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Everything posted by Masamune3210

  1. No as far as I know as long as you stick to what is possible in a normal game, since the code is literally the same as a normal cart, the Pokemon will be completely normal
  2. No, as the code that generated the Pokemon is the same, as long as it's not a romhack
  3. I believe recent builds also have a separate window to modify raid information
  4. Figured, just wanted to make sure. Thanks! I keep backups of my saves when I mod them, and I have my prodinfo modified, so i cant actually connect to nintys servers right now anyway Was just playing around with moving over some of my earlier pokemon so i didnt have to catch them again
  5. Anybody know what has to be changed for a transferred pokemon from another gen to show up as legal in swsh? trading pokemon from oras lists as incorrectly transferred. Im assuming no sice Home hasnt come out yet but still wanted to ask
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