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Posts posted by Slorix

  1. 10 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    Sounds like you're using a save manager that doesn't automatically delete secure value.
    (it'll be good if you tell us the name of the save manager.)

    If you see the option delete secure value in your save editor, when selecting that particular game, opt for it (after injecting the save) then load the game.

    Also, keep a backup of the unmodified and the modified save somewhere on your computer.
    (also let us know if PKHeX can read both)

    I do not have a unmodified backup anymore.... But PKhex was able to read both the (vanilla) save and the edited version which I was trying to import.

    The save manager I used is called Save Manager in my Homebrew channel. Its from profi200 i suppose.

    The only thing i can select in that manager is export save and import save just by hitting "A" or "B".

  2. Hello.

    i failed injecting the edited save file into my game...

    Let me explain abit:

    I took the save file and edited some pokemon in my box on the pc. While I was doing this i went on pokemon bank and left it with saving and this probably was a bad idea.

    I think the game recognized that I wanted to inject a save file that was older than the one I had before and then it got corrupted.

    Do you have any ideas on how to fix this?

    I tried JKSM but i dont understand the latest release....

    Edit: I justed save file manager which comes with the homebrew starter kit to make the backup and import the save file.

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