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  1. So, I found the thread via google since I had the same question. For those who will do the same, here is how MarkValue works: MarkValue is a bit-field, which means that each mark has its own bit. The marks in binary are as follows: ● 0000.0000.0001 (1) ● 0000.0000.0010 (2) ▲ 0000.0000.0100 (4) ▲ 0000.0000.1000 (8) ■ 0000.0001.0000 (16) ■ 0000.0010.0000 (32) ♥ 0000.0100.0000 (64) ♥ 0000.1000.0000 (128) ★ 0001.0000.0000 (256) ★ 0010.0000.0000 (512) ✦ 0100.0000.0000 (1024) ✦ 1000.0000.0000 (2048) You can combine multiple markings by combining the bits, i.e.: ●▲■♥★✦ = 1010.1001.0110 (2710) Obviously the red and blue mark with the same symbol are mutually exclusive, aka you should not set them at the same time. In the batch editor you will have to use the decimal value, which I included in parentheses. Example: Mark all shiny pokemon with ★: =IsShiny=true .MarkValue=512 You can use a binary to decimal converter to get the decimal value of combined marks.
  2. ってさ何で嘘を付けんのか?ちょっとした日本語を勉強したから他人を騙したいってわけか?普通な日本人がこんな下手な日本語を読んだらさ1秒でバレるww
  3. 投稿者が日本人であり日本語が母国語だという事が絶対嘘だよね?何らかの翻訳ツールを使って投稿してるんだろう?お前さ誰を騙すつもりなのか知らんけど自分が日本人である事を嘘付けないでほしい草がちでバラバラなんだけどw
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