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Posts posted by dead_screem

  1. Wow ok. I've only hacked gen 4 before so this is news to me.

    2 hours ago, nickdos said:

    Since gen6 PID and IVs are unrelated I think


    1 hour ago, Edualvs said:

    Actually in B/W U already can RNG PID and IV Mersene Twister individually.

    In 6th e 7th gen not even the Nature is tied to the PID anymore, PID is basically to determine shines now.

    So, in gen 5+ PID and IVs are unrelated? What about Nature, Ability and Gender are they tied to PID at all in gen 5+?

  2. PKHex doesnt take PID/IV relation into account at all, so arn't any mons with changed PID or IVs in PKHex illegal?

    What about PID/IV types, are they all just about rarity? the old Gen 4 PID/IV generator called one of the types "non-event", is this correct? and what is that supposed to mean? can this type appear in the wild, just never on event mons? Alot of the rarer types show as GBA only in the old PID/IV generator, is this true? So is gen 4 Type 1 (in pokesav) the only type avilable for gen 4 wild mons? What about Hatched mons? is there something special about their PIDs? can the IVs be anything or do they have to match the PID like usual? Do event mons have a special PID/IV type?

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