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Posts posted by Mute

  1. and i may have news :D

    now there are new pokebals on SS AND HG

    i think this can help to make arceus in the real special ??? arceus

    i am now testing it;)

    i while uploading the arceus if it have work:)

    no the events are not available on the HG AND SS pokesav

    if the are available than i can make the special ??? ARCEUS:p

    and the platinum orb

    it while transform into ??? item

    but i also have tested the shymin flower

    there while be no title of the item and if you want to look it crash:S

    (it is calling a bad item look like the bad egg but i think the bad item while not erase your sav it think)

    SO BE WARNED!!!!!

    What do pokeballs have to do with the Plates anyway?

    The Shaymin flower wont work because you will have to add loads of code to arceus for that to work.

    He's banned anyway, so there really isnt much point in me complaing anymore.

    We really need one of those Disassembiles of the game (Doubt its ever going to happen though)

  2. Ok, i have had a look through the item list, and i cant find anything out of the ordinary (apart from a few unused key items).

    This means that Game Freak simply stuck the code for curse arceus in to prevent the game from crashing, since the ??? type move is basicly another move type.

    The only way i see curse arceus seeing the light of day, is to take another plate, and modify it (action replay or not) to be the ??? type.

    for example, you take the spooky plate, and change its code to use the ??? typing.

    I cant exactly test this at the moment, i need to brush up my action replay code skills first.

    phew, first post over and done with...

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