165   Ledyba 166   Ledian 167   Spinarak 168   Ariados 169   Crobat 177   Natu 178   Xatu 185   Sudowoodo 186   Politoed 190   Aipom 193   Yanma 195   Quagsire 198   Murkrow 200   Misdreavus 203   Girafarig 206   Dunsparce 207   Gligar 209   Snubbull 210   Granbull 212   Scizor 214   Heracross 215   Sneasel 216   Teddiursa 217   Ursaring 223   Remoraid 224   Octillery 225   Delibird 227   Skarmory 228   Houndour 229   Houndoom 233   Porygon2 234   Stantler 236   Tyrogue 237   Hitmontop 238   Smoochum 239   Elekid 240   Magby 261   Poochyena 262   Mightyena 263   Zigzagoon 264   Linoone 267   Beautifly 269   Dustox 270   Lotad 271   Lombre 272   Ludicolo 274   Nuzleaf 275   Shiftry 276   Taillow 277   Swellow 278   Wingull 279   Pelipper 280   Ralts 281   Kirlia 282   Gardevoir 283   Surskit 284   Masquerain 291   Ninjask 292   Shedinja 302   Sableye 309   Electrike 310   Manectric 313   Volbeat 314   Illumise 318   Carvanha 319   Sharpedo 325   Spoink 326   Grumpig 327   Spinda 333   Swablu 334   Altaria 335   Zangoose 336   Seviper 351   Castform 352   Kecleon 353   Shuppet 354   Banette 355   Duskull 356   Dusclops 359   Absol 396   Starly 397   Staravia 398   Staraptor 399   Bidoof 400   Bibarel 403   Shinx 404   Luxio 405   Luxray 408   Cranidos 409   Rampardos 413   Wormadam 414   Mothim 416   Vespiquen 424   Ambipom 425   Drifloon 426   Drifblim 429   Mismagius 430   Honchkrow 431   Glameow 432   Purugly 434   Stunky 435   Skuntank 438   Bonsly 439   Mime Jr. 441   Chatot 442   Spiritomb 451   Skorupi 452   Drapion 453   Croagunk 454   Toxicroak 455   Carnivine 461   Weavile 463   Lickilicky 464   Rhyperior 465   Tangrowth 466   Electivire 467   Magmortar 469   Yanmega 472   Gliscor 474   Porygon-Z 475   Gallade 477   Dusknoir 479   Rotom 491   Darkrai 509   Purrloin 510   Liepard 511   Pansage 512   Simisage 513   Pansear 514   Simisear 515   Panpour 516   Simipour 527   Woobat 528   Swoobat 547   Whimsicott 551   Sandile 552   Krokorok 553   Krookodile 554   Darumaka 555   Darmanitan 560   Scrafty 561   Sigilyph 562   Yamask 563   Cofagrigus 568   Trubbish 569   Garbodor 570   Zorua 571   Zoroark 572   Minccino 573   Cinccino 574   Gothita 575   Gothorita 576   Gothitelle 595   Joltik 596   Galvantula 605   Elgyem 606   Beheeyem 607   Litwick 608   Lampent 609   Chandelure 622   Golett 623   Golurk 624   Pawniard 625   Bisharp 629   Vullaby 630   Mandibuzz 631   Heatmor 633   Deino 634   Zweilous 635   Hydreigon 641   Tornadus 642   Thundurus 653   Fennekin 654   Braixen 655   Delphox 656   Froakie 657   Frogadier 658   Greninja 659   Bunnelby 660   Diggersby 661   Fletchling 662   Fletchinder 663   Talonflame 666   Vivillon 667   Litleo 668   Pyroar 675   Pangoro 684   Swirlix 685   Slurpuff 686   Inkay 687   Malamar 688   Binacle 689   Barbaracle 702   Dedenne 707   Klefki 708   Phantump 709   Trevenant 710   Pumpkaboo 711   Gourgeist 714   Noibat 715   Noivern 717   Yveltal 720   Hoopa 