there have been reports on multiple discords of people being banned for having pokemon that are not yet obtainable in pokemon Sw/Sh (not until home came out at least}. such as litten and the other alolan starters. Most of these pokemon that were being referred to are now available through home. Apparently gamefreak is starting to crackdown on it pretty hard with the past 24-48 hours and i was just wondering if anybody had any issue with there hexed pokemon either by genning or duping. i havent had any issues so far but its a little worrying.
--merged, @thesquanch please don't double post, thanks --
"we don't have visibility into trades performed within Pokemon Sword and Shield on the Nintendo Switch, but Pokemon traded using Pokemon HOME must pass an automatic check to ensure they are compliant with the game rules."
this was taken from a ticket someone put in with Pokemon Support.
--merged, @thesquanch please don't double post, thanks --
i was just wondering if anybody else ran into issues involving their duped or genned pokemon is all. I dont want to recieve a ban or anything so i thought i would ask.