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Posts posted by erikl

  1. When I am randomizing my item shops it doesn't go through, is there a reason for this? When I go back to change it the item shops don't stay randomized. I press save everytime btw. The shops display normal items everytime I go  in and look after I randomized them and saved them.


    Also if I randomize the encounters and then start playing, is there a way to go back and change something, such as the level of the wild pokemon and go back and change it? I was using the 0/8/2 encounter data to change that.

    The reason I don't want to do it all over again is because I change the evolution levels of the pokemon which takes a long time so I just want to edit some things because if I do it again i would have to edit all the evolution levels from scratch.

    If there is a way to save evolution preferences then I would do that

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