731   Pikipek 732   Trumbeak 733   Toucannon 734   Yungoos 735   Gumshoos 739   Crabrawler 740   Crabominable 742   Cutiefly 743   Ribombee 757   Salandit 758   Salazzle 764   Comfey 766   Passimian 777   Togedemaru 778   Mimikyu 781   Dhelmise 785   Tapu Koko 786   Tapu Lele 799   Guzzlord 800   Necrozma 802   Marshadow 804   Naganadel 806   Blacephalon 811   Wormadam (Sandy) 812   Wormadam (Trash) 815   Rotom (Heat) 816   Rotom (Wash) 817   Rotom (Frost) 818   Rotom (Fan) 819   Rotom (Mow) 820   Castform (Sunny) 821   Castform (Rainy) 822   Castform (Snowy) 827   Darmanitan (Zen) 832   Tornadus (Therian) 833   Thundurus (Therian) 835   Gengar (Mega) 846   Gardevoir (Mega) 855   Houndoom (Mega) 857   Banette (Mega) 859   Scizor (Mega) 860   Pinsir (Mega) 861   Aerodactyl (Mega) 866   Kangaskhan (Mega) 868   Absol (Mega) 869   Alakazam (Mega) 870   Heracross (Mega) 872   Manectric (Mega) 876   Pumpkaboo (Small) 877   Pumpkaboo (Large) 878   Pumpkaboo (Super) 879   Gourgeist (Small) 880   Gourgeist (Large) 881   Gourgeist (Super) 889   Sableye (Mega) 890   Altaria (Mega) 891   Gallade (Mega) 893   Sharpedo (Mega) 896   Pidgeot (Mega) 903   Hoopa (Unbound) 907   Beedrill (Mega) 914   Rattata (Alola) 915   Raticate (Alola) 916   Raticate (Large) 917   Raichu (Alola) 918   Sandshrew (Alola) 919   Sandslash (Alola) 922   Meowth (Alola) 923   Persian (Alola) 927   Grimer (Alola) 928   Muk (Alola) 929   Exeggutor (Alola) 930   Marowak (Alola) 931   Marowak (Large) 932   Greninja (Ash) 933   Greninja (Active) 951   Diglett (Alola) 952   Dugtrio (Alola) 953   Mimikyu (Busted) 954   Mimikyu (Large) 955   Mimikyu (*Busted) 964   Gumshoos (Large) 967   Salazzle (Large) 969   Necrozma (Dusk) 970   Necrozma (Dawn) 971   Necrozma (Ultra) 973   Togedemaru (Large) 974   Ribombee (Large) Pokémon Through Egg Dex ID Icon Name Type 707   Klefki
  2. Project Pokémon Bot


    Details ID 168 Name Thief Description The user attacks and steals the target’s held item simultaneously. The user can’t steal anything if it already holds an item. Type Dark Qualities Only DMG Category Physical Power 60 Accuracy 60 PP 25 Priority 0 Hit Min 0 Hit Max 0 Inflict None Inflict Chance 0 Turn Min 0 Turn Max 0 Crit Stage 0 Flinch 0 Effect 105 Recoil 0 Heal 0 HP Targeting Single Adjacent Ally/Foe Stat 1 None Stat 2 None Stat 3 None Stat 1 Num 0 Stat 2 Num 0 Stat 3 Num 0 Stat 1 Percent 0 Stat 2 Percent 0 Stat 3 Percent 0 Pokémon Through Level-Up Dex ID Icon Name Type Level(s) 262   Mightyena 1 352   Kecleon 1 Pokémon Through TM Dex ID Icon Name Type 12   Butterfree 15   Beedrill 16   Pidgey 17   Pidgeotto 18   Pidgeot 19   Rattata 20   Raticate 21   Spearow 22   Fearow 23   Ekans 24   Arbok 26   Raichu 27   Sandshrew 28   Sandslash 29   Nidoran♀ 30   Nidorina 31   Nidoqueen 32   Nidoran♂ 33   Nidorino 34   Nidoking 41   Zubat 42   Golbat 46   Paras 47   Parasect 48   Venonat 49   Venomoth 50   Diglett 51   Dugtrio 52   Meowth 53   Persian 