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Posts posted by Kittani

  1. ^-- what he said. I ran into the same problem when I first bought platinum. I re-downloaded the codes directly from codejunkies and added my codes to that one and it worked like a champ. I did notice that the codes for platinum are far different than pearl or diamond so a "universal" code that works with either of those will not work on platinum.

  2. I ran into this problem too... the Pokemon that hatches comes out correctly "usually". It's just the egg that is a little messed up. What I did was export as much of the Pokemon info as possible in the code including setting the hometown as the daycare location and leaving stuff that the game decides randomly like the IV's and steps to hatch out of the equation. That gave me far more good eggs than not. Hope it helps. Oh... the egg will be screwed up if you try to make eggs for Pokemon that can't normally breed, or put outlandish moves and IV's on it as those are part of the steps to hatch equation internally if I remember right.

  3. I've used PokeSav and Ciro's Pokemon maker to generate ARDS and ARMAX codes for all of my games... I once made a Jirachi that hatched from an egg in Littleroot town (randomized stats) and it didn't flag in the one tourney I was able to go to that had "hack" checking... even though it was obviously a hack. Point is, if the Pokemon LOOKS legit and you use an ARDS to get it into the system, then odds are noone will notice. Editing save files is tricky and there is always a chance of check bits and whatnot being missed... padding falling off the end of a line... etc etc. When the game makes the save file itself you usually have less problems.

    ---------- Post added at 10:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 PM ----------

    Here is my take on this:

    I think that using game enhancers like Pokesav, DSPokeEdit, AR codes, etc is a great thing to have around. But only as enhancers for people who want to enhance their experience. For example, when I got the japanese platinum, I wanted to get to the new things quickly so I got myself a level 100 empoleon, and got through the game quickly (not being able to understand japanese also contributed to trying to get through the game quickly). I started playing my english platinum (after the cartridge sitting on my desk for three weeks) and am just past the second gym. While I dumped the rom as soon as I got the game and have been studying platinum on my computer I had not taken the time to play the game as its supposed to. My real cartridges always stay 100% legit and when I want to do something that would otherwise be impossible, I use the rom and a flashcart or emulator, but that doesn't get back to my real cart. If I ever go to a Nintendo Tournament, not likely, I will have nothing to worry about.

    One thing we must all realize is that we are vastly different from Nintendo on this. Nintendo probably knows EVERYTHING about the pokemon games, in particular where everything is in the sav. If they don't, they can probably get whatever information they want from Game Freak.

    Compared to Game Freak/Nintendo, we know very little. While we do have access to the ROM and all the information we want is there. Its hard for us to decipher everything. On the other hand Game Freak has the source code for the games. So for us to know what they check or what they can check would be very hard.

    But the main reason why I don't want game enhancing to touch any of my carts that I might end up using in a tournament is that I think that Nintendo Tournaments are made for people who play the game how Nintendo intends the game to be played. I also think that when we buy the game we have a right to do with it as we please, (including extracting the rom, the sav, using ram editing or deciding we'd rather play the rom on our flashcart), as long as it will not intrude on other's experience. Using game enhancers and then going to a tournament is disrespectful to the people who make sacrifices to play the game as Nintendo intends and then go to their tournaments. I doubt that I will go through the breeding or soft re-setting that would be required to make the team that I would use. But if in my research I discover something that will allow me to cut my team building time and is 100% legit, then I will use that. Otherwise I will stay out of Nintendo Tournaments and stick to having fun with game enhancers and researching the game.

    I agree for the most part. I don;t get to go play in tourneys anymore, and finding out about an event to get a rare Pokemon is always a day late and a few hours short usually. I have taken the other side of the coin. I hack all of my games to have the same trainer id's from the start, use quick levelups to max my "speedrun" Pokemon quickly... box everything else. Then I use a combination of Pal Parking and Dual DS or My Ranch trading to get the entire collection over to one game where I can start breeding chains and training legitimately. I don;t create event Pokemon either... I usually Action replay in the event item or the wondercard or whatever and then physically go out and catch the Pokemon. How I got the event isn;t legit.. but the Pokemon itself is. Do this on an alternate cartridge too and then trade to a main cartridge.

    I'm still fiddling with it... my first task is seeing weather having the same OT info on a Pokemon will look too screwey on an event Pokemon or raise the question of "How do you have BOTH Palkia and Dialga on your copy of diamond that say you caught both of them?"

    On reflection... I think I'll just use the Dual DS and Pal Park method to trade. If all of my ID's are the same then I'll have Pokemon that look like they were caught on a game that they aren't catchable on...

  4. O.o;; Dude, that sounds awfully ambitious. You're gonna get out there and search for the AR Codes? That'll be a beastly search. You'll need to remember that for each code and for each version of the same game requires a different AR code, yes? It seems like unnecessary work for very little feedback.

