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Everything posted by RhinoBike

  1. Thank you! That answers a lot of questions
  2. Long post warning, but may help people like me edit this stuff a bit easier. If you don't have the time to read this and/or you are Kaphotics or theSLAYER, please just read the last short paragraph. Curiosity got the best of me. I know nothing about hacking and this is the first time ever using a hex editor, but it was a fun journey. Here's a list of what I found, hope someone finds this useful. 1. I went over Kaphotic's link. I was dizzy at first but by comparing that with the HxD window I soon figured out that the 0x00 type numbers describe the precise locations of code (is it code? I'll just refer it as such. Teach me please) The first digit after the "x" is the row, and the second digit is the column. 2. Used a hex<->dec converter and found that 0x28 is the pokedex number of the pokemon. 3. Meltan (or Melmetal) can be edited in by changing 0x28 to 28 (or 29) and 0x29 to 03. I had to compare other pokemon with theSLAYER's file and also transfer a legit Meltan in to finally notice that 0x29 was different (The numbers in 0x29 were lighter colour than 0x28 in HxD). 4. Because 28 is 40 in dec, and that's Wigglytuff, PKHeX reads a Meltan as Wigglytuff. I don't know why PKHeX doesn't read 0x29, but I also don't know a lot of things in life. Carry on. 5. This one involved quite a bit of saving loading comparing. IV1 is Health, IV2 is Attack and Sp.Atk, and IV3 is Defense and Sp.Def. Speed stats seem to be random regardless of what I change because the same exact file can produce different speed stats. I wonder what Speed is linked to. Does anyone know? This is about as far as I've found. Following is what I'm trying to find out: 1. I don't know what determines the Pokemon Go's CP inside the GoPark, but it seems to change to fit the game's CP once the pokemon is caught. 2. I don't know if there will be a problem with copying the same pokemon file in multiple slots. The resulting pokemon will have different speed stats, so I think it's okay but not sure. 3. I don't know what theSlayer means by there's more to geotagging than just text. I couldn't figure out what bytes he is referring to. 4. There's still a lot of values that are not explained in Kaphotic's link. The jumbled characters starting at 0x38 is... not even confusing, it's just, I feel like an illiterate dumbass. Welp, that about sums up today's afternoon. Thank you Kaphotics and theSLAYER. This got me really interested in learning more (I don't think this is coding.. Is this hacking?). Can anyone tell me where to start? I barely remember beginner's Java from school many years ago. I'd eventually like to make programs like PKHeX, or contribute to the hacking scene. Also, GitHub seems like such a cool place. If you guys have any inclination on opening my eyes to the knowledge of computer stuff that you guys know, please tell me how you guys got into doing these stuff and where I can start learning more.
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