56   Mankey 57   Primeape 58   Growlithe 59   Arcanine 60   Poliwag 61   Poliwhirl 62   Poliwrath 63   Abra 64   Kadabra 65   Alakazam 66   Machop 67   Machoke 68   Machamp 69   Bellsprout 70   Weepinbell 71   Victreebel 72   Tentacool 73   Tentacruel 83   Farfetch’d 84   Doduo 85   Dodrio 86   Seel 87   Dewgong 88   Grimer 89   Muk 92   Gastly 93   Haunter 94   Gengar 96   Drowzee 97   Hypno 98   Krabby 99   Kingler 100   Voltorb 101   Electrode 102   Exeggcute 103   Exeggutor 104   Cubone 105   Marowak 106   Hitmonlee 107   Hitmonchan 108   Lickitung 109   Koffing 110   Weezing 111   Rhyhorn 112   Rhydon 114   Tangela 115   Kangaskhan 122   Mr. Mime 123   Scyther 124   Jynx 125   Electabuzz 126   Magmar 127   Pinsir 137   Porygon 138   Omanyte 139   Omastar 140   Kabuto 141   Kabutops 142   Aerodactyl 151   Mew 161   Sentret 162   Furret 163   Hoothoot 164   Noctowl 165   Ledyba 166   Ledian 167   Spinarak 168   Ariados 169   Crobat 177   Natu 178   Xatu 185   Sudowoodo 186   Politoed 190   Aipom 193   Yanma 195   Quagsire 198   Murkrow 200   Misdreavus 203   Girafarig 206   Dunsparce 207   Gligar 209   Snubbull 210   Granbull 212   Scizor 214   Heracross 215   Sneasel 216   Teddiursa 217   Ursaring 223   Remoraid 224   Octillery 225   Delibird 227   Skarmory 228   Houndour 229   Houndoom 233   Porygon2 234   Stantler 236   Tyrogue 237   Hitmontop 238   Smoochum 239   Elekid 240   Magby 261   Poochyena 262   Mightyena 263   Zigzagoon 264   Linoone 267   Beautifly 269   Dustox 270   Lotad 271   Lombre 272   Ludicolo 274   Nuzleaf 275   Shiftry 276   Taillow 277   Swellow 278   Wingull 279   Pelipper 280   Ralts 281   Kirlia 282   Gardevoir 283   Surskit 284   Masquerain 291   Ninjask 292   Shedinja 302   Sableye 309   Electrike 310   Manectric 313   Volbeat 314   Illumise 318   Carvanha 319   Sharpedo 325   Spoink 326   Grumpig 327   Spinda 333   Swablu 334   Altaria 335   Zangoose 336   Seviper 351   Castform 352   Kecleon 353   Shuppet 354   Banette 355   Duskull 356   Dusclops 359   Absol 396   Starly 397   Staravia 398   Staraptor 399   Bidoof 400   Bibarel 403   Shinx 404   Luxio 405   Luxray 408   Cranidos 409   Rampardos 413   Wormadam 414   Mothim 416   Vespiquen 424   Ambipom 425   Drifloon 426   Drifblim 429   Mismagius 430   Honchkrow 431   Glameow 432   Purugly 434   Stunky 435   Skuntank 438   Bonsly 439   Mime Jr. 441   Chatot 442   Spiritomb 451   Skorupi 452   Drapion 453   Croagunk 454   Toxicroak 455   Carnivine 461   Weavile 463   Lickilicky 464   Rhyperior 465   Tangrowth 466   Electivire 467   Magmortar 469   Yanmega 472   Gliscor 474   Porygon-Z 475   Gallade 477   Dusknoir 479   Rotom 491   Darkrai 509   Purrloin 510   Liepard 511   Pansage 512   Simisage 513   Pansear 514   Simisear 515   Panpour 516   Simipour 527   Woobat 528   Swoobat 547   Whimsicott 551   Sandile 552   Krokorok 553   Krookodile 554   Darumaka 555   Darmanitan 560   Scrafty 561   Sigilyph 562   