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About FurTheHorde

  • Birthday 12/03/1996

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  1. I'm sorry if this is a bad question to ask. How to remake Emunand? I went and selected "create emuMMC," and it informed me that I haven't enough storage space currently. Transfer method is through the SD card. Create save back up in Checkpoint, insert SD card into computer, open said backup save in PKHEX.
  2. No, by all means! I appreciate you taking the time to help me.
  3. I must be more confused than I thought, because I did go into system settings, unless you mean something else by The Setting System.
  4. Yes. I've looked into the options hekate gives me and two of three are CFW. The last says "Stock (SYSNAND)." Current version is 10.2.0 -- As for the version of PKHEX, I can't seem to get rid of the older version that wants to be used instead when I try and open my file. Is there a way to properly uninstall the program? Because I'm wondering if the versions are conflicting. I've tried already to delete where the programs have been extracted to, and when attempting to delete via Control Panel>Programs>Uninstall a Program, no version of PKHEX can be found.
  5. 1) Not unless I launch hekate. Otherwise, I get a standard loading screen. 2)...So I believe I can assume I'm playing typically on OFW.
  6. I believe so. I'm not 100% on terms/jargon but I do know that if I launch the homebrew thing to allow me to use Checkpoint and attempt to select Sysnand rather than Emunand it won't let me proceed.
  7. Those...are the ones that aren't working? They aren't supposed to display that. They're supposed to display my saved game as the last time I saved it. Which is the 2-man party. Therefore it's NOT working right.
  8. Perhaps I should have clarified. The instance that is loading is one that is said to be edited in December of 2019. I have since progressed much further in the game and have completed the first DLC campaign. The two in my party should be these guys. ...NOT League winning team. (Umbreon, Ninetales, Dragapult etc)
  9. Coming back to modify and add some 'mons after the first DLC update, I waited until the latest version of PKHEX was out to do so. Currently using the one in which it starts with a blank Zarude. However it will not let me open my save file, with the following error message. I have been following the same steps to back up said save using Checkpoint as last time. Both main and backup files are included for reference. Is there something I'm possibly missing? Any advice is deeply appreciated. Thank you! honeyshield.zip
  10. I've been spending the last 4 days now attempting to insert all of my Pokémon in Shield using the instructions given in this particular video: I've followed the instructions to a T and have had no success. The strange part is that both my save AND back up file appear correctly when I look at them in PKHEX directly from my microSD. I've used both Checkpoint and EdiZon with no results. I've created a second back-up of my save and it showed correctly without my editing it, even. But when I look in game everything is the exact way it was BEFORE I edited it or anything. I've used a different SD card as well and the same. I'm quite exasperated as you may well imagine, running out of ideas of how to make this work. If anybody would like to take a look at my save to rule out mistakes I have made when editing, I've provided it for download. Any and all suggestions are welcome and thank you very much for reading this. shieldsave.zip
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