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Posts posted by PhantomWolfDX

  1. Heey there,

    I have a question about Action Replays in general.

    I used to own a Action Replay DSI for the Nintendo DSI which I used for the fourth and fifth generation Pokémon games.

    That Action Replay has recently broken down and I intend on buying a new Action Replay. My question though is, which version of AR is most suitable for a Windows 8 computer?

    I am momentarely not in the position on buying a 3DS or 6th generation games, so the AR has to be compadible with DSI. Would be nice though if, when I get a 3DS the Action Replay works on that also.

    So the questions are:

    - Will 3DS Action Replays work on NDSi and with Pokemon DPPtHGSS BWB2W2?

    - Which version of AR do you recommend currently to a NDSi owner?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. I hope this is the right place to ask this question, but could someone perhaps help me out with a bad egg.

    I was transfering Pokemon from my HeartGold game to my White 2 game and appearantly one of the buggers was glitched. I heard the only solution is deleting it with the Action Replay, however sadly, my Action Replay is broken (since 4th gen ironicly) or trading it to a game and than deleting the save file.

    So could someone please help me out. My National Dex in White 2 is finally completed and now I have to deal with this rotten product of a torchic's ass.

    Thanks in advance,


  3. Dear Sir/Madam,

    Is the issue with PokéGen resolved and is it know why the Union Room crashes when trading?

    The reason I ask, is because I have the same problem as the original post with my HeartGold.

    I created a "clone" of my starter (Typhlosion, but then with IVs 31 and EVs 85) and since than, I cannot trade on the Union Room anymore. Is there a get around the problem, because PokeGen rocks, but I finished both HeartGold and SoulSilver and the only thing I need to do is trade between the two.

    My deepest thanks in advance.

    (P.S. I hope it's okay I used this old thread to ask the question)

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