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  1. @Ammako Update: I'm 10 hours in and Rotom asked if I want the nickname Roto-M after defeating the fire trial. I ignored the question for 5 minutes but he was very persistent with it, and always asked at the end of battles and interactions, etc... I tried to get rid of the question by going to the route 8 Colress cut-scene (Rotom usually has some dialogue at the end of cut-scenes), but he still asked the question. So I finally denied the question and went into battle to test whether he gave unwanted advice afterwards. After 2 battles, he did. I reset the game (and lost about 20 minutes...), and tried to reach the point where I was before to get a save file closer to the question. However, when I touched Rotom the instant after resetting, he asked the nickname question again. I made a copy of the save file then started the game again. When he asked the question I still denied it. I went into grass and had at least 20 battles but Rotom never gave advice after them, even though I answered the nickname question. So I reset the game again, but this time I accepted the nickname question. Shockingly, after many battles, he never gave advice. I saved then reset the game again to see if that had an effect, but it did not--he still never gave advice. Unfortunately, right before I began the fire trial again, Rotom gave me random advice, as well as right after. I tried battling in grass, but he gave more advice. I saved the game and made another copy. I've put both saves in a zip file--you can have a look if you want to saves.zip
  2. Well I'll post in this thread anyway about the question when it comes up. I'll keep saving every 10-15 minutes. If the nickname question comes up I'll turn off the game and make a copy of the save file. If the question still comes up at the same time after resetting the game, I'll save after then post both versions of the save file here. It's probably not triggered by some event or time so I'll probably be just soft resetting the game whenever rotom asks the question then continue playing until he asks again, to just soft reset again (annoying, but not as annoying as rotom)
  3. I've already backed up the 70 hour game so alright. I was going to try to speedrun it but I'll just play casually and save every 10-15 minutes like you said and report anything in this thread later. You'll be waiting over a week though But what do you mean by flags? Are you talking about pkhex? I've already searched everything and there's nothing that would affect rotom besides changing the nickname option
  4. I have 70 hours on my Ultra Moon game, but for most of that time I've been constantly bombarded by advice from the rotomdex. I've already done some research and found that this issue starts when you allow rotom to give you a nickname. Since then I've contemplated resetting the game for tens of hours to get rid of the nickname and never say yes, but I don't want to lose all my pokemon and start all over again. There are some threads online saying that if you change the nickname he gave you back to your OT with pkhex, the advice stops. So I've installed homebrew and everything, and used pkhex to change the nickname, but the advice still happens constantly. I'm just dumbfounded by this and wondering if it's even possible to make him shut up. I constantly try to ignore the bottom screen and always daydream about just throwing the rotomdex off a cliff at this point. The feature has absolutely ruined the game. After every single battle, or any time I use the menu or a pokemon ride, and even when I save the game, rotom regurgitates advice and blocks the entire bottom screen for 10 seconds, every. single. time. Is there any way at all to make the advice stop by editing the main? I don't mind the rotomdex itself, it's just the constant harassment of advice.
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