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Posts posted by Cavier

  1. On 4/14/2019 at 12:26 PM, BiggestGuyUUUU said:

    I recently obtained a new Mac computer. My old one does not run OS X Mojave, but my current one does. On Yosemite, I don't have this issue, and I've just run PKHeX, and it went fine. This did not. I followed the OP instructions to the letter, including paying close attention to the prefix differences, as I did with my previous installations that were successful.

    The hell do I do now? 

    EDIT 4/14/2019:

    Alright, this is a little bit, erm...roundabout so I'll see what I can explain.

    1) You have your 32-bit prefix, I'll assume. You'll now need "wget". Type into Terminal the following code exactly: brew install wget.

    2) Next, in order to get the winetrick for dotnet461 in the first place, type in: 

    3) Next, type in: 

     4) Follow installation instructions, then grab the other winetricks as instructed.

    Hope this helps!

    I tried this but Terminal tells me "env: wine : No such file or directory". Help? :(


    Edit: managed to open it, now it says my operating system is not supported to install the file above. Jeez, how am I going to ever fix this? I tried both Windows 7 as well as W10 by changing settings "winecfg".


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