Yamask 563   Cofagrigus 568   Trubbish 569   Garbodor 570   Zorua 571   Zoroark 572   Minccino 573   Cinccino 574   Gothita 575   Gothorita 576   Gothitelle 595   Joltik 596   Galvantula 605   Elgyem 606   Beheeyem 607   Litwick 608   Lampent 609   Chandelure 622   Golett 623   Golurk 624   Pawniard 625   Bisharp 629   Vullaby 630   Mandibuzz 631   Heatmor 633   Deino 634   Zweilous 635   Hydreigon 641   Tornadus 642   Thundurus 653   Fennekin 654   Braixen 655   Delphox 656   Froakie 657   Frogadier 658   Greninja 659   Bunnelby 660   Diggersby 661   Fletchling 662   Fletchinder 663   Talonflame 666   Vivillon 667   Litleo 668   Pyroar 675   Pangoro 684   Swirlix 685   Slurpuff 686   Inkay 687   Malamar 688   Binacle 689   Barbaracle 702   Dedenne 707   Klefki 708   Phantump 709   Trevenant 710   Pumpkaboo 711   Gourgeist 714   Noibat 715   Noivern 717   Yveltal 720   Hoopa 731   Pikipek 732   Trumbeak 733   Toucannon 734   Yungoos 735   Gumshoos 739   Crabrawler 740   Crabominable 742   Cutiefly 743   Ribombee 757   Salandit 758   Salazzle 764   Comfey 766   Passimian 777   Togedemaru 778   Mimikyu 781   Dhelmise 785   Tapu Koko 786   Tapu Lele 799   Guzzlord 800   Necrozma 802   Marshadow 806   Wormadam (Sandy) 807   Wormadam (Trash) 810   Rotom (Heat) 811   Rotom (Wash) 812   Rotom (Frost) 813   Rotom (Fan) 814   Rotom (Mow) 815   Castform (Sunny) 816   Castform (Rainy) 817   Castform (Snowy) 822   Darmanitan (Zen) 827   Tornadus (Therian) 828   Thundurus (Therian) 830   Gengar (Mega) 841   Gardevoir (Mega) 850   Houndoom (Mega) 852   Banette (Mega) 854   Scizor (Mega) 855   Pinsir (Mega) 856   Aerodactyl (Mega) 861   Kangaskhan (Mega) 863   Absol (Mega) 864   Alakazam (Mega) 865   Heracross (Mega) 867   Manectric (Mega) 871   Pumpkaboo (Small) 872   Pumpkaboo (Large) 873   Pumpkaboo (Super) 874   Gourgeist (Small) 875   Gourgeist (Large) 876   Gourgeist (Super) 884   Sableye (Mega) 885   Altaria (Mega) 886   Gallade (Mega) 888   Sharpedo (Mega) 891   Pidgeot (Mega) 898   Hoopa (Unbound) 902   Beedrill (Mega) 908   Rattata (Alola) 909   Raticate (Alola) 910   Raticate (Large) 911   Raichu (Alola) 912   Sandshrew (Alola) 913   Sandslash (Alola) 916   Meowth (Alola) 917   Persian (Alola) 921   Grimer (Alola) 922   Muk (Alola) 923   Exeggutor (Alola) 924   Marowak (Alola) 925   Greninja (Ash) 926   Greninja (Active) 944   Diglett (Alola) 945   Dugtrio (Alola) 946   Mimikyu (Busted) 947   Mimikyu (Large) 948   Mimikyu (*Busted) 956   Gumshoos (Large) 959   Salazzle (Large) Pokémon Through Egg Dex ID Icon Name Type 707   Klefki
  3. Project Pokémon Bot


