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King Feraligatr

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  1. This is on my desktop, so those power options aren't as prominent. Granted, the ROM I'm playing has to be played on Citra's more experimental and less stable branch (Canary as opposed the Nightly), so performance issues aren't out of the question with that.
  2. It's okay. More testing has made me feel that the emulator is more the issue as you said. I'm getting fine FPS even with the modified code.bin as long as I don't restart the ROM too much.
  3. I only play the ROMs on Citra, so SD cards are a non factor for me.
  4. I've consistently been unable to use most, if not all, ExeFS changes in ROM hacks. As far as I know, I'm unbuilding the ROM correctly using HackingToolKit3DS V9 and I know the changes show up correctly in PK3DS. However, when I go to rebuild the ROM with HackingToolKit3DS and fire up the ROM in Citra, those ExeFS changes never show up. I've even tried rebuilding .bin file for the ExeFS, to no avail. I have no idea what's going on and how to fix these issues. I've managed to get around a few of these issues with crude methods (like making the items available on the Pokemon themselves to get around Gen 6 mart changes), but it'd be nice to be able to use these hacks' ExeFS changes. Any help fixing these problems would be appreciated. I did not install any of the games' updates via .cia or the like, so I know that's not overriding anything. Edit: It seems I got things working now. To think it was as simple as removing the period in front of ".code.bin"...... Edit 2: Using the hacks' own code.bin causes way more stuttering and FPS drops than using the original code.bin. Maybe if you could recompress it.... Edit 3: Due to the horrid FPS drops with the ROM hack's code.bin, I'm just going to keep using the original code.bin. The changes in it aren't worth the FPS drops. At least I know how to make code.bin changes go through though.
  5. Hello there. I'm working on a personal hack of Ultra Moon and when I've been trying to edit the species of a static encounter (everything else is fine though), I get this nasty looking error: https://pastebin.com/9Pd02Gay . Not aborting the operation causes that static encounter to disappear off the list as well (I'm not dumb enough to save after doing that though). I don't know if it's an error on my end, but I'd like some help or insight into what's causing it, barring an out of bounds array index.
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