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Space Ghost

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Posts posted by Space Ghost

  1. 3 hours ago, theSLAYER said:

    Discussion of ROMs (specifically piracy) are not allowed on our forums, be mindful next time.

    Whoops sorry about that

    3 hours ago, theSLAYER said:

    Do you have CFW/Homebrew on your 3DS? You didn't specify this, and it doesn't sound like you're editing a Gen 7 (3DS) save of yours, hence I'm not convinced.
    Without CFW/Homebrew, you won't be able to inject stuff into your cart... :/

    Believe it or not I do 😂 I managed to fumble my way through a guide and got some CFW on my 3DS 


    3 hours ago, theSLAYER said:

    As of now, you cannot transfer Pokémon from other generations games into a Let's Go save legitimately,  so PKHeX was programmed with that in mind.
    Attempting to do illegal transfers (or loading files from different generations, which effectively emulate those transfers) will result in those errors.

    Presently, PKHeX's default loading of a blank save is for Let's Go, but you can change it via Options > Settings

    Ahhhhhhhh I feel like such a dummy lol, this was exactly the problem I was running into. Loaded up UM and now I'm good to go.  I didn't try loading up my UM save yet because I watched a video which said that I could transfer over my pokemon from PKHex via PKSM and ServePkx so I was going to give that a try first 😖


  2. PKHex for Dummies

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but could anybody help me figure out how to transfer a pokemon from PKHeX into US/UM (cart)? I'm technologically illiterate when it comes to this stuff. I've been trying my hand at this for like two hours now with no success. When I open up PKHex I select File>Open>FireRed save. Everything boots up just fine, and I'm able to edit and save the pokemon I want from my box into a pk3 file. After thats done I close out PKHex, reopen it and try to load in the pokemon I just saved by going to File>Open>pokemon file and I get the following error "Attempted to load an unsupported file type/size. This could mean PKHex doesn't support your save file or your save file is corrupt. File Size 80 bytes (0x0050)" When I try and drag the pokemon over to the new window I get the error "Cannot convert a PK3 to PB7" and then "Unable to set this slot". What exactly am I doing wrong here? Do I need to load up a Gen 7 save first before trying to move over/load up the pokemon, or is it something else? Every guide I've seen so far saves the file, then re opens it in a new gen 7 PKHex window without loading up any save and it works just fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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