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Posts posted by AlchemySolGod

  1. thanks drakegs, but when i looked at the regular usbs in the house they were different but just slightly. I will recheck and if not go tomorrow.

    It seems my dad found it on the floor and took the cable that came with it.

  2. wasnt there a glitch on gts for that or you dont have wi-fi.

    Also im not exactly sure what your trying to say so let me summarize in case I don't. You are trying to editing your game by editing your own kadabra into an alakazam WITHOUT trading, but by means of changing the dex entry or something like that. Also note im not an expert at this stuff but guessing instead. I also don't understand that if you have an AR that you don't make the alakazam yourself instead of having to evolve it.

    Or are you trying to do something with a rom? If so you can do the same thing as I stated above, i think. I surely dont understand but i hoped in a way even just a bit.

  3. 1. It would be nice to find a code that will allow me to get zero gym battles so I can start over again and train my weaker pokemon. But im sure that will glitch the game up and restart old events.

    2. A code for rebattling palkia/dialga, the 3 birds, the 3 spirits (azelf, mesprit, and azelf), heatran, giratina {probably would glitch up game since you would have to enter the distortion world again}, shaymin, darkrai, rotom {even though you can breed him}

  4. Whenever I type in the code, yes I do it manually cause I lost the usb cable... Anyway whenever I activate it or think I do, the game glitches up and freezes at the screen RIGHT before the screen turns white.

    Don't tell me I entered it wrong because I type it in 3 lines at a time, Triple check them, Check it again when it's done 5 times after. I am still looking for the cable and if you know where i can buy JUST the cable from somewhere like ebay, ubid, or some online shopping place I would love you.

    I am also pretty sure I tried like 3 different codes for the shiny encounter so... yeah.

  5. I decided to join here after seeing this question, so first post for me here.

    On topic: All new forms for rotom and shaymin will be reverted back to its original form while entering the union room. This does not effect giratina because he holds an Item to change forme. I believe this was stated by the pokemon company too, not sure where though.

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