    Thief Details ID (Decimal) 214 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0xD6 ID (Hex, Little Endian) D6 00 Type Dark Category Physical Base Damage 2 Base PP 20 Base Accuracy 100 Pokemon through Level Up ID (Decimal) ID (Hex, Big Endian) ID (Hex, Little Endian) Pokémon Level(s) 290 0x122 22 01 Mightyena 57 383 0x17F 7F 01 Kecleon 3 384 0x180 80 01 Kecleon 3 Pokemon through TM ID (Decimal) ID (Hex, Big Endian) ID (Hex, Little Endian) Pokémon 12 0xC 0C 00 Butterfree 15 0xF 0F 00 Beedrill 16 0x10 10 00 Pidgey 17 0x11 11 00 Pidgeotto 18 0x12 12 00 Pidgeot 19 0x13 13 00 Rattata 20 0x14 14 00 Raticate 21 0x15 15 00 Spearow 22 0x16 16 00 Fearow 23 0x17 17 00 Ekans 24 0x18 18 00 Arbok 26 0x1A 1A 00 Raichu 27 0x1B 1B 00 Sandshrew 28 0x1C 1C 00 Sandslash 29 0x1D 1D 00 Nidoran¾ 30 0x1E 1E 00 Nidorina 31 0x1F 1F 00 Nidoqueen 32 0x20 20 00 Nidoran½ 33 0x21 21 00 Nidorino 34 0x22 22 00 Nidoking 41 0x29 29 00 Zubat 42 0x2A 2A 00 Golbat 46 0x2E 2E 00 Paras 47 0x2F 2F 00 Parasect 48 0x30 30 00 Venonat 49 0x31 31 00 Venomoth 50 0x32 32 00 Diglett 51 0x33 33 00 Dugtrio 52 0x34 34 00 Meowth 53 0x35 35 00 Persian 56 0x38 38 00 Mankey 57 0x39 39 00 Primeape 58 0x3A 3A 00 Growlithe 59 0x3B 3B 00 Arcanine 60 0x3C 3C 00 Poliwag 61 0x3D 3D 00 Poliwhirl 62 0x3E 3E 00 Poliwrath 63 0x3F 3F 00 Abra 64 0x40 40 00 Kadabra 65 0x41 41 00 Alakazam 66 0x42 42 00 Machop 67 0x43 43 00 Machoke 68 0x44 44 00 Machamp 69 0x45 45 00 Bellsprout 70 0x46 46 00 Weepinbell 71 0x47 47 00 Victreebel 72 0x48 48 00 Tentacool 73 0x49 49 00 Tentacruel 83 0x53 53 00 Farfetch'd 84 0x54 54 00 Doduo 85 0x55 55 00 Dodrio 86 0x56 56 00 Seel 87 0x57 57 00 Dewgong 88 0x58 58 00 Grimer 89 0x59 59 00 Muk 92 0x5C 5C 00 Gastly 93 0x5D 5D 00 Haunter 94 0x5E 5E 00 Gengar 96 0x60 60 00 Drowzee 97 0x61 61 00 Hypno 98 0x62 62 00 Krabby 99 0x63 63 00 Kingler 100 0x64 64 00 Voltorb 101 0x65 65 00 Electrode 102 0x66 66 00 Exeggcute 103 0x67 67 00 Exeggutor 104 0x68 68 00 Cubone 105 0x69 69 00 Marowak 106 0x6A 6A 00 Hitmonlee 107 0x6B 6B 00 Hitmonchan 108 0x6C 6C 00 Lickitung 109 0x6D 6D 00 Koffing 110 0x6E 6E 00 Weezing 111 0x6F 6F 00 Rhyhorn 112 0x70 70 00 Rhydon 114 0x72 72 00 Tangela 115 0x73 73 00 Kangaskhan 122 0x7A 7A 00 Mr. Mime 123 0x7B 7B 00 Scyther 124 0x7C 7C 00 Jynx 125 0x7D 7D 00 Electabuzz 126 0x7E 7E 00 Magmar 127 0x7F 7F 00 Pinsir 137 0x89 89 00 Porygon 138 0x8A 8A 00 Omanyte 139 0x8B 8B 00 Omastar 140 0x8C 8C 00 Kabuto 141 0x8D 8D 00 Kabutops 142 0x8E 8E 00 Aerodactyl 151 0x97 97 00 Mew 161 0xA1 A1 00 Sentret 162 0xA2 A2 00 Furret 163 0xA3 A3 00 Hoothoot 164 0xA4 A4 00 Noctowl 165 0xA5 A5 00 Ledyba 166 0xA6 A6 00 Ledian 167 0xA7 A7 00 Spinarak 168 0xA8 A8 00 Ariados 169 0xA9 A9 00 Crobat 177 0xB1 B1 00 Natu 178 0xB2 B2 00 Xatu 185 0xB9 B9 00 Sudowoodo 186 0xBA BA 00 Politoed 190 0xBE BE 00 Aipom 193 0xC1 C1 00 Yanma 198 0xC6 C6 00 Murkrow 200 0xC8 C8 00 Misdreavus 230 0xE6 E6 00 Girafarig 233 0xE9 E9 00 Dunsparce 234 0xEA EA 00 Gligar 236 0xEC EC 00 Snubbull 237 0xED ED 00 Granbull 239 0xEF EF 00 Scizor 241 0xF1 F1 00 Heracross 242 0xF2 F2 00 Sneasel 243 0xF3 F3 00 Teddiursa 244 0xF4 F4 00 Ursaring 250 0xFA FA 00 Remoraid 251 0xFB FB 00 Octillery 252 0xFC FC 00 Delibird 254 0xFE FE 00 Skarmory 255 0xFF FF 00 Houndour 256 0x100 00 01 Houndoom 260 0x104 04 01 Porygon2 261 0x105 05 01 