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Posts posted by TrisserT

  1. Back again with a request! I was wondering if it was possible to guarantee a certain % of a pokemon level up moves as damaging moves. I've been loving the ordered-by-power randomized learnset, but occasionally some pokemon have way to many status moves. This is only a problem really against trainers since it takes away a lot of the challenge. It'd be nice if I can use the randomized level-up learnsets and check the "ensure # damaging moves" and "ensure # stab moves", but thats only when you use random moves from the trainers tab, which would make them different from the random level-up moves like I'm trying to use. Sorry if I worded that confusingly! Let me know whenever you find a sec! :D Thanks.

    P.S. It seems in the randomized, order by damage level up moveset, leech life is the first move a majority of bug types learn. It is listed as 80 power in the move data, but is it somehow being marked as the old 20 power when being sorted? Just thought I'd let you know!

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