    If you need a good comprehensive source that you reference without the internet, may I suggest the Prima guide? Prima have made some SHOCKING guides in the past, but this one is fairly good. The capture information is admittedly really badly sorted, but it does what it's supposed to, I guess :/

    Actually I have several programs that can generate AR codes for whatever Pokemon I want... Pokesav will do it for Pokemon Platinum, Diamond and Pearl, and Ciro's will work for all the GBA games. Plus I am only including codes for things like mystery tickets and the key items needed to get certain pokemon. I already have numerous code-sets for all of my games so I just need to round out the list to finish the job. Basically... if a Pokemon is catchable in the games without an event, it won't be included in a code. As for the ones you need to have different versions of the game... those are obtainable through GTS easily and most likely legitimately, or, you can fork out the money for the extra games and do it through Pal park. It's not going to be extensive, just the ones that bugger most people, most of the time. Until there is a way to plug the DS directly into the computer to read save files and edit them directly without the use of roms or flashcarts... it's the best I can do. Anyways... all of my games are reset so I got 9 games of Pokemon to play through before I can start working out details of trading and availability. TTYL :grog:

  5. Serebii is the basis for most of my info... the problem is that it's hard to just run down the list and check them off as you get them. There's also no hints or tips to get them.

    My work is starting as a collection of spreadsheets that will.. if I can find a programmer to help with the details, be integrated into a portable database app for display. It includes a checklist feature and will include AR codes for the Pokemon you need to go to events or buy games outside the normal RPG line of games to get (Like Pokemon Ranch for Mew, or Ranger for Manaphy) If the Pokemon uses a Wondercard it will also include the codes for those.

    Basically it will provide everything a player needs to go out and catch every Pokemon they can legitimately and provide codes for the ones that people cannot get legitimately for whatever reason.

    It's also planned to include a "Diff" feature for those familiar with Linux Commands hehe. Basically you tell it what games you have and it will spit out a list of the Pokemon you won't be able to get with them.

    I love serebii to death... been using that site for years, but it's too cumbersome to actually get anything done and because it's a site and not an application... you can't use it to maintain a record of you collection.

    Anyways... back to work... have fun :grog:

    ---------- Post added at 08:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 PM ----------

    Thats not the problem. The problem is that many flashcarts cannot communicate with the Wii.


    Hi.. I use AR codes to mod the actual game codes. I've exported all of my Pokemon to a loaner cartridge and am now in the process of resetting all 9 of my cartridges to the same Name, ID, SID, and Gender... the only 4 that Pokemon look at when determining owner. You don't need flashcarts for that, though I would love the challenge of figuring it out. "My Pokemon Ranch" does behave strangely when you do this, but it's not noticeable unless you're looking for it. Essentially the ranch looks at the player who is connecting's ID and not the game itself when connecting. It makes the same assumption that the games do... no two trainers with exactly the same ID will likely ever meet and interact directly.

  6. I lurked the Pokesav forums for a little bit... saw this and thought it was a different site that was just hosting Pokesav. Signed right up anyways. I'll lend what time and talents I do have to the show if you need anything. I've been a modder for years and a Pokemon Geneticist since the first games came out. I am particularly adept at UI and Document formatting and design. Technical Writing, Network Engineering, and Security are also some of my areas of subject interest.... ok... before this starts to sound like a resumee...

    Cheers... :grog:

  7. Hey folks,

    Just dropping in to say hello. I began playing the Pokemon games a long time ago and was one of the first to map out the save files for edditing with a game shark. Of course that was before the encrypted codes of today. I still don't get those things. Anyways, with the release of possibly the final game in the series, and over 500 Pokemon if you count the varying forms, I'm going to make an honest effort to contribute to the community again.

    My first project is a location database for all Pokemon. It includes where to find every legitimate Pokemon in every GBA and DS game. It also marks the rarity of the Pokemon, and weather you'll need to jump through hoops to get it.

    A side project that is also in the works is a comparative database of the games. Essentially you input what games you have, and it spits back what Pokemon you'll either need to hack into one of your games, trade for, or otherwise go without. Incidentally, you'll need to have every game and at least a second copy of fire red or leaf green (for starters, etc) to be able to trade every Pokemon over to a single game and have all of them legitimately.

    Also... people keep saying that you cannot use the "My Pokemon Ranch" to transfer Pokemon between Diamond and Pearl, etc. You can... you just have to change your trainer name, gender, ID and SID to be the same on all your games... somethign I do whenever I start a new game in each series. This way your existing Pokemon will all show up as "traded" and level faster (though there will be contradictions in meeting places and such) Depending on how legit you want your Pokemon to appear, do it at the beginning of a savegame and then trade your Pokemon back to you on the new game when you get through enough to control them.

    At any rate, I'll be fiddling with the games alot more now that I have the obligatory "Mega" game from the D/P series. I'll post the excel databases when they are done... likely in a few weeks.


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