Stantler 263 0x107 07 01 Tyrogue 264 0x108 08 01 Hitmontop 265 0x109 09 01 Smoochum 266 0x10A 0A 01 Elekid 267 0x10B 0B 01 Magby 289 0x121 21 01 Poochyena 290 0x122 22 01 Mightyena 291 0x123 23 01 Zigzagoon 292 0x124 24 01 Linoone 295 0x127 27 01 Beautifly 297 0x129 29 01 Dustox 298 0x12A 2A 01 Lotad 299 0x12B 2B 01 Lombre 300 0x12C 2C 01 Ludicolo 302 0x12E 2E 01 Nuzleaf 303 0x12F 2F 01 Shiftry 304 0x130 30 01 Taillow 305 0x131 31 01 Swellow 306 0x132 32 01 Wingull 307 0x133 33 01 Pelipper 308 0x134 34 01 Ralts 309 0x135 35 01 Kirlia 310 0x136 36 01 Gardevoir 311 0x137 37 01 Surskit 312 0x138 38 01 Masquerain 319 0x13F 3F 01 Ninjask 320 0x140 40 01 Shedinja 330 0x14A 4A 01 Sableye 337 0x151 51 01 Electrike 338 0x152 52 01 Manectric 341 0x155 55 01 Volbeat 342 0x156 56 01 Illumise 346 0x15A 5A 01 Carvanha 347 0x15B 5B 01 Sharpedo 353 0x161 61 01 Spoink 354 0x162 62 01 Grumpig 355 0x163 63 01 Spinda 361 0x169 69 01 Swablu 362 0x16A 6A 01 Altaria 363 0x16B 6B 01 Zangoose 364 0x16C 6C 01 Seviper 379 0x17B 7B 01 Castform 380 0x17C 7C 01 Castform 381 0x17D 7D 01 Castform 382 0x17E 7E 01 Castform 383 0x17F 7F 01 Kecleon 384 0x180 80 01 Kecleon 385 0x181 81 01 Shuppet 386 0x182 82 01 Banette 387 0x183 83 01 Duskull 388 0x184 84 01 Dusclops 391 0x187 87 01 Absol 431 0x1AF AF 01 Starly 432 0x1B0 B0 01 Staravia 433 0x1B1 B1 01 Staraptor 434 0x1B2 B2 01 Bidoof 435 0x1B3 B3 01 Bibarel 438 0x1B6 B6 01 Shinx 439 0x1B7 B7 01 Luxio 440 0x1B8 B8 01 Luxray 443 0x1BB BB 01 Cranidos 444 0x1BC BC 01 Rampardos 450 0x1C2 C2 01 Wormadam 451 0x1C3 C3 01 Wormadam 452 0x1C4 C4 01 Wormadam 453 0x1C5 C5 01 Mothim 455 0x1C7 C7 01 Vespiquen 466 0x1D2 D2 01 Ambipom 467 0x1D3 D3 01 Drifloon 468 0x1D4 D4 01 Drifblim 471 0x1D7 D7 01 Mismagius 472 0x1D8 D8 01 Honchkrow 473 0x1D9 D9 01 Glameow 474 0x1DA DA 01 Purugly 476 0x1DC DC 01 Stunky 477 0x1DD DD 01 Skuntank 480 0x1E0 E0 01 Bonsly 481 0x1E1 E1 01 Mime Jr. 483 0x1E3 E3 01 Chatot 484 0x1E4 E4 01 Spiritomb 493 0x1ED ED 01 Skorupi 494 0x1EE EE 01 Drapion 495 0x1EF EF 01 Croagunk 496 0x1F0 F0 01 Toxicroak 497 0x1F1 F1 01 Carnivine 503 0x1F7 F7 01 Weavile 505 0x1F9 F9 01 Lickilicky 506 0x1FA FA 01 Rhyperior 507 0x1FB FB 01 Tangrowth 508 0x1FC FC 01 Electivire 509 0x1FD FD 01 Magmortar 511 0x1FF FF 01 Yanmega 514 0x202 02 02 Gliscor 516 0x204 04 02 Porygon-Z 517 0x205 05 02 Gallade 519 0x207 07 02 Dusknoir 521 0x209 09 02 Rotom 533 0x215 15 02 Darkrai Pokemon through Eggs ID (Decimal) ID (Hex, Big Endian) ID (Hex, Little Endian) Pokémon
  4. Project Pokémon Bot


    Thief Details ID (Decimal) 168 ID (Hex, Big Endian) 0x00A8 ID (Hex, Little Endian) A8 00 Type Dark Range (Tiles) 1 Cuts Corners True Base Damage 4 Max Damage 99 Base PP 13 Max PP 30 Base Accuracy 95 Max Accuracy 98 Pokemon through Level Up ID (Decimal) ID (Hex, Big Endian) ID (Hex, Little Endian) Pokémon Level(s) 333 0x014D 4D 01 Mightyena 1 435 0x01B3 B3 01 Kecleon 1
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